(no subject)

Mar 23, 2005 15:49

Okay, here is the long-promised porn. And just in time for minnow_53’s birthday, which was only six days ago! So for her there is some thoroughly disgustingly porn, and also some song lyrics from inappropriate songs. For scoradh there is the word ‘garotted’ and the word ‘prolly’.

Title: The Line is Fine
Author: kabeyk
Rating: NC-17, I theenks.
Summary: MWPP-era (as per), fifth year. Remus Lupin is finding puberty a little trying…
Disclaimer: All characters yarked unashamedly (and unprofitably) from Harry Potter. Ideas, paraphrased quotes and amusing mental images stolen from episodes of Father Ted and Red Dwarf, and the songs Bigmouth Strikes Again by The Smiths and The Line is Fine by Travis.
Warnings: Contains rather a lot of arguing and fighting. Crossposted.

The Line is Fine

Remus Lupin was lying face-down on his bed, head buried under his pillow. It was a good position to lie in, he knew; a good way to hide, and a good way to feel utterly pathetic and wretched.

‘What’s wrong with him now?’ whined James from outside his bed-curtains.

‘God knows,’ muttered Peter, 'just the usual, I suppose.’


‘Piss off!’ he yelled, muffled by his mattress.

‘Remus, what is it?’ James’ voice asked, sounding closer now; he’d probably stuck his head through the curtains. ‘Is it the moon? A problem with your schoolwork? Slytherins been at you again?’

‘No! Just piss off!’

‘Are you sure it’s just one of his usuals?’ James asked Peter.

‘Prolly. But look; if you do this-‘

Remus yelped as Peter’s finger slid under his pillow and found it’s way into his ear.

‘-he makes a really funny noise!’

‘Look, Remus, is it something I did? Something Peter did?’

‘I would like it very much if you’d stop him doing that finger thing.’

‘Yes, but. What were you fucked off with in the first place?’


‘It’s Sirius again, isn’t it,’ James sighed.


‘How can you be angry with him again? He isn’t even here right now; he’s off with Samantha.’

Remus made an involuntary growl of anger.

‘Oh fuck, it isn’t that, is it?’


‘You don’t- you don’t fancy Samantha, do you?’

Remus wrenched his head up, turning to glare at James. ‘Just leave me alone, understand?’


Remus gave up; knowing that James was not going to leave him alone, he grabbed his wand and dived for the bathroom. Once in there he locked the door comprehensively with as many locking spells as he knew, and settled himself on the floor leaning against the bath.

This was all so utterly, completely, stupidly and ridiculously unfair, all of it.

‘See that, Pete, he’s locked himself in!’

Remus scowled back at the door, wishing he’d remembered to hex James before he’d locked it.

But back to the self-pity, he reminded himself. God, this was unfair.

Remus had known that puberty could do strange things to a person, he’d read books, heard rumours, but being a calm, composed and rational person himself, he’d known it wouldn’t have any strikingly adverse affects on him. Of course everyone felt a bit moody once in a while, didn’t they?

He also knew that puberty was an unchangeable fact of life, and that it was apt to do strange things to a person’s body, but it hardly seemed like a fair thing to have to cope with when one was also a werewolf. Skin conditions, mood swings, embarrassingly behaved body-parts; Remus knew he was lucky to have avoided these things. His only real problem was a shameful lack of body hair that caused much mirth amongst his room-mates that a werewolf could be so pathetically hairless.

No, the problem with puberty wasn’t the way it affected his own body or personality, but the way it affected his friends.

Puberty made Peter shyer somehow, now that he not only had to impress other boys, but girls too, and he tended to take fright whenever a member of the opposite sex deigned to speak to him.

For James, puberty seemed to herald the arrival of spots in inexplicable places, causing him to spend many a morning locked in the bathroom with his best friend, using dangerous combinations of hexes, mandrake root, bobotuber pus and murtlap essence to try and remove them. Remus hated those mornings he spent banging on their bathroom door, begging for a shower, while Peter sat on his bed sniggering. James was usually twittering around the bathroom, whining about his misfortune, while Sirius could be heard spouting wisdom such as ‘well either it’s a really big spot or you’re growing a third nipple on your left arse-cheek’.

