Myojo, March 2013 Arioka Daiki "Girlfriend" Translation

Jan 26, 2013 20:36

Next up we have Dai-chan's answers♥♪
Enjoy~ :DD

Other member's answers:
Yamada♥- Chinen♥-YutoYabuHikaru

1.What would you say if you were to confess from a superior point of view?

“Try closing your eyes! By the time you open them, you will already be my girlfriend”

I’d be ignoring the other side’s opinion completely. Making her my girlfriend on my own accord, how is it?!

2.If you were to give your girlfriend an order, what would it be?

It’s gotta be, “Wake me up!” right?  I’m weak when it comes to mornings, so I’d seriously want her

to wake me up. If she woke me up with a gentle kiss, I’d be happy every day.

3.What kind of prank would you like to try on your girlfriend?

While she’s taking a nap, I want to pinch her cheeks. If I were to look at her sleeping face, then I’d want to stay there. The face she’ll make when she oversleeps sounds good too.

4.What side of your girlfriend do you want for only yourself?

Her family oriented side. Whether it be making meals or cleaning, I want her to show only me these things. If she were to make me omuraisu (rice omelette) then I’d feel deeply moved.

5.What kind of actions from a persistent girl would make your heart throb?

The part about her where she looks calm on the outside but is really worried on the inside. Even though her words won’t come out and she’s trying hard to keep it in, she’ll still end up pouting. That’s cute.

6.What would you do if you received chocolate?

I’ll tell her “If I keep eating this chocolate, I won’t have to ever eat other chocolate” with great joy. I want to properly convey my happy feelings.

7.What normal side of yours do you want so show only to her?

I want to spoil my girlfriend once in a while. Anyhow, If I had a girlfriend, I’d cling to her.

If she’d let me sleep on her lap, I’d be super happy♥ I like skin to skin contact~

8.What are the things that you can’t forgive if other girls do it, but is forgivable if she does it?

Cute selfishness. Things like “Take me to the bathroom.” And “Open this bottle for me” I won’t mind.

But if she asks me “Buy me a brand name purse” then I won’t like that!

9.What nickname would you like only your girlfriend to use to call you?

Having my girlfriend call me by a name that only she can call me sounds good. A name that’s good that no one has called me by before is “Da-kun”.
I also want to call her by a nickname.

10.When you’re depressed, what would you want the girl you like to do for you?

She doesn’t have to do anything special and she doesn’t have to say anything either. I just want her to be by my side.
If she allowed me to be closer to her, I’d feel safer.


Daiki *A* Your answers were ♥♥♥
Hope you guys enjoyed it~

translation:scan, myojo:march, arioka daiki, translation:myojo, 2013

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