A meme!

Sep 24, 2011 11:25

A Five Questions meme from sophia_sol! (Because I am all stuffed up in my head with this evil cold and cannot think straight. And because it is fic_rush and I am nowhere near clear-headed enough to write fic.)

If you want to join in the meme:

What are the three things that most attract you to a fandom ( Read more... )

writing, meme

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smirnoffmule September 24 2011, 19:22:49 UTC
Oooh, Chrestomanci fic! Did you find anything good?

Hmmm, my three things. Okay.

1) I've never been in a fandom that wasn't SF/F, so I guess science fiction/fantasy/horror elements are a must for me.
2) I like world building and expandable universes. I like big, spacious canons with lots of room to play and potential for different stories.
3) Moral ambiguity/interesting philosophy, I suppose. I like playing with that stuff in fic. I totally get off on ethics.
Bonus number 4) I don't care if everyone else on the cast dies and is dead forever, the dog must live.

Ok, I can think of some exceptions for number 4, but canon is going to have to have built up a lot of prior bankable good will with me if it's going to start killing puppies.

Wolverine \o/ I love the classics, Chris Claremont writes my favourite Wolverine.

I'm interested about the directions of DS9 you're worried about too? How far have you got?


justice_turtle September 24 2011, 20:19:37 UTC
DS9: I answered Pitry here.

Chrestomanci: Yes I did! Lots of it - I shall have to make a rec post.

Yay Claremont!Wolvie! XD

Aaand... five questions, hmmm. *pokes your profile*

1: (Hey, we share a birthday!) How well do you think your zodiac sign fits you? Do you think astrology is utter bosh, or that there's something in it?
2: X-Men - who's your favorite character and what's your favorite 'ship, in movie!verse and in comics!verse? (I've gathered that you're familiar with both?)
3: Which is your favorite Trek, and who's your favorite character from each Trek you've seen?
4: Same question for Doctor Who - which is your favorite Doctorly era, and who's your favorite character from each era you've seen? (I'm evil, yes; I couldn't answer that second one fairly myself. ;P)
5: More emus on DS9 - improvement or disaster? ;-)


smirnoffmule September 24 2011, 22:28:55 UTC
Good questions! I'll answer them in a post.

Re DS9 - I actually really liked Ezri and what they did with her, and how they handled the Worf/Bashir thing. This isn't the most popular opinion in fandom, but I think a lot of people just disliked her for not being Jadzia. Jadzia was a hard act to follow and I like they didn't just try and make Ezri Jadzia II, they actually let her be different. IMHO, anyway. But, I'm the person who's about to make a post explaining that his favourite Trek is Enterprise, so you may freely discount all of my opinions from henceforth :P


roseandheather September 25 2011, 19:02:54 UTC
But, I'm the person who's about to make a post explaining that his favourite Trek is Enterprise...

I knew I friended you for a reason!! :D


smirnoffmule September 26 2011, 19:28:31 UTC
*Leads a rousing rendition of Faith of the Heart* :D


roseandheather September 27 2011, 16:28:20 UTC
It's been a long road,
Gettin' from there to here
It's been a long time,
But the time is finally here...



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