And as for Sirius; puberty merely made him an even more egotistical, over-confident, proud, arrogant fucker than he’d been before.

For Remus it was Sirius that was the problem. Yes, James was thoroughly, bastardingly annoying when he wanted to be, and Peter could be irritatingly whiny and needy, but it was Sirius that Remus wanted to strangle with his own intestines. Sirius who made him want to rip off his own arm so he could beat him to death with the soggy end. Sirius who made Remus feel the urge to claw out his own eyeballs, who made his skin feel too tight in a way that made him wish he could escape it, Sirius who was just so annoying that Remus thought he may well explode from it all.

And it was worrying because he didn’t know why. Sirius Black was one of his best friends and it made no sense that he should suddenly and randomly hate someone who he’d previously been so close to.

Stupid bloody Sirius.


The third of November began like any other morning.

James had discovered -shock horror- two spots developing on his chin, of all the easily discernable places they could be. Sirius’ dubious medical skills had only served to worsen them, so James was sitting calmly in Potions with a comically-massive plaster covering the bottom half of his face.

Meanwhile, Sirius was doing that rabidly annoying thing with the fingers of his left hand while also sucking on his quill, which Remus had always thought was quite the most disgusting thing ever. I mean, putting feathers in your mouth? Never mind the fact that you didn’t know where they’d been (attached to a bird’s anus, perhaps?), just the thought of feathers in your mouth made Remus shudder with repulsion and set his teeth most firmly on edge.

So instead of listening to their professor, Remus found himself contemplating the highly satisfying idea of grabbing his friend by the shoulders and shoving him head-first into his own cauldron full of boiling water. Then, while he was distracted with trying to extract his over-sized head from said cauldron, actually kicking him really hard up the arse. Remus found that vision mildly calming.

‘What is the problem now?’ James asked. Remus thought it was a pity James’ plaster wasn’t covering his mouth too.

‘Who says I have a problem?’ he snapped back, that infuriating feeling of constant, ineffectual anger bubbling itchily through his blood.

‘You’re staring at Sirius again.’

‘Am I?’ Remus asked sarcastically, dragging his eyes back round to look at James.


Remus found he couldn’t help but smirk at how ridiculous James looked with that plaster, though it was an annoyed smirk because he was still viciously angry, and there really is nothing worse than laughing when what you really want to do is shout and scream.

‘Oh fuck off,’ James hissed, and Remus reverted his attention back to trying to make Sirius’ head spontaneously implode just by staring too hard.

He was feeling particularly angry that day, he decided, though he couldn’t work out any specific reason for it. But it was bound to be Sirius’ fault.

After the lesson finished, Remus rushed out of the room so he could avoid his friends, but Sirius somehow caught up with him and managed to barge right into him.

‘Hey, Remus, been wanting a word with you,’ Sirius said with a frighteningly un-worried grin, seeing that he’d just walked directly into an already-irate Remus and made him drop books all over the floor.

‘Oh have you?’ Remus stepped closer, kicking a book out from under his own feet.

‘Um, yeah.’

‘And why would that be?’ Remus asked, the sarcastic tone in his voice becoming so strong that even someone as stupid and tactless as Sirius couldn’t help but notice it.

‘You’re being a twat again, Remus,’ Sirius told him, and Remus smiled because there was nothing so wonderful and beautiful and easy as making Sirius really fucking angry.

‘And you’re not?’

‘Not half as much as you.’ Sirius stepped one pace closer as he said this, and Remus could feel they were on dangerous ground at this point, could feel the electric crackle of barely-controlled fury in the atmosphere.

And he loved it. He loved how good it felt to drive Sirius mad with anger, wanted so terribly much for Sirius to be the one who threw the first punch, the first slam of fist into face that had been looming on the horizon for a long time now, the first real act of violence that they’d desperately been trying to avoid in some vain attempt to save their friendship. But they both knew it wouldn’t last, knew that something would very soon break, and with it their whole relationship, more than four years of brotherly closeness.

