Fic: Coming Clean, Remus/Sirius, R/NC17

Sep 05, 2005 15:38

Title: Coming Clean
Author: kabeyk
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Rating: hard R to NC17
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: Squeaky, awkward, first-time bath-sex.
Author notes: Many thanks to _emeraldgreen, minnow_53 wildestranger and liadlaith for the read-through. Title suggested by minnow_53, woo! Written for the birthday of bonoffee, which was, like, yonks ago. Sorry.

'Don't mind me,' Sirius said, breezing into the bathroom, 'date tonight, very important. Harriet, you know,' Sirius tossed his hair back and started rooting through the cupboard for some hair-gel, 'has amazing tits.'

He finally turned round to where Lupin was sat neatly in the bath, a book in one hand, a cup of tea in the other. 'What, no bubbles?' Sirius asked sarcastically, peering into the bathwater, before turning away quickly with a taut sensation in his chest, having realised he'd just stared straight down at his friend's cock.

'No,' Remus replied, a little pink with the hot water and the embarrassment.

'You are such a woman,' Sirius said, combing his hair forward, eyes fixed on his own reflection.

Remus took a rather serene sip of his tea, calm despite the ridiculous way the steam had curled his hair into tiny wet wisps, and muttered 'styling products', without taking his eyes off his novel. 'Wait,' Remus glanced up suddenly, putting his book aside. 'You've got a date with Harriet Bagshaw?' he asked incredulously and Sirius almost thought he'd finally managed to inspire some jealousy. 'Seventh-year Hufflepuff Harriet?'

'Yeah,' Sirius said fake-nonchalantly, preening and raising one eyebrow, daring Remus to question his motives.

'So why are you wearing my clothes? Those jeans don't even fit you,' Remus added, rather spitefully, 'they're far too tight.'

Sirius snapped then, because he was getting so tired of Remus' constant put-downs, and the fact that he seemed to be purposely never looking Sirius in the eye. 'Fine, I'll take them off then!' he said, unbuttoning the jeans in a flouncing, petulant huff, though it actually took him nearly a minute to remove them, what with their being so tight.

'Fine,' Remus said snippily.

'Fine,' Sirius exclaimed again, once he'd struggled free of Remus' jeans. And then he realised that he probably looked quite foolish; standing there with his arms crossed, naked except for a red jumper and probably at least half hard. Remus, thankfully, looked less like he was about to die laughing, and was more just gawping in awe at Sirius' idiocy.

Remus picked his book up again with a sigh, though he showed no sign of actually starting to read again. 'You should probably wear some underwear today, if you're going on a date.'

'Yeah, maybe.' Sirius twisted his fingers together in an uncharacteristically nervous gesture, because he hadn't meant for it to go quite like this. 'Um, Remus?' he began tentatively, heart thumping. 'That's just my cock, y'know; you've seen it before.'

Remus startled. 'Well put some bloody clothes on then!'

Sirius huffed. 'I'm going to.'

'Try my really dark blue jeans, they're not so… tight, and they'll, you know, suit you.' Remus bit his lip, a slight frown on his face.

'Remus,' Sirius complained, because he was actually feeling the new and unnatural urge to cover his own nakedness, 'you're still staring.'

'Oh.' Remus' skin blushed somehow even pinker, and he finally started reading again.

Sirius gave Remus a strange look and wandered back through to find the jeans, relaxing partly because maybe this wasn't going too badly. Yes, he thought, the darker, rougher denim would look better on him. On impulse, he also stole himself a pair of Remus' boxer shorts; a crisp dark-red pair to match the jumper. As he lifted them he noticed his hands were shaking.

'Right, I'll start again,' Sirius said, taking a deep breath and marching back into the bathroom, pulling the jumper over his head as he walked. 'You know,' he added, nerves providing him with a wicked false confidence, 'I really should have a quick wash.' He shook his hair out. 'If I just borrow some of your bathwater to-'

Sirius had one arm in the water up to his elbow before he noticed the horror in Remus' eyes and felt something low in his own stomach twist and tighten, and it felt only partially pleasant. Remus, meanwhile, was crumpled at one end of the bath, long white legs bent and gathered close to his narrow chest to hide himself.

