Fic list

Feb 01, 2006 16:11

Okay, I've been on lj for just over a year, and also may participate in the remixredux, so here be a list of all the HP fic I've written. (It's all in my memories too, but they're very badly organised and everything is in the wrong place.) Well, by no means everything I've written, this is just mainly stuff I like, or at least stuff that's quite long (all are 1,000 words or more). If you remember something long-ish and it ain't here, either I've forgotten it or I hate it. Either way, I'll be pleased if you remind me.

It is slightly upsetting to realise just how, well, daft all my fics are, especially when you can end every single summary with "And then they shag". Humph. Also I am reminded of all the things I need to finish and all the things I want to write. (Why is there no trio-smut here? Why haven't I finished that long AU?) Argh.

But now, without further ado, a list of all my HP fics, with notes and summaries:

Long Stuff

The Dating Disasters of Sirius Black - Remus/Sirius, R I can't believe I ever managed to write something this long. There is hope yet that one day I may manage a real novel, but the whole process was torturous. In a good way.

Sirius tries to date other people, but of course he's secretly in love with Remus. Remus, meanwhile, is just out for a quiet life, and is generally dense. There are many mishaps along the way. Fifth through to sixth year at Hogwarts.

The Unconventional Way Remus/Sirius, NC17, WIP This one is the main reason I got myself a livejournal, actually, because I couldn't see how I could write it R rated enough to go on Fiction Alley. Don't start, liadlaith: I just got a (different) fic thrown off for being too dirty! (Thanks to whoever reported that, by the way, much appreciated. Though actually I think it’s more that they've changed the rules about ratings since I uploaded it.)

As soon as Sirius notices Remus' scars, he's hooked, and this fic details their relationship from third year until the end of Hogwarts. (Well, it would, if it were finished.)


The Boy Who Cried Wolf - Remus/Sirius, PG13 Short and weird. The nearest thing to poetry I will ever write. Strangely, no-one lynched me for the title, which is actually very appropriate to the fic, thank you.

The Line is Fine - Remus/Sirius, NC17 Basically, there is a fine line between love and hate. Remus really hates Sirius, and that's why they keep fighting, and then shagging. Ahem.

Funny Thing - Remus/Sirius, NC17 I wanted to write something in which Remus didn't like to be touched, and was also immensely ticklish. And he has freckles!

Territory - Remus/Sirius, R Remus and Sirius live together, and Sirius is in denial about his feelings.

Untitled - Remus/Sirius, NC17 Random fight-sex.

The Middle Man - Remus/Sirius, NC17 Have to admit I'm fond of this one, mainly because it turned out so much pervier than I'd planned it to. The original premise was that Sirius thought he fancied Remus' girlfriend, but in the end he realises that it's Remus he fancies and that he's just jealous of the girl. And that's what happens, except for that there's quite a while in the middle of it where they're sharing some poor lass and secretly perving on each other.

Play it Again - Remus/Sirius, NC17 Someone asked for hand-kink, so I had to go overboard. And hand-kink immediately brought to mind piano-playing, so this is Sirius perving on Remus playing the piano. And then they shag.

Untitled - Remus/Sirius, NC17 Table sex.

Told You - Remus/Sirius, NC17 Remus fancies Sirius, Sirius is curious about the gay. They shag. On a sofa.

Melting - Remus/Sirius, PG13, maybe R Written for dogdaysofsummer. Remus and Sirius bicker and eat ice-lollies. And end up kissing.

Coming Clean - Remus/Sirius, NC17 Bath-porn.

A Holiday of Sorts - Remus/Sirius, NC13 Post-prank, Sirius goes to spend the Christmas holidays with Remus, and, with much awkwardness, they start to work out their differences.

Untitled - Remus/Sirius, R Sirius wants to see Remus wearing women's knickers…

Untitled - Remus/Sirius, NC17 I was asked to write Remus seducing Sirius, and this is what I ended up writing; a strange tale of Remus working in an antiques shop, his affair with his boss, and Sirius being in denial. And then they shag.

One Fine Night - Remus/Sirius, NC17 Written for the shackinup_sesa. Remus and Sirius spend the night sitting outside, drinking and smoking dope. And Sirius is very annoyed to discover that everyone already knows he's gay.

Loser - Remus/Sirius, NC17 I knew I'd missed one! Remus knows Sirius is using him, but he rather likes it. They shag. A lot.

Remus Lupin's Unofficial List of Things - Remus/Sirius, NC17 A list of times that Sirius maybe acted a bit weirdly - like, maybe, he might fancy Remus, just a little bit. Not that he does, fancy Remus, or anything. Of course. Eventually, they shag.


Of Nothing in Particular - Sirius/James, R Sirius can't sleep for worrying, but James finds a way to comfort him.