By now they were nose to nose, Sirius’ eyebrows raised in a challenge, a sneer on his lips. It was a competition now, neither wanting to snap first, and Remus was straining frantically to hold himself back, despite the urgent, instinctive need to tear Sirius limb from limb, beat him to a pulp, claw at him like an animal.

The moment Sirius finally gave in felt like ecstatic pleasure to Remus; blood soaring, rushing, pounding blissfully through his veins. Sirius had merely shoved him, not too hard, but Remus pounced eagerly, slamming him against the opposite wall, crushing their bodies together.

They wrestled for a short while, arms flailing and nails scratching, still refraining from the longed-for punches until Remus did the only thing he could think of doing, the only thing he felt he could do to stop himself from really, violently, hurting his friend: he bit Sirius. On the lips.

Sirius snarled and bit back, surprisingly canine himself, and Remus gasped as he found that Sirius’ tongue was in his mouth even as his teeth snapped fiercely at Remus’ lips.

They mauled each other with their mouths for several minutes, more teeth than lips and tongues, Sirius’ annoying bottom teeth that usually liked to chew exasperatingly on the inside of his cheek all the time were now chewing on Remus’ cheek and neck and lips. They fought quite nastily, both trying to push the other away, yet not wanting to separate, so that they banged very frequently into the walls of the thin corridor they were nestled in, and Remus found he was gasping with the exertion.

Sirius’ lips were utterly raping his own, tongue wet and slippery, and saliva drying quickly around his mouth only to immediately become damp again. Remus’ body began to ache from being pulled around and repeatedly slammed into the cold stone wall, but he would never let Sirius win this fight, or whatever it was, and knew he would continue, jabbing between Sirius’ lips with his tongue and sucking harshly at his skin, until Sirius gave up.

Eventually Sirius pulled away, hissing breathlessly ‘don’t you ever tell anyone about that’, before storming off, still straightening his clothes.


That, Remus reflected, as he slapped his bare feet idly against the tiled floor of the bathroom, had been but the first in a long series of annoyingly similar incidents.

‘REMUS!’ James screeched, despite the fact that they were only separated by a very thin wall.

‘SOD OFF!’ Remus yelled back, throwing a bar of soap at the door and feeling rather satisfied when it split apart into a hundred slivered shards of waxy soap.

Sometimes it was the small victories that really helped. It would be weeks before James could get into Hogsmeade to buy more soap.


The second time, Remus was quietly finishing his homework in their dormitory one evening, when he was rudely disturbed by Sirius; flinging himself through the door and throwing off his Quidditch robes to reveal that yet again he’d stolen, and was wearing, Remus’ favourite pair of jeans. Remus growled quietly under his breath, but Sirius seemed oblivious and merely flopped down on to his own bed and began to eat a bar of chocolate in that disgustingly disturbing manner of his. Normal people, Remus knew, would simply unwrap and bite into a bar of chocolate, but that was far too normal (and un-irritating) for Sirius. Sirius had to break little nibbly-bits of chocolate off, and eat it piece by melting piece, thereby getting chocolate all over his fingers which he would then proceed to lick off loudly and sloppily.

Remus thought about grabbing Sirius’ broomstick and bludgeoning his friend to death with it while he was preoccupied with his chocolate, but instead grabbed his book and threw it hard at Sirius, hitting him sharply in the arse.

Remus stood up quickly, seeing the enraged look on his friend’s face, but Sirius merely hurled himself at him, grabbing his forearms and obviously trying to bend them round his back and pin him. They scrabbled at each other’s bodies, Remus trying to simultaneously free himself and hurt Sirius a lot, while Sirius just tried to cause pain; twisting Remus’ limbs and scratching his skin.

This time it was Sirius who first pushed their mouths together, lips wide as Remus found himself pressed up against the door. Remus jerked his arm free, and in his haste (and with a great deal of luck) smacked Sirius soundly across the face with the back of his hand.

