I keep seeing a magpie fly past with twigs: I think it’s building a nest in Sharphill Wood. The daffodils down the lane are coming into bloom too, and the snowdrops at the top have been out for a few weeks now
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So, after the snow finally made an effort on Friday night, laying on very wet ground and even filling in the puddles, it had all melted by Saturday and I went shopping in peace. I say peace, but being a Saturday I expected town to be packed. It wasn’t that bad! Even Hotel Chocolat, the best chocolate shop in town (see below), had enough room to
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Well that was crap: it started snowing at about 8am yesterday, but it got to about 1cm thick and then started to vanish. There's the odd patch left on cold untouched concrete and bare ground, but nothing else. We were promised a whole inch and a half AT LEAST!!! Stupid Nottingham. Everywhere around got it, but not anywhere within about 10 miles
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According to bespechny_angel, it’s +5°C in Siberia during the day at the moment (Saturday)… Tonight, it’s supposed to go down to -4°C in Nottingham City Centre… Maybe cheryltheperil is going to end up warmer…? Regardless, best of luck to her.
At LARP on Saturday I got bashed in the eye and only today is my eyelid bruised... Weird. The bruise on my upper left arm has gone right down having flared up yesterday. LARP was great fun: I got to run around screaming like a looney again because the plot wasn't complicated. I also need to affix proper straps to my armour as the temporary ones
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Last night was good fun: got to see Chris (secretary of the SAS) again, and Bernard Cornwell remembered me (as Matt says, it's cos I keep stalking him, which isn't true!). Mr. Cornwell talked about Sharpe's Fury for a bit then answered questions. There were a couple of gems
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Many of you have seen this, but if you haven't, or just haven't bothered, go to and add a stern 'No' to the comments if you don't want LJ to become like MySpace, etc
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Yesterday I went to the JobCentre and printed off about a dozen jobs I liked the look of. Come lunchtime, my mobile rings (as it has a tendency to do these days, with all these different people having my CV): it's one of the Games Workshop Human Resources team. Over a month ago, I applied for the White Dwarf Journalist vacancy, but received a
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And finally, it's all over. I'm no longer a pupil, student, or anything. I'm unemployed, financially strained and in limbo (that place between security and annihilation
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Well, it's been an interesting evening. I should have got more work done than I did, really, but the next 5000wd essay is refusing to work. I'm doing a 'postcolonial reading' of Wackwitz's novel 'Ein unsichtbares Land', but postcolonialism is something I don't completely understand. I did one plan, but it was nothing like what Dirk said I should
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