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Thunder Catnap - PG - (When Thor gets de-aged, Steve and Tony take care of him) - 1/1 ladyknightanka March 24 2012, 02:54:02 UTC
A/N: No, YOU'RE beautiful and wonderful. I had fun with this. Thank you, bb.

Thunder Catnap

It's only when they're back at the manor that Steve gets a good look at the child he hefted there. One of his cornflower blue eyes hides under a too-big, tilted helmet. In fact, it's so big that it shields half of his face, but Steve can still see long strands of blond hair beneath it. They curl soft over the junior Avenger t-shirt Pepper acquired short notice for him.

“So...” Clint starts to say, as he sets an arm around Natasha's shoulders, “Black Widow and I had planned to spar today. You don't need our help, do you?”

Natasha shirks off Clint's touch and adds, “Hawkeye really needs the training.” She ignores the look Clint shoots her way.

Steve opens his mouth to reply, but it's Tony, armor already disengaged, who says, “Just go.” Relief paints stark over Clint's face. Natasha, too, smiles and nods. The two of them hurry out before minds can be changed.

Only Bruce Banner remains, shirtless, arms hugged around himself, expression pinched. “I'd also rather go,” he murmurs. “I'm not...good with children.”

“Yeah, yeah, fine,” Tony says, with an easy flick of his wrist. Bruce retreats up the grand staircase and Tony directs his attention to the child, to Thor. “Warned you not to piss off your brother, bud.”

“I-I did not...” Thor trails off and his eyes brim with tears. Before either adult Avenger can do anything, he's shrieking. Tony plugs his ears with his fingers and Steve glowers at him, then relocates to sit beside Thor, so he can awkwardly pat his small back. “I cannot pick up my hammer,” Thor wails.

“There, there, Thor,” Steve says, meeting Tony's gaze helplessly.

Tony looks away and thumbs in a direction out of the room. “I, uh, need to get a drink. My blood sugar's low. You understand.” He's out before Steve can answer.

Steve sighs and gathers Thor up in his arms. He tries not to flinch when he feels a wet little face wipe across his shoulder. With his free hand, he grabs his shield, then begins the journey upstairs, to his room.

“You can stay here with me tonight,” he tells Thor with a smile, his mask now tossed aside and the de-aged Avenger on his bed. “Perhaps we can watch some cartoons you like?”

Thor sniffs. “Thundercats?”

“Okay,” Steve agrees readily, although he doesn't know what cats have to do with thunder. Maybe Thor likes it because he's the god of thunder, but Steve's not too sure.

All he knows is, Thor clutches Steve's pillow, blue eyes riveted to the seventy inch TV screen Tony put in every bedroom, as anthropomorphic feline characters slash and converse. When it's over, Thor yawns and asks, “'Venture Time now?”

Steve glances at the old wind-up clock on his bedside table. There's a digital model on his wall, too, and even though it's simpler to gauge time with that, he prefers watching the hands of his ancient clock tick. It's only nine o'clock.

Thor rubs one of his eyes with a balled up fist and Steve smiles gently. “I think you should try to sleep.”

“'M not tired,” Thor protests, but he shifts slightly to lie down. Steve gets up and tugs his blanket over Thor's small form.

“We'll get you fixed up tomorrow,” he promises. It's a whispers because Thor's breathing doesn't take very long to even out.

Steve almost undoes his efforts to put Thor down, however, when Tony says, “You're really good with kids, huh?” from the doorway, not particularly loud, but enough that Steve jumps.

“Oh, hello, Tony,” Steve mumbles by way of answer, cheeks red. The other man has his shoulder propped against Steve's door-hinge, a smirk on his lips, brown eyes sable as melted chocolate. Steve rubs his bicep for lack of anything better to do.

Tony tracks the motion for a moment, then says, “C'mon, let's go get some dinner. Change into something more comfortable and we can order takeout. Thai sound good?”

“O-okay.” Steve nods. The warmth of his face doesn't recede, even upon Tony's exit. Steve looks at Thor again, notes the sleepy smile he wears, and his own mouth shapes to match. It hasn't been a bad night at all.