Sirius pulled away in shock, shoved Remus out of the way, yanked the door open and stormed out.


Remus smiled at the delightful memory of Sirius’ astonished facial expression; that had been one good slap. See, he was managing to cheer himself up already. He absently picked up a sliver of soap and touched it inquisitively against his tongue. He pulled a face and turned his head to spit into the bath.

‘Are you having a wank in there or something?’

Remus sighed. ‘Yes James, I am; the sound of your pathetic adolescent screeching really turns me on.’


The next time, James had become sick of their sniping at each other all the way to Honeydukes and back in the secret passage, so he’d locked them in there while he and Peter had buggered off, leaving Remus and Sirius to have a hushed, yet heated, discussion about all the horrible things they were going to do to James once they’d got out of there.

Unfortunately they fell out about the precise way they’d like to dismember James’ body once they’d got a hold of him, and were soon involved in yet another argument, which culminated in Remus suggesting that Sirius and his entire family were a bunch of evil, narcissistic, inbred, cock-sucking bastards.

Sirius had immediately thrust Remus hard against the wall and forced their mouths together, which, admittedly, was a more welcome action than the punch Remus thought his comment had deserved.

‘Shut up,’ Sirius hissed into Remus’ mouth before applying his teeth rather viciously to the underside of his jaw.

Remus found himself whimpering. It hurt like hell, but in such an incredibly wonderful way. Sirius was nipping intently across his skin, fingers pushed up Remus’ jumper, and fingernails clinging tightly enough to draw blood. Remus was quite happy to let Sirius pin him, so long as his own nails could be put to good use, clutching and scratching at whatever part of his friend’s skin that was accessible.

Remus sighed with wicked pleasure as he managed to inflict a particularly long and painful scrape down Sirius’ arm. Sirius seemed to be attempting to chew his lips off, but if all this biting and scratching and almost-kissing was the only way to preserve their friendship and stop them killing each other, then it was hardly something he should be stopping, was it?


‘If you really aren’t having a wank, then what are you doing?’

Remus groaned at James’ inability to understand why anyone would wish to be alone for any other reason. ‘Plotting ways to kill you while you sleep.’

‘Did you just groan?’

‘If you actually think I’m having a wank, why the fuck are you listening?’

James chose to ignore that point. ‘I thought it was Sirius you wanted to kill anyway.’

‘No, actually it’s all of you. I’m plotting three very separate and appropriate ways to shuffle each of you from this mortal coil while you snooze innocently in your beds.’


‘I’m going to beat Pete to a bloody pulp with his copy of ’50 Inspiring Quidditch Heroes’, I thought I’d choke you with a snitch, or, even better, a bludger, and then I’m going to garrotte Sirius with his own stupid, girly hair.’


Remus was pleased that James couldn’t think of a thing to say to that.


Remus preferred it when Sirius was the one that was angry for once, when Sirius was the one to start the fight. Mainly he preferred it because it took the blame off him, because it meant that James couldn’t get annoyed solely with Remus, but he liked it also because, for once, it gave him an excuse, gave him a good reason to be angry at Sirius.

He’d been lying on his bed, simply lying there in a t-shirt and pants the next time Sirius started on him, though god knew what was so offensive about Remus’ pants that it had made Sirius angry. But it had, and Remus liked it this way because he stayed calmer longer; he could revel in Sirius’ barely suppressed rage, holding his own feelings down for longer, actually giving him the chance to taunt his friend properly, which was always most satisfying.

Sirius started throwing the insults; vicious, groundless accusations, and Remus threw them back again, but in a calm voice, with only a hint of malice. It wasn’t long before Sirius gave in and jumped on Remus. That was a surprise, but it was easier this way, easier now they’d abandoned the long torture that was attempting to refrain from hurting each other, and they were soon wrestling and tearing at each other’s bodies with abandon.

