Fic: Told You, Remus/Sirius, NC-17

Jul 18, 2005 20:27

For the birthday of baleheadbabe. Remus/Sirius, pre-Azkaban, porn. Happy birthday!

Title: Told You
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Porn.
Disclaimer: Not mine.

Contains NO spoilers whatsoever.

Told You

‘So,’ Sirius said, hands already touching too much, one leg slung over and too close. ‘You fuck, or get fucked?’

‘Personal question,’ Remus murmured, already feeling filthy; twitchy and uncomfortable at another one of these conversations.

Hot breath scorched his neck as he busied himself filling his wine glass, hiding his blush. ‘The latter then,’ Sirius said hoarsely, the sofa creaking as he leaned away again.

Remus grunted noncommittally and took a heavy gulp of red wine.

‘You know,’ Sirius continued, never having been one for tact, or for noticing the weight of tension in the atmosphere, ‘I could almost cope with the gay thing-‘

Coldness rushed through Remus’ blood, because even if it wasn’t as easily accepted as his lycanthropy, he’d at least thought it tolerated.

‘-if it wasn’t for that. Y’know, having someone’s cock up your arse.’ Sirius shifted a little closer. ‘Is it not just weird?’ Sirius hooked his left leg right over both of Remus’ and patted his palm down the front of his robes to make his point. ‘Fair enough shagging someone. Perfectly nat’ral, for a bloke, but-‘

‘I think,’ Remus said finally, wincing as Sirius’ hand curled around his hip, ‘that if you don’t like it, then you shouldn’t be doing it. Or talking about it,’ he added hurriedly.

A lazy, drunken groan, and Sirius swung his body up until he was half sat in Remus’ lap. ‘Why? Does it make you uncomfortable?’

Remus growled slightly, because Sirius being in his lap made him ever-so uncomfortable, in shameful, tormenting, and wonderful ways. ‘Does what make me uncomfortable?’ he snapped. ‘Talking about it, or being taken up the arse?’

Sirius leaned in, his grin gleeful and eager, edging himself further forwards so that Remus began to calculate how much nearer he could allow Sirius to get before having no choice but to shove him off. ‘So you don’t like talking dirty then?’

Remus gritted his teeth, because yes, the right words from the right person had the power to turn him into the most uninhibited slut there ever was, but he was hardly about to tell Sirius that, when Sirius was always the right person.

‘Always said you needed a good fuck,’ Sirius reminded him.

It was, worryingly, true. When drunk, Sirius loved to embarrass people, and no-one was easier to embarrass than Remus. Sirius liked to lean over and slur his words so close to Remus’ ear, whisky and cigarettes having made his voice gravelly and deep in a way that made Remus’ eyes roll back in his head and his limbs weak and trembling. ‘What you need, Moony,’ Sirius would say, his breath wet and heavy, ‘is a good, hard fucking,’ the word ‘fucking’ so slow and carefully enunciated, and Remus’ back would stiffen and he would pretend he was mortified and shamed, that his prim sensibilities had been offended. Sirius would laugh, with selfish amusement and cruelty, and Remus would sit tensely, shabby robes crumpled over his thickening cock as he battled between humiliation and the longing to pin Sirius to the sofa, to let one hand clench roughly around his friend’s throat to stop any more unnecessary speech while he showed him exactly what it was he really needed.

Now that Sirius knew Remus was having sex - just of a different sort to him - he got his nasty kicks from torturous conversations like this one, though Remus doubted that Sirius would go quite this far if he only knew.

‘So what is it, exactly, that you love so much about it?’ Sirius teased. ‘Is it just a gay thing?’

No, I like to be fucked up the arse by women, Remus thought, trying to ignore Sirius’ wicked, alluring smile.

‘Because you’re just so obsessed with cocks,’ Sirius continued, ‘that having a hard one thrust between your buttocks is the best thing ever?’

One inch, Remus calculated, was how much further Sirius could creep into his lap before something really bad happened. And never mind the problem of Sirius noticing, the problem now was that the minute Sirius touched him anywhere near there he was going to fucking explode. ‘Pretty much,’ Remus said lightly, trying to stare out Sirius, but finding the enthusiastic, almost lustful expression on his friend’s face too much to take.

