Torchwood drabble: Cravings

Jun 09, 2009 06:24

Title: Cravings
Author: rustydog
Character: Owen
Rating/warnings: PG13 for very mild mentions of adult pleasures and one mild swear
Spoilers: mid-season 2
Note: Written for and cross-posted on writercon100

Fresh pineapple. Salt-and-vinegar crisps. A greasy English breakfast, at noon, after you've slept til eleven. Good porn after a bad day. Good beer before you're too drunk to taste it. That first cup of coffee the morning after the beer and porn. The brush of a woman's hair as you lean around to kiss her neck...

Owen had stopped watching television; it was just a feast of unfeedable cravings now.

But by god, he could ironically enjoy a zombie movie like no one else. He slipped Shaun of the Dead into the DVD player and reached for his crisps.


torchwood, owen harper, drabble

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