Sirius’ tongue was deep in his mouth and for a while Sirius was holding the upper hand, biting severely and holding him down, until finally Remus’ strength and instincts took over and he was struggling back, gradually overcoming his opponent. It felt both deeply good and deeply wrong to be pulling aside the shirt Sirius wore and sinking his teeth hungrily into the smooth, taut skin above Sirius’ hip; worrying for a werewolf to be enjoying the thick mouthful of human flesh he now held.

Sirius made the strangest noises as Remus licked and bit and tasted his skin, vocal cords dividing equally between long keening whines and guttural moans, body jerking with each new press of teeth.

Having been pulled back up to have his mouth once again mauled, Remus was surprised to notice that Sirius had acquired rather a strong erection. Leaning over his friend, teeth scraping at a cheekbone, Remus laughed harshly, struggling to hold Sirius’ hands in place above his head.

‘All that wriggling make you hard, Black?’ he hissed, continuing to snap his teeth greedily.

Somehow that comment gave Sirius strength from nowhere, and the thick muscles in his right arm flexed easily as he forced Remus’ arm back down, and, before Remus could have any say in the matter, his hand was quickly thrust into Sirius’ trousers.

‘Fuck,’ he muttered, as Sirius carefully closed Remus’ fingers around his cock, keeping his own fist over the top as a guide.

Sirius turned his head quickly, catching Remus’ lips in another bite, whilst simultaneously directing their hands up and down his own cock.

‘Fuck,’ Remus managed to say again, pumping his own grip faster, attempting to hurt his friend, but only causing a loud groan that sounded far more pleased than pained.

‘Harder,’ Sirius insisted, speeding them up again, and Remus pulled his lips away to bury his teeth in the hot, white flesh of Sirius’ neck. He tried to concentrate on the tempting taste of skin under his tongue, rather than the hot throbbing feel of another boy’s erection as his palm slid up and down it's length; wetness starting to leak now, warning him of the inevitable.

He twisted his other arm to hold Sirius’ left arm higher up on the pillow, wrenching it back from Sirius’ body to what must have been an agonising degree, needing, somehow, to give more pain. Sirius merely arched his hips up even more, and yelled louder and in sudden, desperate ecstasy, thrusting wildly as Remus’ hand was suddenly hot and wet with come.

Remus yanked his arm free quickly, and wiped his fingers on the sheets in disgust. He sat up, but Sirius just lay there, eyes tight closed, his breath escaping in hard, laboured pants as he came down. Remus went straight to the bathroom and washed his hands meticulously.


‘How about I go and get Sirius, hm? I doubt he’s that keen on Samantha anyway; she has thighs like tree trunks.’

‘Just leave me a-fucking-lone!’

‘Touchy! C’mon Pete; he doesn’t deserve our concern.’

‘Well fuck you, Potter.’


Remus had decided that he deserved to have control again next time, and he accosted Sirius while passing that same thin hidden corridor that all this had begun in. Somehow this time, while dwelling unhealthily on his excessive hatred during Potions class, he’d also become somewhat aroused, and coupled with his intense anger it was quite maddening. Desperately needing to assuage one or both of those instincts he slammed Sirius into the stone wall of the corridor and pressed him hard against it.

As their tongues and teeth slid and clicked together, and Sirius frantically tried to escape and gain control, Remus thrust erratically into him, knowing nothing but his own need for relief.

When that proved unsatisfying, he grabbed Sirius first by the hips, then clutched his hands to his friend’s arse, gripping tightly, until he managed to find a more rewarding position. Sirius cried out rather loudly, muffled only by Remus’ mouth, but Remus was far past caring about anyone catching them.

Unable to find any skin while they both wore robes, Sirius could only scrape his nails rather half-heartedly over Remus’ back, and he soon gave in, grabbing Remus by the hips too and joining in with his thrusts; their robes having the advantage of being thin enough to let Remus actually feel Sirius’ hardness as it moved against him.

Remus had never known any feeling quite like this one; he had no experience of sex though he was assuming it wasn’t anything like this, and it was different from even their usual fights, and very different from wanking. But he was most certainly getting off on it. Deep rushes of pleasure flashed through his body as he pushed his hard and aching cock against Sirius’ hip and groin and stomach, until eventually they got both the pace and angle perfect, and Sirius’ cock was dragging rhythmically along his.