Re: Thunder Catnap - PG - (When Thor gets de-aged, Steve and Tony take care of him) - 1/1 confetticas March 24 2012, 05:04:54 UTC
Oh my god, I adore this to pieces! XD Little Thor is awesome, and oh Steve! I just love this so much! Thank you so much, lovely!

Also, WE'RE beautiful and wonderful, then. :P ♥

LOVE this! *smishes*


Re: Thunder Catnap - PG - (When Thor gets de-aged, Steve and Tony take care of him) - 1/1 ladyknightanka March 25 2012, 00:55:37 UTC
Thank you so much, bb. Little Thor was fun to write and I imagine Steve being great with even the most rambunctious of children. After all, your niece loves him, right? ;)

~Everything's beautiful and wonderful today. ♫ ♥


Re: Thunder Catnap - PG - (When Thor gets de-aged, Steve and Tony take care of him) - 1/1 confetticas March 25 2012, 01:07:19 UTC
*smishes* you're welcome, lovely. Thank YOU. Little Thor is still absolutely adorable, btw. I agree with you about Steve being able to handle the most rambunctious of kids, definitely! Yup, L adores him. Everything is allll about Captain America. Except that I finally, finally got her to like Iron Man, too! XD

hehe, I'm glad your having a good day, darling! XD ♥


Re: Thunder Catnap - PG - (When Thor gets de-aged, Steve and Tony take care of him) - 1/1 ladyknightanka March 25 2012, 01:45:46 UTC
Yay for that, bb. L needs to learn, Cap and Iron Man just GO together, you know? Can't have one without the other. XD


Re: Thunder Catnap - PG - (When Thor gets de-aged, Steve and Tony take care of him) - 1/1 confetticas March 25 2012, 04:45:01 UTC
Totally! XD


Re: Thunder Catnap - PG - (When Thor gets de-aged, Steve and Tony take care of him) - 1/1 ladyknightanka March 25 2012, 19:30:05 UTC


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Re: Thunder Catnap - PG - (When Thor gets de-aged, Steve and Tony take care of him) - 1/1 ladyknightanka March 25 2012, 03:12:50 UTC
Tee-hee, you KNOW that would be Thor's biggest issue with being de-aged. So glad you liked it, hon. I'll try to get to yours soon; your prompt is awesome. ♥


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Re: Thunder Catnap - PG - (When Thor gets de-aged, Steve and Tony take care of him) - 1/1 ladyknightanka March 25 2012, 19:27:23 UTC
Thanks, bb. It shouldn't take TOO long. *crosses fingers* ♥


Re: Thunder Catnap - PG - (When Thor gets de-aged, Steve and Tony take care of him) - 1/1 bellacatbee March 25 2012, 09:15:52 UTC
Tiny Thor is adorable and whatever he did to upset Loki I bet Loki was not expecting this level of cuteness! He watches Thudercats!

Tony and Steve were also sweet but tiny Thor stole the show.


Re: Thunder Catnap - PG - (When Thor gets de-aged, Steve and Tony take care of him) - 1/1 ladyknightanka March 25 2012, 19:29:40 UTC
Loki wasn't. Even though they grew up together, he forgot how adorable Thor was, and if Steve's not careful, Loki will kidnap his brother to dote over him a while. XD

Thank you, bb. As soon as I saw kidfic, I wanted to write tiny!Thor, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. :D


Re: Thunder Catnap - PG - (When Thor gets de-aged, Steve and Tony take care of him) - 1/1 bellacatbee March 25 2012, 20:21:06 UTC
I'm now just imagining Loki brining a back Tiny!Thor who's covered in ice-cream to Steve and being like "He needs a wash. I took him to an amusement park."

And on the evening news there'd be "Amusement Park closed due to rampaging Gods" with photos of Loki and Thor on the log ride.


Re: Thunder Catnap - PG - (When Thor gets de-aged, Steve and Tony take care of him) - 1/1 ladyknightanka March 25 2012, 23:28:58 UTC
I just pictured this and burst out laughing. STOP MAKING ME WANT TO EXPAND THIS. ...I love you, bb. XD


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