A meme!

Sep 24, 2011 11:25

A Five Questions meme from sophia_sol! (Because I am all stuffed up in my head with this evil cold and cannot think straight. And because it is fic_rush and I am nowhere near clear-headed enough to write fic.)

If you want to join in the meme:

What are the three things that most attract you to a fandom ( Read more... )

writing, meme

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roseandheather September 24 2011, 17:10:54 UTC
Haha, I was so down with your "you can take a bullet for someone without wanting to fuck them" statement - it's still true for Olivia and Elliott of SVU, in my mind, because just um no - and I went into The Inspector Lynley Mysteries absolutely determined to Not Ship Lynley/Havers Ever and it took all of five minutes for that to be chucked out the window, because she goes all dreamy-eyed whenever he does something kind and there is WAAAYYYY too much sexual tension for them to be Just Partners, dammit. /rant

Oh, right. Three things.

1. Loyalty. There is nothing that hits me harder than undying loyalty, ever. See: ILM, Star Trek, Stargate, Castle, Sanctuary. Along with this, an epic romance (that preferably includes undying loyalty). (Yes, I am one of Those People *giggle*) See: ILM, DS9, SG1, SGA, 24, Castle, Glee.

2. The writers not fucking their characters up beyond recognition. See: ILM (OH BOY OH BOY DID THEY EVER DO MY GIRL JUSTICE), Star Trek (mostly), Stargate (ditto), Castle, Sanctuary, Glee (they seem to be doing mostly okay with Kurt and Blaine, which is all I care about on that show). Do Not See: 24 HOWARD GORDON YOU ARE A COMPLETE BASTARD AND I STILL WANT TO WRING YOUR NECK BECAUSE EVEN THOUGH IT'S BEEN TWO YEARS I AM STILL NOT OVER THE TRAUMA AND I STILL HATE YOU LIKE BURNING *cough* yes. Fandom issues. I has them.

3. A character who fascinates me on a personal level. This is easily the most important of the three. See: ILM (Barbara Havers), Stargate (Sam Carter and Elizabeth Weir, also Rodney McKay), Star Trek (Dr McCoy, Beverly Crusher, Kira Nerys, Kathryn Janeway, and Malcolm Reed), Glee (Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson), Sanctuary (Helen Magnus, Nikola Tesla, Will Zimmerman), and 24 (Allison Taylor).


justice_turtle September 24 2011, 21:21:46 UTC
'A character who fascinates me on a personal level. This is easily the most important of the three.'

*grins* Yup. For me, too. That's generally the difference between a fandom I know slightly and one I consider myself "fannish about".

(That, and loyalty. Yes. Didn't mention it in my three things, but oh... most of my badass loner heroes are also so, so loyal when they choose to be. *nods* ♥ Don't get me started unless you really want to hear a lot of comic-book backstory. *g*)

Five questions! Hm.

1: Bones and Kira have to team up for some reason. What happens?
2: Which are your five favorite userpics?
3: What is your favorite SG-1 pairing, and some of your favorite eps (featuring that pairing or not)?
4: ...er, what the heck is Inspector Lynley Mysteries anyway? :S
5: What is Scotland like? Is it nice? Which bit of it (that you've seen) do you like best? Do you want to live there, or do you plan to move somewhere else?


roseandheather September 25 2011, 18:29:04 UTC
Done! :D


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