A meme!

Sep 24, 2011 11:25

A Five Questions meme from sophia_sol! (Because I am all stuffed up in my head with this evil cold and cannot think straight. And because it is fic_rush and I am nowhere near clear-headed enough to write fic.)

If you want to join in the meme:

What are the three things that most attract you to a fandom ( Read more... )

writing, meme

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Comments 37

pitry September 24 2011, 16:14:56 UTC
Oooh, I gotta ask. Where are you in DS9 and what are the directions you're worried about?

Any discussion will be spoiler free, I promise!


pitry September 24 2011, 16:46:22 UTC
Oh, right. Three things.

Let's see.
1. A certain level of scepticism - the world needs to acknowledge that there's a lot more grey than black and white.
2. Tormented characters. What can I do. I love the tormented-by-their-past characters!
3. Humour! I can't stand things that take themselves too seriously.


lost_spook September 24 2011, 16:51:57 UTC
*looks at three things list*


Pitry, you need to watch Blake's 7 right now! It ticks all your boxes in spades. If that isn't too horribly tortured a sentence. (Well, horribly tortured would be appropriate, anyway.)

/*butts out of other people's threads*


pitry September 24 2011, 16:57:06 UTC
I know! Miriam gave me a bunch of .avi's once, and then I lost the discs... :( I've been meaning to for about 4 years....


lost_spook September 24 2011, 16:25:53 UTC
Okay, three things? That's really difficult - I don't think about it in that way, but I will do my best, because I'm also tired and bored, and fannish memes are good. ;-)

1. It sounds like an interesting/fun concept.
2. Who wrote it/it's well-written or at least not taking itself too seriously if not (& who's in it, but usually only when combined with 1 and/or 2a.)
3. Good characters, well-played. The less it's about one big hero, the better, thank you.

Aww. Actually, it's funny, because I'm like that with authors, and DWJ especially. Except for Tough Guide fic, or crossovers, obviously. Tough Guide fic is a wonderful idea. :-) And, thanks. I don't know. I always tried to keep to the true mantra of the children's librarian - the right book to the right child at the right time, and read a lot. (And, btw, there's usually a good crop of Chrestomanci fic at Yuletide, so there will be some more soon!! I asked for some last year, because I temporarily forgot how uncomfortable other people writing DWJ made me, although I did ( ... )


justice_turtle September 24 2011, 21:06:38 UTC
Okay, five questions. This is harder than I expected - I feel like I know you so well already. ;-) *pokes your profile*

1: Which is your favorite PG Wodehouse book?
2: Do you knit, crochet, or do any other handicrafts?
3: What is your favorite color?
4: How did you discover Diana Wynne Jones?
5: Which is your favorite era of Doctor Who, and who's your favorite companion from each era you've seen? (Spin-off media totally allowed, yes.)


roseandheather September 24 2011, 17:10:54 UTC
Haha, I was so down with your "you can take a bullet for someone without wanting to fuck them" statement - it's still true for Olivia and Elliott of SVU, in my mind, because just um no - and I went into The Inspector Lynley Mysteries absolutely determined to Not Ship Lynley/Havers Ever and it took all of five minutes for that to be chucked out the window, because she goes all dreamy-eyed whenever he does something kind and there is WAAAYYYY too much sexual tension for them to be Just Partners, dammit. /rant ( ... )


justice_turtle September 24 2011, 21:21:46 UTC
'A character who fascinates me on a personal level. This is easily the most important of the three.'

*grins* Yup. For me, too. That's generally the difference between a fandom I know slightly and one I consider myself "fannish about".

(That, and loyalty. Yes. Didn't mention it in my three things, but oh... most of my badass loner heroes are also so, so loyal when they choose to be. *nods* ♥ Don't get me started unless you really want to hear a lot of comic-book backstory. *g*)

Five questions! Hm.

1: Bones and Kira have to team up for some reason. What happens?
2: Which are your five favorite userpics?
3: What is your favorite SG-1 pairing, and some of your favorite eps (featuring that pairing or not)?
4: ...er, what the heck is Inspector Lynley Mysteries anyway? :S
5: What is Scotland like? Is it nice? Which bit of it (that you've seen) do you like best? Do you want to live there, or do you plan to move somewhere else?


roseandheather September 25 2011, 18:29:04 UTC
Done! :D


smirnoffmule September 24 2011, 19:22:49 UTC
Oooh, Chrestomanci fic! Did you find anything good?

