Hey look it's a meme!

Dec 18, 2011 05:14

     The Common Knowledge Meme     
While Luceti might seem pretty big, for a village, it's actually rather small. Naturally, there are a lot of characters out there who've probably never threaded before, but should realistically know each other. And since it'd be impossible to thread out every second of every day, here's something that might make ( Read more... )

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Sarah's Dudes kittanylilac December 17 2011, 20:17:10 UTC
Neither of whom are very dudely.


Fon Master Ion soreplaceable December 17 2011, 20:20:52 UTC
Things Anyone Would Know
Ion spends most of his free time at the library. During the summer, he reads in the plaza or in the cherry tree grove north of the village. During the winter, he either stays in the library or returns home to read. He doesn't necessarily keep to himself, so any library-goer might have had a conversation with him at some point or another.

His favorite place to eat in the plaza is Seventh Heaven, but he's only ever there for lunch. DINNER IS FAMILY TIME.

He goes to school every day like a good student at least, when he's not sick which is a lot. And he probably offers to help tutor people on the side if they need help. This could be a cute CR opportunity if anyone wants to go for it!

He's described in-game as looking "so pale he looks like he's about to die". ಠ__ಠ

On that note, he also doesn't wear his robes every day. Or very often, really. Though his usual outfits still tend to be more loose and cover-all. He loves sweaters and scarves /secretly fabulous??He gets sick at least once a month, and much more ( ... )


lostinmyway December 18 2011, 03:46:40 UTC
So, since Grune visits the clinic a couple of times a week, these two have probably run into each other a few times. She would've kept him company and brought him flowers and stuff. Maybe we could thread this out sometime?


soreplaceable December 18 2011, 09:07:59 UTC
Aww, that'd be cute. ;w; It'd have to be during a time when he'd be pretty sick though... he goes to the clinic a lot, but not to stay there. Just to see a doctor in case it's something more serious (like, he's in bed for 3-4 days). Usually he feels better being at home when he's sick. |D


lostinmyway December 18 2011, 19:46:18 UTC
Aw, that's too bad. Well, if he ever does end up in the clinic for a longer stay, Grune can totally visit him. ♥


Kari Nijihi magicalesbian December 17 2011, 21:03:56 UTC
Things Anyone Would Know
She's always in the library. Every day. And for the most part, she keeps to herself in a quiet corner with a giant stack of books next to her.
Currently, she doesn't go to school.
She has a few visible scars around her upper arms from injuries sustained while transformed. Most of the worst ones that would never be seen are covered with clothing.
Anyone who has ever talked to her might notice she is significantly friendlier towards women than men. If said woman is a cute girl close to her age, her face gets red when she talks.
Her favorite place to eat is Ucchan's Okonomiyaki. She's there for dinner at least three times a week.
She lives in CH 7. Haven't picked a room yet so she's not listed. |D
She doesn't look a thing like Hoshikyo.

Things Most CR Would Know
She's from Japan.
She doesn't seem very social. Because she isn't. lol nothing to see here.

Things Certain People Might KnowIf your character can sense magic, they can sense a very small source from her pendant that remains dormant when she's not ( ... )


lightningcute December 17 2011, 21:23:23 UTC
She lives in CH 7.

O HAI THAR BUILDINGMATE. Is Pao-lin going to be stalked by Kari now? |D


Hoshikyo magicalesbian December 17 2011, 21:04:43 UTC

Things Anyone Would KnowShe doesn't wear much else than her uniform, even in the snow. She actually can't take it off without de-transforming (the shirt is part of her pendant, which can't be removed), so she wears a capelet and some leg warmers pulled up under her skirt to keep from getting frostbite. She isn't as effected by extreme tempertures while transformed, but if she does develope frostbite, it'll hurt when she goes back to being Kari ( ... )


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