It's a Parade! Meme time!

Dec 20, 2011 22:03

School has finally ended for me! If you're on my twitter, or even if you've read some of my more recent non-fic entries, I've alluded to what a trainwreck semester it's been. I haven't been doing bad via grades, but honestly, I was at the point where I wasn't sleeping, barely eating, just stressing out 24/7, so I'm relieved by a month off. I needed it. \0/

I only have one project imminently due, now that Suits big bang is done: suits_exchange. Unfortunately, I haven't made much progress thanks to focus on finals, but I'm going to crack down. Thought about doing spn_j2_bigbang again and even had an idea for it ( Valperga fusion, which will someday get written). I'd really rather just write some low-stakes, fun things, though. And this brings us to the point of this entry. Sshh, you know by now I ramble. It's a process.

I'M WRITING GIFT!FICS AGAIN! Open to everyone ever, leave a fandom, pairing and prompt (gen or slash). I'll write you a 500-1000 word ficlet, give or take. As you know, I'm in Supernatural (pretty much anyone/anyone, though Adam prompts are love), Suits (Harvey/Mike), Criminal Minds (Reid/anyone), and others, but I'm open to trying Thor (Thor/Loki), Merlin (Arthur/Merlin, Merlin/Gwaine)... You know what, throw any fandom that I've ever mentioned at me and I'm sure something will spawn from my twisted mind. 0:D

prompt me, fandom: criminal minds, life: school, pairing: michael/adam milligan, fandom: supernatural, genre: crossover, life: annoying, pimp: my own fics, pimp: contests/challenges, activity: meme, fandom: suits, fanfiction: to be written, discussion: big bang, word count: 5000-9999, fandom: multiple, genre: canon/minor au, pairing: lucifer/sam winchester, pairing: castiel/dean winchester, pairing: wincest, life: hope, picspam, pairing: castiel/sam winchester, fanfiction: oneshot, life: holidays, genre: gen, fanfiction

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