Title: Tacking into the Wind
rustydogCharacters: Captain Jack
Rating: G
Spoilers: metaphor-based spoilers for 2x12 Fragments
Notes: Written for
tw100 challenge 124 (Star Trek reverse fandom) and
writercon100; prompt was a ST:DS9 episode of the same title.
{tacking - Nautical To bring (a vessel) into the wind in order to change course or direction.}
Sometimes it's easy, changing the course of your life: you see a passing ship, seize it, let the prevailing winds carry you somewhere new. With his charm and skill, Jack had made a decent pirate. But he'd abandoned it when, once upon a time, another captain invited him on board.
Sometimes it's hard: whichever way the wind is blowing, you lean in, head down, shoulders set, hands steady on the wheel.
Crossing into the twenty-first century, Jack was adrift, his crew lost. He could abandon the vessel, swim for shore, or...
He took the wheel and headed into the wind.