Myojo, March 2013 Yamada Ryosuke "Girlfriend" Translation

Jan 25, 2013 04:12

Didn't think I'd post more, but then I read through this magazine and fell in love even more
with Hey!Say!JUMP*A*
So i decided to translate Yama-chan's since his answer to number 2 caught my attention xD

Other member's answers: YutoChinenDaikiYabuHikaru

1.What would you say if you were to confess from a superior point of view?

“It’s okay, just go out with me” Because I’m the kind of person that doesn’t think things through and just

goes for confessing right away, I’d have more chances of rejection…

2.If you were to give your girlfriend an order, what would it be?

Dress up like an office lady! While wearing the pants kind of suit, she could have her shirt unbuttoned enough for a sexy glimpse of her chest. That’d be the best♥

3.What kind of prank would you like to try on your girlfriend?

I want to try locking her in a dark room. If she starts to cry while saying “Open the door!” then I’ll let her out. I say that…but I actually would never do that!

4.What side of your girlfriend do you want for only yourself?

Showing skin is only okay in front of me. Wearing a mini skirt in public is not okay.

Maybe wearing tights with the skirt makes it ok.

5.What kind of actions from a persistent girl would make your heart throb?

It’s not very easy to make my heart throb. Ah, but if she were to show only me her weak side that’s different from her usual self, then my heart might throb.

6.What would you do if you received chocolate?

I’d say “Thank you very much”. I think that when I’d get home, and as I enjoy the delicious chocolate, I’ll feel very thankful.

7.What normal side of yours do you want so show only to her?

My weak self. I’d only want to be weak in front of her, because as my partner, I’d want it to be like that. It’d be good if when we’re together I could complain and stuff along with showing her my tears.

8.What are the things that you can’t forgive if other girls do it, but forgivable if she does it?

Eating manners. Dropping food while eating and having a weird way of holding chopsticks bothers me. But if it was the girl I liked, with the exception of cheating on me, I’d forgive her.

9.What nickname would you like only your girlfriend to call you?

Just plain “Ryosuke” is good, and I also want to call her by her first name. If there was a time when we’re with other people, calling me by a weird nickname would be embarrassing.

10.When you’re depressed, what would you want the girl you like to do for you?

If it was the girl I liked, I think that by not saying anything and just being by my side would save me.

If the situation was reversed, then I’d definitely do the same.


Owari :3
Before I noticed, it's now 4am o.o It took 2 hours to translate just this LOL
Now i can go to bed feeling satisfied.
Hope you liked it~

translation:scan, yamada ryosuke, myojo:march, translation:myojo, 2013

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