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A Months Gets Lunch - PG - (Tony surprises Steve with a sweet gesture) - 1/1 ladyknightanka March 25 2012, 01:43:16 UTC
A/N: ILU. Thanks for these links and all the awesome stuff before. Hope you like this, love, even though it's the build up to their lunch, rather than lunch itself. XD

A Month Gets Lunch

There's a lull in villain activity for a few weeks. Even Loki seems to have better things to do than bother the Avengers, which obviously irks Thor, but the rest of them are fine with it, especially Steve. He became Captain America in the first place to protect people, but he's perfectly content to think no one needs protection. That's the best possible outcome for everyone, heroes and civilians alike.

Instead, Steve stays in his room with the art utensils Tony bought for him, occasionally strays to have dinner or spar with his teammates, and more often than not spends nights with Tony. They've been dating a month already, but keeping it on the 'down low', as Tony likes to call it.

That's why Steve startles when Tony shows up suddenly at his doorway and says, “C'mon.”

“Come on?” Steve repeats, eyes wide. Tony just nods, teeth glinting white in the sunlight that beams through every Stark manor room's gargantuan windows. Steve purses his lips, then says, “Are the Avengers assembling?”

“Nope,” Tony replies. Steve furrows his forehead and inquires if any of their fellow heroes will be joining them, only to receive the same monosyllabic answer.

“Tony,” Steve says, eyebrows dipped in vexation now, but Tony merely reaches forward to grab him by the wrist, shaking his hand till his paint-brush thunks to the floor.

“Don't 'Tony' me,” he answers with a wider grin, ignorant to the red stain on Steve's formerly pristine white carpet. “Just go with it, gorgeous.”

Steve's cheeks pink and he stammers, “B-but I'm not even dressed,” the fingers of his free hand, the hand Tony doesn't clutch, splayed to display several paint splotches on his white t-shirt, too.

“And you're still gorgeous,” Tony says, breath warm in Steve's face, because he's angled into the patriotic hero's space.

Steve stares into Tony's brown eyes. They glimmer with amusement, but aren't insincere. Steve forces a curt nod. “Okay.”

“Okay?” Tony mimes. Steve nods his head again and Tony pumps a victorious fist, which surprises a laugh from Steve's dry throat.

Tony holds his hand all the way down the grand staircase, through the ground floor of the manor, in the face of their teammates' admittedly non-judgmental, if surprised, gazes, all the way out the door. There's a car waiting for them there, not quite a limo, but simple and elegant - stark.

“What's going on?” Steve asks once they're inside, quiet even though there's a partition separating them from the driver. Tony's still holding his hand, so Steve clenches the empty one into his worn blue jeans.

Tony sends him a sideways look. “Nothing. Everything. We're...a month.”

“Yeah,” Steve breathes. He can't help but stare at Tony, but replaces his shock with a lopsided grin when the older man - not counting the decades Steve spent cryogenically frozen - begins to fidget. “I didn't think you'd remember.”

“I remember. I remember lots of stuff,” Tony says. He shrugs his shoulders and glances out the window. Steve almost thinks he doesn't want to talk about it anymore, but a minute later, Tony turns to meet his eyes again, a smirk crooking his lips. “For a month, you get lunch. Anything more would be too sappy, yeah?”

“Oh, of course,” Steve agrees, head bowed in indulgence. His blue eyes darken like an ocean after a storm and he squeezes Tony's fingers, leaning into him. “But what do I get after a month?”

It's Tony's turn to scrutinize him. Steve doesn't let himself look away. It doesn't take long for Tony to chuckle. “You'll have to stick around and find out, Captain Confidence.”

“I wouldn't dream of doing anything else,” Steve says, then molds their grooved mouths together in a kiss.


Re: A Months Gets Lunch - PG - (Tony surprises Steve with a sweet gesture) - 1/1 casness March 25 2012, 03:22:56 UTC
~hugs~ I love you for this. Glad that you enjoyed the links. :) ♥


Re: A Months Gets Lunch - PG - (Tony surprises Steve with a sweet gesture) - 1/1 ladyknightanka March 25 2012, 03:38:12 UTC
Love you, too, bb. You're welcome. I'm having such fun with these and enjoying the links; how to write Steve/Tony and the manifesto are especially helpful for technical details. :D


Re: A Months Gets Lunch - PG - (Tony surprises Steve with a sweet gesture) - 1/1 bellacatbee March 25 2012, 09:19:19 UTC
I love Tony being romantic and remembering and being so embarrassed by it. Steve's going to stick around Tony. He's that kind of guy. He is Captain America after all.


Re: A Months Gets Lunch - PG - (Tony surprises Steve with a sweet gesture) - 1/1 ladyknightanka March 25 2012, 19:31:32 UTC
Steve won't let Tony go or allow Tony's secret angst over failing the relationship get to him. The two of them will be together forever.

So happy you liked it, bb. ♥


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