Sirius’ teeth were sunk into Remus’ shoulder and Remus was screaming silently into Sirius’ neck as they held each other, still humping their bodies desperately together as they both came, Remus shocked and ecstatic as the feeling tore through him.

They stood there, clinging and panting, until Sirius eventually regained the ability to speak. ‘Fuck off, Lupin,’ he said, pushing Remus away.


And there’d been nothing further since. Not that Remus wanted anything else, oh no, but right now he was bloody angry.

There was a tentative knock on the door. ‘Er, Remus?’

Fuck, it was Sirius this time. ‘How many times do I have to tell people?’ Remus screamed, ‘piss off!’

‘Look. You’ve locked yourself in the bathroom; we’re bound to be a bit worried.’

‘Just bugger the fucking fuck off!’

‘Can I come in?’

Remus considered it with surprising calm. ‘I’ll just beat the crap out of you.’

‘Maybe I don’t mind it when you beat the crap out of me.’

Remus unlocked the door hurriedly, his wand arm shaking all of a sudden. Sirius edged into the bathroom dressed in neat, clean robes, his hair hanging handsomely over his eyes. ‘You want me to kick ten shades of shit out of you then?’ Remus asked tersely, trying to keep his voice even.

‘Maybe,’ Sirius muttered, before swiftly shoving Remus to the floor, climbing on top of him, and fastening his teeth to Remus’ bottom lip.

Remus groaned, because he couldn’t help it, aroused as he was from all his wicked memories, and Sirius merely shifted his body slightly so that there was suddenly a well-placed thigh wedged against his already-strong erection. He kissed and bit blindly at his friend, not caring to attempt any sort of technique, merely snapping his teeth and opening his mouth as wide as possible to get as much from this as he could.

His hands soon found their way into Sirius’ hair, scrabbling frantically to remove all Sirius’ efforts at styling, before reaching to clutch his friend’s robes, smart, freshly-washed robes worn to impress that stupid girl. Sirius pulled away to gape at him as his robe was swiftly drawn over his head, but he calmly pulled his arms free himself, seemed happy to help fling the robes clear of their bodies, and didn’t seem to notice as his precious outfit fell into the bathtub.

They’d never done it like this before, never fought like this; with Sirius so close to naked, and James and Peter likely to return at any moment. Remus reluctantly pulled his arm free, slapping his palm to the tiles to find his wand. His locking charms, when uttered, were imperfect, but one or two should have worked, and in his desperate state that was enough for him.

He quickly dropped his wand and raked his fingernails down Sirius’ bare back, causing a spluttering gasp to escape friend’s lips and into his own hungrily-opened mouth. Remus groaned again, and more deeply, when he was rewarded with an answering swipe of nails scratching across his belly. He wriggled, re-angling his cock against Sirius’ thigh, and wondered when he had started to enjoy those little pains as if they were pleasures all of their own, biting harder into Sirius’ mouth as his claws dug in once again and he choked out his own greedy response.

Remus slid his hands hurriedly to Sirius’ arse, already needing a more rewarding form of friction, and on a whim slid his fingers under the waist-band of Sirius’ underwear, clutching at his buttocks and arching his hips up into him.

‘Fuck, Remus. Oh, fuck-‘ Sirius wrenched his body away very suddenly, but only to begin to grasp at the buttons on Remus’ shirt. ‘Oh bloody hell!’ In the end he gave in and just rucked the shirt up, before lowering his lips to kiss and bite his way down Remus’ chest. Remus cried out at that, body twitching and jerking with each touch, his fingers buried deeply into Sirius’ hair and holding him tightly, wanting nothing more than to press his hips upwards while pushing Sirius’ head even further down.

Sirius threw Remus’ hands off him, only to begin eagerly unbuttoning Remus’ cords.