Hmmm, my three things. Okay.

1) I've never been in a fandom that wasn't SF/F, so I guess science fiction/fantasy/horror elements are a must for me.
2) I like world building and expandable universes. I like big, spacious canons with lots of room to play and potential for different stories.
3) Moral ambiguity/interesting philosophy, I suppose. I like playing with that stuff in fic. I totally get off on ethics.
Bonus number 4) I don't care if everyone else on the cast dies and is dead forever, the dog must live.

Ok, I can think of some exceptions for number 4, but canon is going to have to have built up a lot of prior bankable good will with me if it's going to start killing puppies.

Wolverine \o/ I love the classics, Chris Claremont writes my favourite Wolverine.

I'm interested about the directions of DS9 you're worried about too? How far have you got?


justice_turtle September 24 2011, 20:19:37 UTC
DS9: I answered Pitry here.

Chrestomanci: Yes I did! Lots of it - I shall have to make a rec post.

Yay Claremont!Wolvie! XD

Aaand... five questions, hmmm. *pokes your profile*

1: (Hey, we share a birthday!) How well do you think your zodiac sign fits you? Do you think astrology is utter bosh, or that there's something in it?
2: X-Men - who's your favorite character and what's your favorite 'ship, in movie!verse and in comics!verse? (I've gathered that you're familiar with both?)
3: Which is your favorite Trek, and who's your favorite character from each Trek you've seen?
4: Same question for Doctor Who - which is your favorite Doctorly era, and who's your favorite character from each era you've seen? (I'm evil, yes; I couldn't answer that second one fairly myself. ;P)
5: More emus on DS9 - improvement or disaster? ;-)


smirnoffmule September 24 2011, 22:28:55 UTC
Good questions! I'll answer them in a post.

Re DS9 - I actually really liked Ezri and what they did with her, and how they handled the Worf/Bashir thing. This isn't the most popular opinion in fandom, but I think a lot of people just disliked her for not being Jadzia. Jadzia was a hard act to follow and I like they didn't just try and make Ezri Jadzia II, they actually let her be different. IMHO, anyway. But, I'm the person who's about to make a post explaining that his favourite Trek is Enterprise, so you may freely discount all of my opinions from henceforth :P


roseandheather September 25 2011, 19:02:54 UTC
But, I'm the person who's about to make a post explaining that his favourite Trek is Enterprise...

I knew I friended you for a reason!! :D


clocketpatch September 25 2011, 00:49:50 UTC
1. The characters can pick up swords and start having a random sword fight in the middle of an episode and the show can completely justify it, even if the show doesn't usually have sword fights. That's my first yardstick. I like fandoms that manage to bridge real life with the fantastic. I like fandoms which surprise me with the unexpected and the weird. And, even though it's kind of a metaphor here, I like sword fights too. They're just cool.

2. The characters fascinate me. Even when I don't agree with their choices I want to understand why they're making them. The struggles they face should be real, even when they are struggles which they've created for themselves.

3. Some witty dialogue and humour always goes over well. It's even better if it's delivered with a sexy accent.


justice_turtle September 25 2011, 01:21:25 UTC
Ooh, I like your three things. (Swordfights make everything better, yes. My family are currently watching Perry Mason on the other side of the room, and while I am usually just a bit "KILL ALL THE LAWYERS" about Perry Mason, it would certainly be better if Perry and Tragg were to whip out a pair of swords and start fencing right about now... XD)

Hm. Five questions. Er, let's see.

1: Please explain why "plumb bobs" are in your interests. I gather it's to do with archaeology, but it does seem a bit specific?
2: What is the story behind the DbyA anyway? Did you found it, who runs it, how did you get involved with it?
3: Which is your favorite Doctorly era, and who is your favorite character from each era of Who you've seen?
4: Terry Pratchett! Which is your favorite Discworld / Pratchett book, and who are your top three characters?
5: Which are your five favorite icons, and why?


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