Myojo, March 2013 Yaotome Hikaru "Girlfriend" Translation

Feb 10, 2013 15:20

Here's Hikaru's answers for Myojo's March issue about love~♥

Took me so long cause of school starting up again x.x So I apologize for the delay D:
Hope you all enjoy^^

Other member's answers: DaikiYutoChinenYabuYamada

1.What would you say if you were to confess from a superior point of view?

“Join me in the steps through life!”

I’d feel embarrassed if I just said “Go out with me”.

It’s a complicated feeling to express but it gets through.

2.If you were to give your girlfriend an order, what would it be?

“Make me a meal that will make me laugh!”

During the times when I’m in a bad mood, if she cooked food for me and it made me laugh, I’d be happy! Chinese food sounds good♪

3.What kind of prank would you like to try on your girlfriend?

Even though she’d cook me something, the moment she finishes, I’ll purposely go and take a nap. But as soon as she leaves the table, I’ll get up and eat everything.

4.What side of your girlfriend do you want for only yourself?

Her magnificent way of swimming like a mermaid. Isn't the way they surface from the water pretty?

Something she can only show me. Only mine!

5.What kind of actions from a persistent girl would make your heart throb?

“Here, have some hot tea. If you blow on it, you’ll be able to drink it!”

I’ll tell her that the tea is hot, but I’ll show her what to do so she can drink it.

6.What would you do if you received chocolate?

“For this delicious chocolate, let’s go together and drink some coffee!”

I’ll propose that, and we’d have a lovely day!

7.What normal side of yours do you want so show only to her?

The times I lie on my sofa with my sleep-wear on and read a book. Because it’s a pose I can only do at home.

8.What are the things that you can’t forgive if other girls do it, but if forgivable if she does it?

Chop! (Karate Chop) If any other girl did it, I’d instantly go against her with an aikido technique. But if it’s my girlfriend’s chop, then I’d say “it hurts it hurts♥”and ask for forgiveness.

9.What nickname would you like only your girlfriend to use to call you?

Rather than something normal, I’d like it if she gave me a nickname. For example, something like “Hikkarun”. It’d be good if she had a nice sense for nicknames.

10.When you’re depressed, what would you want the girl you like to do for you?

Games.  If she’s bad at the game, then I’d end up winning right away. Then, the sulking face that she’ll make while saying “This is boring!” will cheer me up.


Owari :3

What did you all think of Hikaru's answers? x)

translation:scan, myojo:march, hikaru yaotome, translation:myojo, 2013

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