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ladyknightanka March 23 2012, 18:55:44 UTC
lol, Yes, honey, anyone can prompt. If fact, I insist my wife-to-be does. ♥

Tony Stark has that effect on women and men and Steve.


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Buy Out My Shares - PG - (Steve has a run in with the boss) - 1/2 ladyknightanka March 31 2012, 19:04:57 UTC
A/N: AU. Steve isn't frozen, but can't age and works at Stark Industries. ♥

Buy Out My SharesSteve's boss sits in a swivel chair, behind his mahogany desk, with a smug smirk on his hairy pug-dog face. “You know, Rogers,” he says, as he circles a finger around the rim of his wine glass, “this is the fifth time you've been late ( ... )


confetticas March 23 2012, 04:14:11 UTC
This is a beautiful, wonderful thing in a multitude of ways, lovely! *smishes* ♥

I'm just going to be terribly predictable and say...... kidfic! XD


Thunder Catnap - PG - (When Thor gets de-aged, Steve and Tony take care of him) - 1/1 ladyknightanka March 24 2012, 02:54:02 UTC
A/N: No, YOU'RE beautiful and wonderful. I had fun with this. Thank you, bb.

Thunder CatnapIt's only when they're back at the manor that Steve gets a good look at the child he hefted there. One of his cornflower blue eyes hides under a too-big, tilted helmet. In fact, it's so big that it shields half of his face, but Steve can still see long strands of blond hair beneath it. They curl soft over the junior Avenger t-shirt Pepper acquired short notice for him ( ... )


Re: Thunder Catnap - PG - (When Thor gets de-aged, Steve and Tony take care of him) - 1/1 confetticas March 24 2012, 05:04:54 UTC
Oh my god, I adore this to pieces! XD Little Thor is awesome, and oh Steve! I just love this so much! Thank you so much, lovely!

Also, WE'RE beautiful and wonderful, then. :P ♥

LOVE this! *smishes*


Re: Thunder Catnap - PG - (When Thor gets de-aged, Steve and Tony take care of him) - 1/1 ladyknightanka March 25 2012, 00:55:37 UTC
Thank you so much, bb. Little Thor was fun to write and I imagine Steve being great with even the most rambunctious of children. After all, your niece loves him, right? ;)

~Everything's beautiful and wonderful today. ♫ ♥


casness March 23 2012, 04:21:36 UTC
I basically linked you all the ones that I loved and kept reading and rereading. The only other thing is to take a look at cap_ironman and maybe even ask there. They might have a great Steve/Tony recs to offer as well.

Not sure if you saw these yet:
Here is the Steve/Tony or Captain America/Iron Man Ship Manifesto, which includes some great material on them and fanfic recs

Also Writing Captain America/Iron Man. Hope this helps!

Prompt: the two of them having lunch


A Months Gets Lunch - PG - (Tony surprises Steve with a sweet gesture) - 1/1 ladyknightanka March 25 2012, 01:43:16 UTC
A/N: ILU. Thanks for these links and all the awesome stuff before. Hope you like this, love, even though it's the build up to their lunch, rather than lunch itself. XD

A Month Gets Lunch

There's a lull in villain activity for a few weeks. Even Loki seems to have better things to do than bother the Avengers, which obviously irks Thor, but the rest of them are fine with it, especially Steve. He became Captain America in the first place to protect people, but he's perfectly content to think no one needs protection. That's the best possible outcome for everyone, heroes and civilians alike ( ... )


Re: A Months Gets Lunch - PG - (Tony surprises Steve with a sweet gesture) - 1/1 casness March 25 2012, 03:22:56 UTC
~hugs~ I love you for this. Glad that you enjoyed the links. :) ♥


Re: A Months Gets Lunch - PG - (Tony surprises Steve with a sweet gesture) - 1/1 ladyknightanka March 25 2012, 03:38:12 UTC
Love you, too, bb. You're welcome. I'm having such fun with these and enjoying the links; how to write Steve/Tony and the manifesto are especially helpful for technical details. :D


lady_peony March 23 2012, 04:41:45 UTC
This is silly, but have I recced you any Steve/Tony fics before? Because this feels like something I remember doing, but I am not sure.


ladyknightanka March 24 2012, 23:38:35 UTC
No, I don't think we've discussed the Avengers before. I'd love recs, though, bb. :D


lady_peony March 25 2012, 22:40:43 UTC
Yup I FOUND THEM YES. Here is a list of must-read Steve/Tony fics I recced to another friend awhile ago, and I hope you enjoy them!

it should follow, you know this (like the panels of a comic strip) More of a Tony character study piece, then a shippy fic, but the writing is lovely.

Ready, Fire, Aim I really liked this one, the voices of all the Avengers and assorted characters were great, and the dialogue was perfect.

be angry at the sun for setting One of my absolute favorites, because who doesn't love an Avengers-Supernatural fusion fic, I'd like to know.

One Hundred Percent Skill, Fifty Percent Luck There is a poker game and other stuff happens.

Two Out of Three (Ain't Bad) Oh Tony.

Team Building Activities AHAHAHAHAHA, everyone ships them.

Semaphore Excellent character interaction, and resolutions of misunderstandings here.

Indecent Proposal FLUFF. :D

Tomorrow Belongs To Me
A nice long relationship-building kind of fic.


ladyknightanka March 26 2012, 00:48:47 UTC
Wow, thank you so, so much, bb. I will be systematically devouring each and every one of these for the whole course of this week. THANK YOU! 8D ♥


nileflood March 23 2012, 06:18:00 UTC
This is so, so awesome penguin lady!

Okay, how about... Steve conquering his technophobia in order to help/impress Tony?


An Offer You Shouldn't Refuse - PG - (Steve is hurt when Tony refuses his help in his lab) - 1/1 ladyknightanka March 25 2012, 19:37:40 UTC
For posterity, here is the link to your fic, love. #OCD ♥


Re: An Offer You Shouldn't Refuse - PG - (Steve is hurt when Tony refuses his help in his lab) - nileflood March 26 2012, 07:22:21 UTC
You are made of love, you know that? <3


Re: An Offer You Shouldn&#39;t Refuse - PG - (Steve is hurt when Tony refuses his help in his lab) - ladyknightanka March 26 2012, 12:08:11 UTC
No, you are. I'm glad you enjoyed it, bb. ♥


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