Prompt table 2009-10

Apr 06, 2010 23:48

from alphabetsoup here

A is foramuck.
( Glyptodon Amuck)
B is forbric-a-brac.
( Bric-a-brac)
C is forcrow.
( Six Conversations with Crow)
D is fordiatribe.
E is foresoteric.
( Arcane Objects)

F is forflavor.
(The Flavor of the Universe)
G is forgravity.
(What Gravity Brings to the Ground)
H is forhorology.
( Kingdom's End)
I is forineluctable.
( Ineluctable)
J is forjubilee.
( Jubilate Toshiko)

K is forKaboom!
( What Once Was Lost)
L is forleonine.
( Coeur de Lion)
M is forMars.
( Red Planet)
N is fornautical.
( Tacking into the Wind)
O is foropiate.
( Sunnydale Squirrel Revival)

P is forpoint-blank.
( Post-Traumatic Flower Disorder)
Q is forquandary.
( Verbicide)
R is forramshackle.
( Ramshackle)
S is forspartan.
T is forthief.
( Larceny for Fun and Profit)

U is forugly.
( What's the Opposite of Pathetic Fallacy?)
V is forvex.
( Eohippus)
W is forwhilom.
(Three Scenes from a Business Partnership)
X is forXanadu.
( Anywhere But Here)
Y is foryin.
( As the Sun Moves Across the Sky)

Z is forzombie.
( Cravings)

Goal: finish this table in one year. (Posted 6 April 2009.)
Update 6 April 2010: almost did it! "Whilom" is written just waiting on revisions. and posted April 25.


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