Sirius grinned as widely as he could manage at that moment. 'S'not like I'm getting in with you.' But, as usual, it was almost painfully tempting; a wet, naked Remus who for once was being more timid and docile than nasty, and seemed more affected by Sirius and Sirius' body than he normally let himself show.

Sirius grinned again and swung a leg over the side and stepped in. His knees clicked as knelt down on the bottom of the tub, sitting on his own feet. 'What?' he asked Remus. 'Got any soap?'

Remus looked absolutely terrified. He'd put his book down and was just staring again.

Sirius knew perfectly well how cruel this was, but he was just having far too much fun; Remus had been generally rather vicious towards him of late and his own cruelty gave Sirius a quick, warm feeling inside.

'Is there a problem?' Sirius asked. Remus' worried eyes were far too bright now and his toes were wiggling unhappily beneath Sirius' knees.

'Go 'way,' Remus mumbled, huddling further into himself, shifting his knees uncomfortably, giving Sirius a brief thrilling glimpse of rough, dark hair and- Oh, Sirius thought, all his body heat pooling lower, because Remus was a lot more than just half enjoying this.

Sirius didn't know whether to laugh or, well, stare. 'Look, if you wanna have a wank just go for it; I've seen James do it loads.'

Remus made a funny choky noise. 'You've seen him-'

'I should have known,' Sirius said, clambering over Remus and reaching for the soap, 'you being all hoity-toity about your baths and your cup of tea and a book, when you're just the same as the rest of us.' He made the mistake of glancing down at Remus then, and Remus' wet, slightly parted lips and wide, dilated pupils made him drop the soap.

Remus' knee edged only a touch to the left, a mere eighth of an inch probably, but it was enough to make it brush just gently against Sirius' cock, only a light nudge, though it made Sirius' fast-swelling erection twitch softly.

Sliding his own knee up a little, with a gentle squeak along the bottom of the bath, Sirius let it slip fully between Remus' legs until his knee just barely rested against Remus' balls. Sirius held himself up with his hand on the rim of the bath and used his other arm to nudge Remus' right knee down until his leg lay fairly flat.

'Fancy a shag?' Sirius whispered as Remus continued to stare at him.

'That what you asked Harriet?'

Sirius lowered himself gently onto Remus. There was a louder screech as Sirius' skin dragged stickingly along the plastic of the bath and a slap of wet flesh and a sloppy displacement of water as they fell together, Sirius gasping rather sharply at the feel of a warm body suddenly pressed into his erection. They tumbled until they were uncomfortably side-by-side and Remus kissed him then; badly and full of teeth and bathwater and too much saliva. Remus' hands were suddenly all over him too; on his cheek, brushing over his chest and one nipple, a clammy palm along his side and then his hip and round to his arse.

Sirius groaned because he couldn't not and ground his cock against Remus' hip, struggling to find enough friction and to keep his mouth above water. Even one teenage boy was too much for this bath, so two of them trying to lie side by side was ridiculous; the whole bath creaking, so much water sloshed onto the floor and their legs half up in the air, hooked over the rim of the bath and all over each other, searching for space and a comfortable position.

It was quite ridiculous and pointless to give in to this now, when Sirius had a date with a girl in less than two hours, a girl with curves and especially wonderful tits, whereas Remus was too skinny and his legs were too long, and he couldn't even kiss properly. But this was Remus and therefore anything was good. Remus was so agitated and desperate, grabbing him so tightly by the arse and rutting frantically into him, gasping and crying out, and no girl could ever look so fucking beautiful.

Sirius flailed and eventually managed to manoeuvre himself half on top of Remus, or at least with one leg slung over, and in the better position he gave in and let his hands roam. Oh yes, but girls wouldn't have this, the thick line of hair and a thick hot cock, and Remus' kissing may have been terrible - and even a bit stubbly - but he had bollocks and long, perfect fingers that massaged at Sirius' thighs and hips and arse.

The whole thing was ten times more awkward than any encounter Sirius had had with a female, messy and, well, squeaky. But Remus made greedy little moans as one hand came up to hold the back of Sirius' head, and he kissed deeper, and Sirius moaned too and let his hand fall to rest between Remus' legs.

