2010 LJ Scrapbook

Jan 01, 2011 00:01

Warning: Picture Heavy

stats taken from the 1st of the month listed

4,372 comments received
4,422 comments posted
1,342 Journal Entries
303 Tags
24 Memories
114 Userpics
112 Mutual Friends
Watching 91 Communities
4,451 comments received
4,482 comments posted
1,358 Journal Entries
304 Tags
28 Memories
114 Userpics
113 Mutual Friends
Watching 92 Communities
4,544 comments received
4,545 comments posted
1,370 Journal Entries
306 Tags
34 Memories
116 Userpics
117 Mutual Friends
Watching 93 Communities
4,748 comments received
4,675 comments posted
1,403 Journal Entries
307 Tags
35 Memories
118 Userpics
124 Mutual Friends
Watching 81 Communities
4,806 comments received
4,717 comments posted
1,410 Journal Entries
307 Tags
35 Memories
118 Userpics
127 Mutual Friends
Watching 82 Communities
4,949 comments received
4,813 comments posted
1,448 Journal Entries
309 Tags
35 Memories
118 Userpics
136 Mutual Friends
Watching 84 Communities
5,301 comments received
4,992 comments posted
1,530 Journal Entries
288 Tags
35 Memories
154 Userpics
138 Mutual Friends
Watching 91 Communities
5,454 comments received
5,065 comments posted
1,568 Journal Entries
291 Tags
36 Memories
168 Userpics
141 Mutual Friends
Watching 97 Communities
5,749 comments received
5,230 comments posted
1,622 Journal Entries
249 Tags
37 Memories
166 Userpics
144 Mutual Friends
Watching 103 Communities
6,016 comments received
5,323 comments posted
1,691 Journal Entries
249 Tags
38 Memories
162 Userpics
151 Mutual Friends
Watching 103 Communities
6,269 comments received
5,445 comments posted
1,749 Journal Entries
249 Tags
38 Memories
174 Userpics
155 Mutual Friends
Watching 103 Communities
6,496 comments received
5,566 comments posted
1,815 Journal Entries
252 Tags
40 Memories
176 Userpics
157 Mutual Friends
Watching 105 Communities
January 2011
6,631 comments received
5,631 comments posted
1,848 Journal Entries
228 Tags
40 Memories
190 Userpics
166 Mutual Friends
Watching 109 Communities

06 January 2009 - 01 March 2010
header made by juri_anne
code by street_of_mercy
code mods by juri_anne

01 March 2010 - 26 March 2010
code by runningrockets
code mods by juri_anne

26 March 2010 - 15 June 2010
code by runningrockets
code mods by juri_anne

15 June 2010 - 30 December 2010
code by street_of_mercy
code mods by juri_anne

30 December 2010 - present
header made by juri_anne
code by endlessdeep
code mods by juri_anne

06 January 2009 - present
header made by juri_anne
code by street_of_mercy
code mods by juri_anne

01 March 2010 - 27 March 2010
code by evolretsalp
code mods by juri_anne

27 March 2010 - 15 June 2010
code by evolretsalp
code mods by juri_anne

15 June 2010 - 30 December 2010
code by street_of_mercy
code mods by juri_anne

30 December 2010 - present
header made by juri_anne
code by street_of_mercy
code mods by juri_anne

mouseover for credit

July 2009 - February 2010
made by cecism
full view

February 2010 - July 2010
made by isis2015
full view

July 2010 - present
made by juri_anne
full view

Thoughtful Disposal ~ Centsational Girl {blog}
Information on what and where to recycle various things

A Space Oddity ~ absofruitly
Picspam of CSI 9x20

Whip It! ~ thelackoflight
Picspam of Whip It!

