Avenge for a Good Cause?

Mar 22, 2012 23:54

AKA, the one in which I try my hand at a new fandom, good lord. rainbow_support has started taking bids; it's a community supporting LGBTQIA friendly charities. You can find my thread here. Someone who bid on me is interested in Steve/Tony fic. I've been writing some Avengers drabbles on twitter, but I really want to get more practice. I don't want to write someone sucky fic, especially if they're a) paying for it and b) doing it for a good cause. So...

Please give me Steve/Tony prompts. You can ask for pretty much anything (i.e. AU, porn, etc.). My few requirements are, 1) please have prompts in by the weekend, as I also have to dent my spn_adambang in that time, and 2) please prompt only with drabbles in mind. I wish I could write you all long, epic things, but I just don't have the time. Drabbles generally have a quicker turnaround -- generally being the operative word, since I still haven't finished these. I want to get more comfortable with Steve/Tony, though, and doing so while giving you guys something cool would be awesome. ♥

While we're on the topic, any Steve/Tony recs I absolutely must read? REC ME ALL THE THINGS. 8D

prompt me, discussion: big bang, life: livejournal related, fandom: avengers, genre: slash, challenge: charity, word count: 1000-4999, pimp: websites/communities, word count: 100-999, activity: meme, fanfiction, fanfiction: to be written, pairing: steve rogers/tony stark

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