'Fuck, just touch me,' Remus mumbled, gasping and arching his hips up and therefore slipping lower into the base of the bath, though with one leg still dangling over the side, other foot rested up on the far wall. Sirius slid his palm up then down, leaning over Remus and fucking himself jerkily hard into Remus' thigh, feeling a little crazy at the sharp warmth that flooded him just at hearing Remus talk like that.

Sirius curled his hand around and gripped, giving up on comfort and ease of movement and just going for the best friction and trying to hold Remus' prick firmly and touch him properly. Remus then made a stammered sort of choking noise, rough and sudden, and despite the thick warmth in the bathwater and the scrumpled, twisted expression on Remus' face, it took Sirius a few seconds to realise that Remus had actually come. 'Sorry,' Remus said, slurring a bit. He slapped Sirius away from him and tried to sit up, though the smooth curve of wet bathtub was hindering him, and by the time Sirius had helped him into a sitting position he looked all embarrassed and cross. 'I-'

Sirius found himself half-sat with his knees either side of one of Remus' thighs, balls resting on soft skin, one of his ankle-bones jammed painfully against the side of the bath and his foot twisted. Remus was now redder than ever, was avoiding looking into Sirius' eyes, and was even more strenuously avoiding looking at Sirius anywhere else.

'Remus,' Sirius whined rather pathetically, 'you have to-'

'Get your girl to fucking-' Remus' voice cut off as Sirius grabbed him by the wrist, pulling his hand towards him and slowly closing Remus' spindly fingers around his erection. He pushed firmly on the back of Remus' hand, forcing him to stroke a bit.

Remus kept blinking, shocked and confused. 'It's only fair,' Sirius explained, then half whimpered as Remus caught him with his thumbnail. 'Careful.'

'Sorry, I- No, here-' Remus scrambled up so that they were both on their knees, jarring one kneecap clumsily into Sirius' left. 'There, I should - I mean - this should.' He stopped talking, placing one hand on Sirius' shoulder, then sliding it to his neck, while the other stroked in long, smooth movements over Sirius' cock, juddering a little at the base because of the water which just about covered their legs.

Oh, Sirius thought, and that was spectacularly better. He tried to thrust his hips up, wanting his legs wider apart but finding the bath too narrow. Remus looked so very serious, still half-hard and knelt composedly in front of Sirius, watching the way he was moving his fingers and occasionally flickering his eyes up to check that Sirius thought he was doing it right.

'Yes,' Sirius whispered to reassure him, trying to thrust again and causing another disturbing screech of skin-on-bathtub. 'Can - I mean - a bit,' Sirius spluttered as Remus twisted his wrist as he stroked and yes, 'just, harder? A bit? Please?'

Remus nodded, still very calm - if very, very flushed - and studiously watching, the hand curled around Sirius' cock now stroking with a bit more pressure. 'Are you-' Remus started to say, then changed his mind.

'Of course I fucking am,' Sirius whined, not caring which question he was answering, and then Remus' palm stroked over the head of his prick and that was it. Sirius reached and pulled Remus' forehead to his and their heads banged together slightly too hard, but oh, that was him coming, in deep, shuddering spurts. Remus made another small throaty noise and Sirius choked, because the pleasure was so high and sharp, and because Remus was breathing very shakily and his fingers trembled and tickled against Sirius' neck.

'Your date,' Remus mumbled, as Sirius laughed and nibbled at Remus' lips.

'Don't care,' Sirius murmured in reply. 'Oh, but my legs are killing!'

Remus took in a deep, hissy breath and managed to stand, a little wobbly, and clamber out of the bathtub.

Remus ducked his head to towel himself off, facing away from Sirius, while Sirius watched Remus' long body voraciously, eyes flickering around to catch every sliver of exposed skin.

'Don't go,' Remus whispered as he scrubbed his face and hair dry, voice muffled into the towel.

'Wasn't going to,' Sirius replied, stepping closer so his lips were almost touching the nape of Remus' warm neck. Sirius slid his hand over Remus' bare arse, around his hip and down to close his fingers around Remus' cock. 'Haven't anything to wear anyway,' he added.
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