‘I want to feel you, fuck, I want your cock naked, against mine- oh fuck, please…’

Remus’ trousers and pants were down around his thighs in seconds and then Sirius quickly lowered his own pants before covering Remus’ body again with his own and actually thrusting. ‘Ah!’ Remus moaned at the contact, ‘oh god, oh,’ and he pulled Sirius even tighter against him, one hand in the small of his back, the other clutching him by the hair.

Sirius was biting all over him now, his face and neck and shoulders, but to Remus that was merely peripheral added pleasure compared with the feeling of how hard and wonderful Sirius’ cock felt sliding desperately against his own.

‘I’m going to come,’ Remus whined.

‘Yes,’ panted Sirius, ‘oh fuck yes, me too-‘ And suddenly Sirius’ hand was between them, between their bellies, the back of his fingers grazing the scratched areas of Remus’ skin, while his palm cupped around their cocks. ‘Ah! Oh hell, Remus, feel that, yes, feel-‘

He reached for Remus’ hand and dragged it down too, until Remus could feel their hot, hard skin under his fingertips; hard, swollen skin gliding against hard, swollen skin as their erections rubbed perfectly together. He could feel the way Sirius’ cock jabbed roughly and wetly into his stomach, could feel everything; the toned flesh of Sirius’ thighs, his soft body hair, the way their skin was already starting to stick with their sweat, and there was no pain and hate in this anymore, only pure pleasure.

‘Feel that,' Sirius hissed again, lips wet against Remus’ jaw.

‘Uhng,’ Remus managed, choking on any words he might have wanted to say as Sirius rocked their bodies a little faster. Now he could feel the way Sirius’ features were contorting against his cheek, teeth grazing a cheekbone, wanting something to sink them into. He pulled down on Sirius’ hair to try and place his head lower, leaning his own head back and willingly offering his neck for Sirius to taste. Sirius took the hint and his teeth sank in, lips closing around and sucking as Remus threaded his fingers around their cocks.

God, this is perfect, he thought,

‘I’m, I’m-‘ Sirius breathed.

‘Yes…’ Remus managed to reply, the pleasure almost unbearable by this point, the whole lower half of his body felt heavy and filled with blood as he was so close now.

Sharp stabs of pleasure were rushing through him, so near now as Sirius bit hungrily into his neck and came, hot come gushing between their bellies.

‘Oh, god, Sirius-‘ Sirius’ teeth were even deeper in Remus’ neck, his breath hissing out against Remus’ skin, but he still took the time to squeeze his hand tighter around Remus’ hand, around their cocks. And then Remus was coming, and it was better than it had ever felt before, Sirius’ naked body against his, lips sucking on his neck, his own head thrown back as he cried out.

They both lay still for a while, clammy and trembling. Remus was quite unable to move, one hand still half-clenched and sticky between their bodies, the other arm wrapped firmly around Sirius’ shoulders, feeling the way his friend’s breaths jerked quickly through his chest.

‘Oh hell Remus,’ Sirius muttered, one hand drifting upwards to clasp Remus’ cheek.

‘I know, I know,’ Remus whispered back, letting his wet hand slide to Sirius’ hip.

‘It isn’t half as good fighting with other people as it is with you, y’know.’

‘Well you better not fight with anyone else like that,’ Remus joked.

‘S’okay; I won’t, I won’t,’ Sirius mumbled.

‘And you better not be trying to fall asleep on me.’

‘Am not.’ Sirius finally lifted his head from its home rested in the crook of Remus’ neck and looked him right in the eyes.


Sirius leaned in and kissed him, and for once it was a kiss, not a bite, not just to defer the need for a punch in the face, but a real kiss, soft and warm and almost gentle.

Remus moaned again, because this felt good in such a new way, and he angled his mouth carefully so the kiss was easier, Sirius’ lips wide open against his, tongue actually stroking the inside of his mouth-


Remus thumped his head back onto the cold tiles and Sirius’ eyes widened in shock.

‘Remus, are you still in there?’ James yelled through the -hopefully- locked door.

