A meme!

Sep 24, 2011 11:25

A Five Questions meme from sophia_sol! (Because I am all stuffed up in my head with this evil cold and cannot think straight. And because it is fic_rush and I am nowhere near clear-headed enough to write fic.)

If you want to join in the meme:

What are the three things that most attract you to a fandom ( Read more... )

writing, meme

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lost_spook September 24 2011, 16:25:53 UTC
Okay, three things? That's really difficult - I don't think about it in that way, but I will do my best, because I'm also tired and bored, and fannish memes are good. ;-)

1. It sounds like an interesting/fun concept.
2. Who wrote it/it's well-written or at least not taking itself too seriously if not (& who's in it, but usually only when combined with 1 and/or 2a.)
3. Good characters, well-played. The less it's about one big hero, the better, thank you.

Aww. Actually, it's funny, because I'm like that with authors, and DWJ especially. Except for Tough Guide fic, or crossovers, obviously. Tough Guide fic is a wonderful idea. :-) And, thanks. I don't know. I always tried to keep to the true mantra of the children's librarian - the right book to the right child at the right time, and read a lot. (And, btw, there's usually a good crop of Chrestomanci fic at Yuletide, so there will be some more soon!! I asked for some last year, because I temporarily forgot how uncomfortable other people writing DWJ made me, although I did get fic with a splendid new dressing gown and a sort of AU harry Potter crossover, so it worked out.)

I like to watch things while they're on, if I can - although, with DW, I'm okay to wait, but I'd be upset not to see something like Spooks at the time. But I get what you mean about not quite wanting to finish things - I have Classic DW gaps I am slow to fill, because I like there being some more I haven't seen. I will feel sad when there isn't. (Except of course, for burninated things, but that is not the same. They should be found this instant, obv.)


justice_turtle September 24 2011, 21:06:38 UTC
Okay, five questions. This is harder than I expected - I feel like I know you so well already. ;-) *pokes your profile*

1: Which is your favorite PG Wodehouse book?
2: Do you knit, crochet, or do any other handicrafts?
3: What is your favorite color?
4: How did you discover Diana Wynne Jones?
5: Which is your favorite era of Doctor Who, and who's your favorite companion from each era you've seen? (Spin-off media totally allowed, yes.)


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