‘So it’s just something to do, then?’

Surprisingly, it was Remus’ temper that snapped before anything else, angry that Sirius could actually think that what he did in bed was pointless simply because he didn’t happen to have a vagina. ‘Actually,’ Remus said, voice sharp, while his right hand had grabbed the back of Sirius’ hair, ‘it feels pretty good too. Otherwise, no-one would really bother, would they?’

‘Oh?’ Sirius said cynically, eyebrow raised in challenge.

Remus smiled, knowing it was a very bad idea, but knowing he would do it anyway, for the kick, for the revenge, after months of being humiliated by Sirius’ invasive questions and strange ideas about personal space. He licked his lips. ‘See, first of all there’s fingers, just the one, probably, slick with lubricant and probing at you, and when it first goes in it’s a bit of a shock, being penetrated.’

Sirius’ eyes widened, and Remus felt hot inside that he was able to shock Sirius so easily.

Remus leaned in, because it hardly mattered now, and Sirius was actually hanging on his every word for once. ‘Maybe it’s a bit cold, or a bit of a shock,’ he whispered, ‘but you’re aroused anyway, and almost anything would feel good.’ Sirius twitched a little in place in Remus’ lap. Remus held his breath, then relaxed when Sirius settled. ‘You start to get used to the finger stretching at you, and before you know it there’s another pushing in,’ he twisted his fingers in Sirius’ hair to illustrate his point, ‘slick and deeper, and you’re enjoying it then, being fucked, enjoying so much that you’re thrusting back on the fingers, groaning and-‘

‘Fuck,’ Sirius said, actually moaned it. ‘Fuck, it - can’t be-’

‘Oh it is,’ Remus said softly, almost whimpering, as Sirius’ face was too close and he was almost panting against Remus’ cheek. ‘And it gets better.’

‘Yeah, right,’ Sirius replied, but his hand was shaking as he reached to stroke hair from Remus’ temple.

And then he whispered, eyes down though he continued to smooth at Remus’ hair, carefully wetting his lips with his lush, pink tongue; ‘Prove it.’

Remus didn’t care anymore, that maybe Sirius would never look at him, never talk to him again, because he was going to have this, and he’d keep it forever. He shoved at Sirius, threw him roughly onto the floor, two glasses of dark wine streaking their contents across the cushions as they fell.

Remus was suddenly lying on top of Sirius, unsure of what he was and wasn’t allowed to do. ‘Moony,’ Sirius mumbled, and then his hand had reached up, the palm sliding around to cup under Remus’ jaw, pulling him down for a kiss. Remus groaned, tasting wine and the hotness of Sirius’ mouth, and months of snatching sneaky breaths of Sirius’ musky skin felt pointless, when it smelt so much better when he was breathing it in with his nose squashed against Sirius’ cheek.

‘Moony,’ Sirius said again.

‘Muhm?’ was the best Remus could manage.

‘Go on then,’ Sirius said, taunted, shoving Remus away, ‘you promised you’d prove it.’

Scrambling to his hands and knees, Remus gazed at Sirius, confused, and annoyed that Sirius should still have the upper hand somehow. ‘Fine,’ he answered, a little breathless. ‘I will.’

This would, naturally, be one of the days when Sirius had chosen to wear his awful Muggle clothes and Remus knelt between Sirius’ legs, fumbling desperately at the buttons of his trousers. When he finally managed to wrench them down he gasped, because that was why Sirius was so eager to do this, to do anything, this was why he was just lying back, quiet and trembling, waiting. Remus couldn’t help a little, hungry sob as he slid Sirius’ pants down and off; his neat arse, lithe, white thighs, and his beautiful, beautiful cock, so thick and erect that Remus almost broke their deal, longing to suck it into his mouth, feel the weight on his tongue.

Only a little ashamed, Remus reached under the sofa for that little tub of lubricant he kept there for the Saturday nights he spent with Timothy; bent over the arm of the chair, facing towards the door on the off-chance that Sirius would wander home early and catch them fucking.

