Myojo, March 2013 Nakajima Yuto "Girlfriend" Translation

Jan 26, 2013 18:53

Hi there lovely people♪
Here's Yuto's interview questions :DD

Other member's answers:

1.What would you say if you were to confess from a superior point of view?

“Go out with me.”

Because me confessing from a superior point of view is definitely impossible, for my entire

life, I can only try thinking about it (cries).

2.If you were to give your girlfriend an order, what would it be?

“Do my laundry!”

At home, my parents properly wash my fashionable clothes above all, but because I really don’t know anything about laundry.

3.What kind of prank would you like to try on your girlfriend?

I want to suddenly turn off the lights in her room! Or maybe have all the hot water in the bathroom not come out? That might be fairly harsh(laughs)  But I’d only do up to that!

4.What side of your girlfriend do you want for only yourself?

A girl with a refreshing feel to her, when it’s just the two of us I’d like to see her shy/bashful side.

The moment when she faces a camera and her face turns red might be cute too.

5.What kind of actions from a persistent girl would make your heart throb?

If she had worries, I’d go beside her futon and ask “What’s wrong?”

She’d say “Nothing in particular”. Won’t you tell me?

6.What would you do if you received chocolate?

I’d tell her, “If I don’t eat it, it’ll be a waste” and take a photo right before doing so. The time

Before I eat it will be hot (laughs)

7.What normal side of yours do you want so show only to her?

Maybe,  when I wake up. Although the sight of my messy hair might lower the tension, please forgive me.

Because I’m bad at waking up in the mornings, if she woke me up, I’d be happy.

8.What are the things that you can’t forgive if other girls do it, but if forgivable if she does it?

When it comes to the drums and photography, I’ve always wanted to share those hobbies.

Even though I teach my friends, if the girl I liked became serious about my hobbies, I’d teach her everything.

9.What nickname would you like only your girlfriend to use to call you?

“Yuuchan” because it’d definitely never be a problem to be called this way. Calling each other with nicknames is something lovey dovey couple-like (laughs) I want to call her by her first name.

10.When you’re depressed, what would you want the girl you like to do for you?

Recently, because I’ve been eating a lot, I want to eat my girlfriend’s handmade cooking.

Please make me a menu that’ll give me power, like hamburgers and fried foods!

Owari :3

Hope you enjoyed our dear Yutti's answers :3

nakajima yuto, translation:scan, myojo:march, translation:myojo, 2013

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