[suitsbigbang masterpost]: Chicken Soup for the Cursed Soul - NC-17 - 3 Parts

Dec 16, 2011 13:52

A/N: This project was so fulfilling to me for so many reasons. The feeling of victory you get when you finish a big bang is always worthwhile, particularly if it seems like you've improved this time. Also, I got to work on genres I've always wanted, but never had the opportunity to - case!fic for two of my favorite shows, something a little darker than I usually write, and a multichapter crossover fic. I couldn't have done it without my special snowflakes, synnerxx, zekkass, _bluebells, corsykittybballgirl3022 and the rest of my friends, who both cheered me on and gave me a swift kick in the keyboard via wordwars when I really needed them. My lovely beta, spydot, was an absolute goddess, particularly since I was, in turn, a slacker. Not to mention my artist, loverstar...well, she's so immensely talented, her final piece took my breath away, as I know it will yours. And, last but not least, sbbmod kept us all on task. I've been really lucky for this enriching experience. Thank you all for an awesome first round of suitsbigbang. LET'S ROCK SOME SOCKS WITH OUR BABY FANDOM! ♥

Title: Chicken Soup for the Cursed Soul
Author: ladyknightanka
Characters/Pairing(s): Harvey/Mike and the Winchesters
Word Count: 22k
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Graphic sexual content, noncon (involving demonic possession), light bondage, minor Harvey/demon/Mike, original character death (one instance somewhat graphic), explicit language, violence, some blood/gore (in erotic and other contexts), serious character whump, angst of Winchester proportions and occasional instances of inappropriate humor.
Notes/Disclaimer: Crossover with the TV show Supernatural. Incorporates characters from Suits and Supernatural. Spoilers for S1 of Suits and very minor spoilers for S7 of Supernatural. A teeny bit AU. The title is inspired by the Chicken Soup book series and is a pun on the surname Campbell. I chose the male symbol below because this whole fic is an excuse for bromance. No popculture references belong to me.
Art: The gorgeous art is courtesy of the wonderful loverstar.
Summary: Upon Mary's death, another one of the Campbells, a female cousin, escaped the hunting life. She and her husband die in a mysterious accident a decade later, leaving their seven year old son, Mike, in his grandmother's care. Although he's been like a little brother to them, the Winchesters haven't seen Mike since Sam left for Stanford, when a case in New York suddenly throws them all together again. Mike is not aware of the supernatural world, but it, unfortunately, knows all about him.

1. The Ross Family Reunion2. Bullseye Pattered Skinny Tie3. All Lawyers Go to Hell

fanfiction: multichapter, genre: slash, masterpost: big bang, fanfiction: big bang, fandom: supernatural, genre: crossover, fandom: suits, character: harvey specter, fandom: multiple, genre: canon/minor au, pairing: harvey specter/mike ross, character: mike ross, character: sam winchester, word count: 20000-49999, masterpost, fanfiction, character: dean winchester

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