Remus took a deep breath before lifting Sirius’ arse carefully, propping his hips up neatly with a cushion, so that Sirius was perfectly spread out before him. He let a wet finger slide between the cleft of his tight buttocks, tickling gently around until he carefully, carefully slid it in. Sirius gasped, his breaths very fast and shaky, and Remus could feel him clench nervously.

‘Shh,’ he whispered, comforting, rubbing his free hand gently over Sirius’ belly to relax him.

Remus twisted his finger, liking the hitches of Sirius’ breath, half pained and scared, half a little excited, and Remus started to work another finger in. Sirius was still tight and anxious, but he was still maintaining an impressive erection, even while Remus could see his chest shaking.

When Sirius suddenly jerked his hips, Remus moaned, watching the smooth clench of his buttocks as he arched up. ‘Believe me now?’ Remus whispered, enjoying the warm weight of Sirius’ balls in his palm and longing to lean forwards to lick at his cock.

‘No,’ Sirius moaned, pushing down onto Remus’ hand, ‘not- not yet.’

‘Not… yet?’

Sirius sighed, rolling his head back, causing Remus to bite his bottom lip. ‘No,’ Sirius told him, seriously, ‘I don’t believe you yet.’

Remus pulled his fingers out and ripped his robes over his head, because he quite frankly didn’t care what Sirius wanted any more. ‘Okay, okay,’ he mumbled, reaching to dip his fingers in the tub again.

‘Okay,’ Sirius agreed.

Sirius’ legs had found their way over Remus’ shoulders, somehow, as Remus massaged carefully at his arse, concentrating on not rushing, not coming, as he rested the tip of his cock in place and started to push. Remus clutched with his thumbs, trying to help Sirius open, and when Sirius’ muscles were finally clamped down around the head of his cock, Remus groaned. He slid in, too slowly, but Sirius’ head was thrown back and his features crumpled in pain, so he held himself.

‘Fuck,’ Sirius moaned, but there was a hint of something more than pain in his voice

‘Sorry,’ Remus lied, drawing himself out again.

Sirius huffed out a laugh. ‘Fucking hell, that feels mad.’

‘Um.’ Remus whimpered, because Sirius’ naked arse and thighs were pressed against him, and he wasn’t quite up to a conversation.

‘Fuck, Moony-‘ Sirius’ hand twitched up to clasp his own cock. ‘Fuck.’

Remus cried out, because Sirius was laid out in front of him - really, finally - and was watching him with almost-awed grey eyes. And he was moaning in time with Remus’ moans and stroking himself in time with each thrust, speeding up the strokes of his deft fingers as Remus got carried away and pushed deeper and harder.

‘Okay?’ Remus gasped.

‘Remus-’ Sirius said, voice soft but rough around the edges, and he was coming, he must have been; with teeth slightly bared and his jaw clenching as his muscles did, the smooth plane of his stomach suddenly glistening wetly. Remus’ own climax hit him with force almost immediately, and he bent forward, gasping at the sharp height of pleasure, never closing his eyes, never taking them off Sirius.

Sirius was watching him too, chest still heaving, as Remus withdrew gently. ‘Moony?’ Sirius asked, lowering his legs.

Coming down, Remus was suddenly deeply sober and deeply scared. ‘So?’ he whispered, sitting up.

‘Well,’ Sirius said, cockiness back in full, despite the fact that he was stark naked and sticky. He crossed his ankles neatly, and all Remus could do was curl next to him, trying to cover his own bareness. ‘I suppose it was okay.’

‘Right.’ Remus reached for his robes, dragging them over the carpet, not meeting Sirius’ eyes as he turned the sleeves right-side-out.

‘I just prefer to be on top, I think.’

‘Yeah, I sup-‘ Remus stopped talking when Sirius’ warm palm suddenly curved around his knee.

When he looked up, Sirius was still naked, still wearing that smug, arrogant expression, but it was still a smile of sorts, and definitely a suggestion. A challenge. You have terrible taste in men, his common sense told him, but he leaned in for a kiss anyway.
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