‘Yes,’ he croaked, suddenly very aware that he was really sticky and that he wasn’t wearing most of his clothes.

‘Have you seen Black anywhere? He’s not in there is he? You haven’t killed him?’

‘Yeah; he’s killed me, I’m dead,’ Sirius whispered against Remus’ temple, before hoisting himself up. Remus felt strange as Sirius knelt there over him, gazing down at him. ‘You have to promise too.’

‘Promise what?’ Remus asked.

‘That you won’t fight with anyone else.’

Remus nodded, a quick jerk of the head as he watched Sirius rearrange his own pants and smooth a hand down over his come-smeared belly. Right now it was the easiest promise in the world to make.

‘Y’what?’ yelled James, ‘I can’t hear you!’

Dragged rather uncomfortably out of his dreamy, sated mood, Remus sat up quickly enough to make his head spin and began to rearrange his clothes too.

‘We’re just coming James!’ Remus yelled back, buttoning his trousers.

‘Have you been fighting again?’ James snapped tiredly.

‘Just a bit,’ Remus mumbled, smiling at the pout on Sirius’ face as he pulled his robes out of the bath.

Eventually presentable, it took Remus a while to work out what locking charms he’d actually managed to use, so he had quite a job removing them. ‘Fucking hell!’ James exclaimed as the door was opened.

‘What?’ Remus asked innocently.

‘What the hell were you doing?’

‘Small disagreement, nothing to worry about,’ Sirius answered smartly.

‘Yeah,’ added Remus, ‘everything’s sorted.’

‘I am never going to understand your stupid fights,’ James sighed.

‘Well, we just get a bit angry and then we sort it out in our own way. And we never punch each other or anything,’ Remus told him, while carefully cleaning under his fingernails using his bottom teeth.

Peter was gaping at them. ‘There’s a bite mark on your neck though!’ he said, pointing.

‘So you’re all sorted?’ James asked.

‘For a week or two, yeah,’ Sirius replied. Remus stopped fiddling with his fingernails for a second to glare at Sirius. Two weeks? He was expected to wait two weeks before… Oh god, Sirius was doing that cheek-chewing thing again-

‘Uh-oh,’ Peter said, his eyes wide.

‘Yeah,’ added James. Remus frowned at them, returning to his fingernails and suddenly realising that the reason they were so dirty was because they were full of Sirius’ skin. ‘How about Peter and I-‘ James started to back towards the door of their dormitory.


‘Well, you’re going to fight again, aren’t you?’

Remus opened his mouth to refute that accusation, but Sirius was chewing even harder now…

The door slammed behind them, then glowed a strange orange colour as James locked it with some weird spell.

‘They will be… fine, won’t they?’ Remus heard Peter ask James on the other side of the door.

‘We aren’t necessarily going to-‘ Remus began, but was cut off as Sirius slammed him to the floor. ‘What are you doing?’ he gasped.

‘I’m going to give you another bite to match that one!’ Sirius replied, and promptly sank his teeth back into Remus’ neck.

‘Argh!’ Remus yelped, but then suddenly found himself laughing uncontrollably, stomach muscles clenching and unclenching wildly in his hysterics.

‘What is so funny?’ Sirius snapped, teeth grazing Remus’ neck as he spoke.

‘This. I fucking hate you!’

Sirius choked, then started to laugh too, a beautiful warm feeling against Remus’ neck.

‘Sirius Black, you are the most annoying, irritating, infuriating-‘

‘You are just as bad-‘ Sirius interrupted, then moaned, pushing Remus’ shirt-collar aside and sliding his lips down to Remus’ naked shoulder. ‘-stupid fingernail thing, twisting the ends of your hair like a girl, wiggling at your top teeth with your bloody tongue, it makes me want to-‘

‘-exasperating, disgusting, ridiculous person I’ve ever met,’ Remus continued, his voice starting to tremble now.

Sirius stopped his own diatribe and grinned. ‘But you like it,’ he said, and Remus could only snigger some more as Sirius sucked deeply on the side of his neck.

hp fic (r/s)

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