A meme!

Sep 24, 2011 11:25

A Five Questions meme from sophia_sol! (Because I am all stuffed up in my head with this evil cold and cannot think straight. And because it is fic_rush and I am nowhere near clear-headed enough to write fic.)

If you want to join in the meme:

What are the three things that most attract you to a fandom?
Comment with an answer to the question above.
I’ll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
Post to your journal with the answers to the questions. Or if you want, post in the comments here. Or both!
Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.

Or you can just tell me your three things and say "no five questions, please". If you want. :-)

1. Do you have/have you had any fandoms that don't line up with your three things?

FTR, my three things were these:

1: Guys who are adorable with kids (whether or not there ARE any kids in canon)
2: Badass code-of-his-own loner hero characters, grumpy cops, and/or shapeshifters (the Venn overlap there is tremendous *points to icon*)
3: Clever-handed, usually blue-eyed deadpan snarkers with dimples

And... um, probably not. Category #1 covers at least 95% of my fandom guys, unless it's very narrowly interpreted - for instance, anything with Richard Dean Anderson or David McCallum is in Category #1, even though Legend and Sapphire & Steel respectively featured each of those guys trying to convince the audience that his character was uncomfortable around children. (RDA failed utterly; DMc only failed slightly, because he is an acting god. ;S)

My non-Category-1 guys are, let's see: the Third Doctor, Adam Cartwright, and - going back a long way here - Paul Bunyan and possibly Davy Crockett. This is only because I don't have incontrovertible evidence of any of these guys' attitudes toward kids. Three and Adam are both firmly in Category 3, Davy Crockett is from Categories 2 and 3 (first of my loner heroes, yay), and as to Paul Bunyan... I have no idea. I was a (terrifyingly literate) toddler. XD

(There are guys who would be puzzling if not in Category 1, like Q and Peter Tork - but Category 1 really is the first thing I notice about a guy, so. *g*)

2. Do you have more of a tendency to be more into fandoms with a certain sort of canon, like tv shows or books or something?

Hrm. Depends on the definition of "into", I guess... I tend not to write/read for book canons, as they're generally single-author and make me feel a bit awkward about interpretation. (Although I just now devoured all the gen/het Chrestomanci fic on AO3, which boggles me slightly. Hm, there's another guy who's more Category 3 than Category 1 - and holy cat, new fandom with a vengeance. I am head over heels. lost_spook, you must have been a VERY good librarian. ;D)

I do notice that I tend to prefer closed canons over those that are still growing, though I don't always actually finish a canon - I'm stalling massively on finishing DS9, both because I don't want it to be gooooooooone and because I'm cranky about directions it goes (or I have heard it goes) that I do not think are as cool as directions I would have taken it in. *pouty face* But Doctor Who, f'rinstance, or most comic-book canons; I'm not watching this season of Who till it finishes, and as to comic-books, I've completely sworn off recent developments in favor of just re-reading the good stuff. ;-) (I think I've read everything Chris Claremont has ever written about Wolverine, that's available in graphic-novel format. *g*)

3. What's the thing that annoys you the most when you come across it in a fic?

Ooh, good question. Um - "Everyone Must Be Paired Off Syndrome", honestly, though I suffer from it myself to the point that I only felt okay breaking up Odo/Kira in order to ship Odo/Lwaxana because sophia_gratia's Kira/Dax ship makes so much sense... ;P

Also, whump that makes my guy unconscious. I'm all about the emo-whump - how bad he feels, not how beat up he is. (Not that I can read whump as much these days, but that's my preference.) And use of vomiting or peeing/shitting oneself distracts me, because in my early fic-reading days I noticed that many SG-1 whumpficcers have a strong preference for one or the other, so I'll jump out of the story to run a quick comparison with the rest of the writer's work. *weird brain, I has it*

And of course, "Love = Sex" in partners fandoms. Because it makes me depressed and cranky. You can take a bullet for someone without wanting to fuck him, dammit! :P

4. Which do you prefer, writhing fanfic or origfic?

(I leave the "writhing" typo in because it amuses me. *g*)

It really depends on my mood. I'm leaning a lot more toward origfic, these days, but it's not so much a social activity; I can't make offhand references to "oh, that's like X thing that happened in my novel" when I'm the only person who knows canon. Fanfic is very much a social activity for me.

Also, I'm more confident about fanfic. The characters are defined, and people are already interested in them; I just have to get their voices right. Original characters scare me, kind of, in terms of "but people might not like them! and I am probably being insensitive and faily! and there is no plot!" o_O

5. Do you prefer AUs or more canon-based fic?

Ooh, I love AUs when I can get them. Especially the off-the-wall "Napoleon and Illya in Ancient Egypt!" or "everybody is turned into animals/kids!" sorts. ("Something happened differently" interests me less.) But that stuff isn't very common outside of Stargate, so I will happily devour the canon-based stories as well. Fiiiiiiiic - yummy, yummy fic. *g*

writing, meme

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