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ladyknightanka March 23 2012, 18:55:44 UTC
lol, Yes, honey, anyone can prompt. If fact, I insist my wife-to-be does. ♥

Tony Stark has that effect on women and men and Steve.


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Buy Out My Shares - PG - (Steve has a run in with the boss) - 1/2 ladyknightanka March 31 2012, 19:04:57 UTC
A/N: AU. Steve isn't frozen, but can't age and works at Stark Industries. ♥

Buy Out My SharesSteve's boss sits in a swivel chair, behind his mahogany desk, with a smug smirk on his hairy pug-dog face. “You know, Rogers,” he says, as he circles a finger around the rim of his wine glass, “this is the fifth time you've been late ( ... )


Re: Buy Out My Shares - PG - (Steve has a run in with the boss) - 2/2 ladyknightanka March 31 2012, 19:06:06 UTC

“M-Mr. Stark,” Steve says at last.

“In the flesh,” Tony replies, then chuckles like there's a joke Steve's not in on.

Steve purses his lips together. “What are you doing here?” he asks.

Tony quirks his eyebrows and says, “That's my name on the wall outside, isn't it? I can use whatever bathroom I'd like.”

“Oh, uh, of course.” Steve's cheeks flare red. He moves to exit the bathroom, but Tony is in his way and doesn't take a hint, at least until Steve stammers, “Can I, er, that is, I have to get going.”

“Sure, sure,” Tony answers, accompanied by a flippant flick of his wrist. He stands aside, pressed against the wall of sinks now, and Steve starts out, but pauses when he hears Tony say, “Don't worry so much about Obadiah.” Steve whips around to gape and Tony shrugs. “He takes himself way too seriously, but wouldn't know a real serious matter if it tugged him on his beard. I wouldn't let him fire you over nothing ( ... )


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Re: Buy Out My Shares - PG - (Steve has a run in with the boss) - 2/2 ladyknightanka March 31 2012, 19:20:02 UTC
Thank you, bb! Twirling!Darth is a better reaction than I hoped for! 8D


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Re: Buy Out My Shares - PG - (Steve has a run in with the boss) - 2/2 ladyknightanka March 31 2012, 19:24:55 UTC
No, you are. ♥


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Re: Buy Out My Shares - PG - (Steve has a run in with the boss) - 2/2 ladyknightanka March 31 2012, 19:30:59 UTC
Okay, we're both awesome, the end. ♥


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