Myojo, March 2013 Chinen Yuri "Girlfriend" Translation

Jan 26, 2013 02:00

Next up is Chinen Yuri's Q & A for this interview~
Not sure of how effective the way I worded his answer for question 4 is...but i tried lol

Other member's answers: ----> YamadaYutoDaikiYabuHikaru

1.What would you say if you were to confess from a superior point of view?

“Hey, do you like me? Heyyyyy, if you don’t say it clearly then I won’t understand. If you answer

Properly, then I’ll let you go out with me”

2.If you were to give your girlfriend an order, what would it be?

“Make me a meal!! Gyoza sounds good~ I’m kind of in the mood for some beef stroganoff today! I’m looking forward to it♪”

3.What kind of prank would you like to try on your girlfriend?

I want to touch her with my hands when they’re cold! I want to pull on her cheeks. My hands would get warm, and I’d get to see her surprised face. I’d be killing 2 birds with 1 stone (laughs)

4.What side of your girlfriend do you want for only yourself?

Things like farting and blowing her nose.  I dont want her to do it in front of other people.  I dont want all the attention to be on me if she does.

5.What kind of actions from a persistent girl would make your heart throb?

If she said, “I can do it by myself!” Her trying to be strong is cute. I’d want to tell her

“It’s definitely impossible isn’t it?” to tease her.

6.What would you do if you received chocolate?

Before opening the package, I’ll praise her by saying “What a nice scent, you did better than a professional didn’t you?” then I’d tell her “Thank you” in all of the languages from the song that I can remember.

7.What normal side of yours do you want so show only to her?

I might end up being more spoiled than anyone else.  I want her to wake me up and I want her to make my meals. Please take me under your care!

8.What are the things that you can’t forgive if other girls do it, but if forgivable if she does it?

Selfishness. If she was to tell me, “Yuuuuri, Please!” I’d probably give in.
I’m really bad at waking up in the mornings, but if it was for her sake, I’d do my best.

9.What nickname would you like only your girlfriend to use to call you?

“Turn” sounds good. I want to try using it in a place where were spinning in circles. I’d prefer to have names that make no sense at all, so that when we use them, it’ll be only our little secret.

10.When you’re depressed, what would you want the girl you like to do for you?

I want her to make me laugh. By having silly conversations or by making a game…even if it doesn't make me laugh, as long as it cheers me up, I’ll be happy.


Owari :3

Hope you all enjoyed this translation~

translation:scan, chinen yuri, myojo:march, translation:myojo, 2013

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