Untitled - Sirius/James, NC17 Fight sex.

Perfect - Sirius/James, NC17 James tries to cope with Sirius, who is angry and upset after having run away from home. God, there's nothing I love better than Sirius all pretty and confused and gay. Ahhh.

Nothing Happens - Sirius/James, NC17 Sirius and James fancy the pants off each other, but are too scared about spoiling their friendship. Don't worry, they give in in the end.

Can't Tell You Anything - Sirius/James, NC17 Sirius is obsessed with James, but has a problem speaking his mind.

No Home Here - Sirius/James, NC17 Written for hp_springsmut. James visits Sirius at Grimmauld Place, hoping to steal him away for good.


What's Mine is Yours - Remus/James, NC17 Not my usual. James and Remus have a bit of a thing, but it's rather angsty, and there's no happy ending.

You Wouldn't Understand - Remus/James, NC17 Sirius is a git and keeps showing off about all his girlfriends. Remus and James accidentally find a way to amuse themselves without him.

With Hindsight - Remus/James, NC17 Post-Hogwarts, James is feeling a little differently towards Remus, but of course he has a girlfriend, so he can't do anything.

Other maraudery stuff

Substitution - James/Peter, PG13 What sort of sicko would write James/Peter? Please go read this; it’s clever in ways no-one seemed to notice. The subtle foreshadowing! Post-prank, Peter plays on James' insecurities to get what he wants.

Untitled - James/Severus, R During one of their typical fights, James and Severus get carried away, and it turns into something a little more.


My Beautiful Friend - Remus/Sirius/James, NC17 First proper porn I ever wrote, heh. I like this one; it's mainly James and Sirius fighting over Remus, and all three of them fall into bed together at the end.

And the sequel Our Mutual Friend - Remus/Sirius/James, NC17 Which is more of the same.

Conspire - Remus/Sirius/James, NC17 Short little threesome. Remus and Sirius are getting it on, and James wants to join in. And does.

Our Live Are a-Changing - Sirius/James, Remus/Sirius, Remus/James, R Growing up changes the relationships between three of the marauders.

Better Than Nothing - Remus/Severus/Sirius, NC17 Written for the last slashfest. Strangely, it works. Sirius catches Remus and Snape together and is jealous. But he stays to watch anyway.

Confessions - Remus/Sirius/Regulus, NC17 Everyone tells Remus their secrets, but who is he supposed to tell his to, especially after Sirius tells him something so dirty.

The Way We Live Now - Remus/Severus/Draco, NC17 Draco gets bitten by a werewolf, so the Order kidnap him and get Snape and Lupin to look after him and feed him Wolfsbane.


Contact - Harry/Draco, NC17 Written for the_eros_affair. Harry is in hiding, and as his spy Draco Malfoy is one of his few contacts with the outside world. Contains much less plot than that summary suggests.

I Don't Have the Map - Harry/Draco, PG First H/D, written soon after HBP came out. Bit weird.

Keeper - Harry/Draco, NC17 Written for a challenge on serpentinelion. Non-magical AU. Draco hates Harry because he always gets the best place on their school football team. Fight-sex in the showers. Don't s'pose that should come as a surprise to anyone that's read this far...

From Another Perspective - Harry/Draco, NC17 A bit loopy after the war is over, Harry starts to wonder if maybe he's gay. And then Malfoy turns up.

Other Pairings

Most Loved - Sirius/Lucius, Sirius/Regulus, NC17 Incest warning! The Black family get in Lucius Malfoy to teach Sirius good pureblood behaviour. Regulus watches with horror as Sirius starts to change.

So Close Now - Remus/Bill, NC17 Firmly post-HBP. Remus uses his own methods to comfort a feverish Bill just before the full moon.

Awkward - Hermione/Tonks, PG Tonks is worried that Hermione may have a crush on Severus Snape.

So Long and Thanks For All the Fish - Harry/Luna, PG Harry is drunk and Luna is sane, which is probably why she doesn't find him all that attractive.

Dirty Rascal - Neville/Draco, R Post-war, Neville is pottering away in his garden one day, only to be set upon by Draco, who is on the run and acting a little strange.

When I See You - Ron/Draco, NC17 Written for the pornish_pixies fantasy fest. Draco has scars from the war, but Ron rather likes them.

The Attic People - Various pairings (mainly het), R This is the one that got thrown off Which is annoying, because the version had about a million less mistakes in it. Wah. Anyway, the war is raging, and Harry and his friends live in the converted attic of 12 Grimmauld Place. Stuff happens. Incest, but almost no slash.

And you know what would be really great? If anyone has a link to their own fic archive, or even someone else's archive, because then I could have them all linked in one place, ahh.

Last updated: 23/01/07
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