A meme!

Sep 24, 2011 11:25

A Five Questions meme from sophia_sol! (Because I am all stuffed up in my head with this evil cold and cannot think straight. And because it is fic_rush and I am nowhere near clear-headed enough to write fic.)

If you want to join in the meme:

What are the three things that most attract you to a fandom ( Read more... )

writing, meme

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pitry September 24 2011, 16:14:56 UTC
Oooh, I gotta ask. Where are you in DS9 and what are the directions you're worried about?

Any discussion will be spoiler free, I promise!


pitry September 24 2011, 16:46:22 UTC
Oh, right. Three things.

Let's see.
1. A certain level of scepticism - the world needs to acknowledge that there's a lot more grey than black and white.
2. Tormented characters. What can I do. I love the tormented-by-their-past characters!
3. Humour! I can't stand things that take themselves too seriously.


lost_spook September 24 2011, 16:51:57 UTC
*looks at three things list*


Pitry, you need to watch Blake's 7 right now! It ticks all your boxes in spades. If that isn't too horribly tortured a sentence. (Well, horribly tortured would be appropriate, anyway.)

/*butts out of other people's threads*


pitry September 24 2011, 16:57:06 UTC
I know! Miriam gave me a bunch of .avi's once, and then I lost the discs... :( I've been meaning to for about 4 years....


lost_spook September 24 2011, 19:22:19 UTC
Aw, yeah, sorry, I thought after I said that the DVDs are hard to come by outside of Region 2. (I don't know why; there must be some sort of copyright thing going on.)

But, yeah: tortured characters who snark about everything and a show that questions whether anyone ever achieved anything at all? B7 is it. Mind it is a bit black and white sometimes, but only because Servalan prefers to dress all in one colour. And of course, it depends on your feelings about Terry Nation cliches, truly awful sfx, slow early eps and quarries. And giant ants. So, you know, you might be better off without. ;-)


pitry September 24 2011, 20:14:36 UTC
Mmmm. Well.. there are always less.. legal.. ways to get episodes :D

And I honestly don't mind truly awful sfx. I loved classic Who and Star Trek TOS, after all :D


justice_turtle September 24 2011, 20:29:37 UTC
'*butts out of other people's threads*'

*waggles finger at you* I keep telling you, I LIKE it when people go off on long tangents about B7 and other things I don't really get in my journal comments. It is a good way to intrigue me. ;-) So there is no need to apologize.

(Until I get the money and time to buy the DVDs from England and get a cheap DVD player to reprogram for Region 2, I expect I won't be seeing much of B7. But when I do, I'm sure I can count on you and lolmac to chatter about it with me! *g*)


lost_spook September 25 2011, 17:27:17 UTC

And, aha, a cunning plan! Now, who else can I tell that there three reasons for liking stuff = they would love B7?

Yes, for some reason the BBC seem to want to make it difficult to obtain. Which seems unlikely, so, as I said, I feel sure, there must be some weird copyright stuffs going on somewhere. Maybe over Servalan's outfits. They are too awesome to be exported. Probably. Possibly. ;-)

I think you can safely count on me to chatter about B7. Just be gentle with me if you passionately hate it, because I loved it all, even some of the bits of Ben Steed's episodes. So I would wibble a bit, you see. Just a bit.


justice_turtle September 24 2011, 20:39:10 UTC
Five questions! I'm going to reuse some of these from SmirnoffMule's. ;-)

1: Which is your favorite Trek, and who is your favorite character from each Trek you've seen?
2: For DS9 - you mention you like Ferengi episodes. Which is your favorite Ferengi ep and your favorite Ferengi?
3: What is the thing with the giraffes on your journal?
4: How many languages do you know / speak / whatever?
5: Re your #1 - do you prefer fandoms where the morality leans more toward grey-and-black, grey-and-white, or grey-and-grey?

(I go for grey-and-white, me. Nuanced villains, antiheroes, and the occasional book!Faramir type who just really doesn't seem to have many identifiable flaws. *g*)


Not spoiler free, because I'm in it ;-) justice_turtle September 24 2011, 19:49:58 UTC
End of sixth season. I find I react really badly to main-character death, even when I didn't particularly care about the character who died; it mucks up the dynamic.

So the things I'm worried about are:

* Odo/Kira. Not want, because ASEXUAL!ODO DAMMIT. There were so many better ways to handle the S2-S6 part of that story arc, none of which the writers took. :P But anything that makes Odo happyface is an instant YES for me - so I know I will be all invested in the S7 Odo/Kira arc, and then the writers will take and tear my heart in little pieces and dance on it, like Steven Moffat in a penultimate episode. ;P Only there is not a Moffat-esque final episode. :-(

* Ezri. Specifically, the writing of Ezri. It is reputed to be baaaaaad. (I mean, [spoilers]Julian/Ezri? Worf/Ezri?[/spoilers] *boxes writers' ears* HAVE SOME IMAGINATION ALREADY ( ... )


Re: Not spoiler free, because I'm in it ;-) pitry September 24 2011, 20:13:24 UTC
Hmmm... some of your worries here, I have to agree with. I won't tell you which, though, because it will be spoilery :P Let's just same some of my biggest problems with the show show up in your last point ( ... )


Re: Not spoiler free, because I'm in it ;-) roseandheather September 25 2011, 18:28:32 UTC
In regards to Odo/Kira - and you can consider me biased here, because OMG FAVORITE STAR TREK SHIP EVER - it's... well, it's less sexual than you would think. I mean, that's part of it, yes, but it's so much more about FEEEELINGS than you would think. It's about respect and trust and a little happiness in the middle of a war, and I think it's handled really, really well. But that's just me.


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