Knock-Off Wood {blog}

Tangled ~ mercscilla
Picspam of Tangled {trailer}

The Tropes of Zombieland ~ marie153rd
Picspam of Zombieland

The Tropes of DW 05x13 ~ hundredsquared
Picspam of Doctor Who episode 05x13

Reasons NOT to Sleep with Jack Sparrow ~ timebomb
Picspam of Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy

Top 15 Scenes of Season 5 ~ summerdisregard
Picspam of Doctor Who Season 5

Fringe Promo Art ~ fancifull
Picspam of Promo Art from Fringe

50 Geeky Moments ~ miss_jaffacake
Picspam of The Big Bang Theory

A Selection of Kisses ~ dharmavati
A selection of kisses from various movies and shows

The Torch Online - Merlin tag {Facebook reviews}

SimSecret ~ SimSecret
My first SimSecret - #11

January House Tour ~ 25 January 2010
February House Tour ~ 26 February 2010
April House Tour ~ 04 April 2010

Top 10 Celebrities ~ 02 January 2010
TV Meme ~ 18 June 2010
Date Night {Danny/Nick - Hot Fuzz} ~ 06 July 2010
War "War" by Poets of the Fall {Alan Wake} ~ 06 July 2010
Game Meme ~ 02 September 2010
Halloween Party Post ~ 31 October 2010

Simperiments ~ 30 January 2010
pixel_trade Simperiments Challenge Jan '10

Catching Up ~ 07 February 2010
Clothing & Looking For Group eye recolors

The Foster's ~ 23 February 2010
The Foster Family Downloads

The Concepta's ~ 03 March 2010
The Concepta Family Downloads

Cruel Sims REDUX ~ 14 March 2010
6 CoolSims Retextures & Recolors

She Moves {barefoot} ~ 16 March 2010
104 Recolors of kkkayleighh's Barefoot Mesh for Flinn's Victoria Dress

She Moves {docs} ~ 17 March 2010
126 Recolors of kkkayleighh's Docs Mesh for Flinn's Victoria Dress

She Moves {wedges} ~ 18 March 2010
126 Recolors of kkkayleighh's Wedges Mesh for Flinn's Victoria Dress

She Moves {heels} ~ 21 March 2010
126 Recolors of kkkayleighh's Heels Mesh for Flinn's Victoria Dress

She Moves {flats} ~ 27 March 2010
134 Recolors of kkkayleighh's Flats Mesh for Flinn's Victoria Dress

LDG Collage Frame Recolors ~ 28 March 2010
32 Recolors of Living Dead Girl's Collage Frame Recolors

She Moves {cyberboots} ~ 30 March 2010
126 Recolors of kkkayleighh's Cyberboots Mesh for Flinn's Victoria Dress

My Buddy Keith {Part 1 - Signs} ~ 01 April 2010
41 Left 4 Dead 2 Signs on Aikea's Half Height Wall Mesh

My Buddy Keith {Part 2 - Dead Center} ~ 11 April 2010
52 Left 4 Dead 2 Signs on Aikea's Half Height Wall Mesh

My Buddy Keith {Part 3 - Dark Carnival} ~ 05 May 2010
31 Left 4 Dead 2 Signs on Aikea's Half Height Wall Mesh

My Buddy Keith {Part 4 - Misc Signs} ~ 15 May 2010
86 Left 4 Dead 2 Signs on Aikea's Half Height Wall Mesh

My Buddy Keith {Part 5 - The Passing Signs} ~ 15 May 2010
28 Left 4 Dead 2 Signs on Aikea's Half Height Wall Mesh

Disney - Shag ~ 01 June 2010
Default Painting Replacements

My Buddy Keith {Part 6 - Graffiti} ~ 01 June 2010
Default Painting Replacements

PT Viking ~ 04 June 2010
A Multi-PT Hack

My Buddy Keith {Part 7 - Yard Signs} ~ 08 June 2010
10 Left 4 Dead 2 Signs on Maxis' Ecopure Park Sign

The Frell's ~ 09 June 2010
The Frell Family Downloads

My Buddy Keith {Part 8 - Paintings & Posters} ~ 12 June 2010
72 Left 4 Dead Paintings & Posters on various meshes

Good Genes III: Revenge of the Genetically Challenged ~ 13 July 2010
Garden of Shadows Genetic Experiment Challenge

Starfish ~ 15 August 2010
18 Recolors of the Starfish Deco

i never miss ~ 17 August 2010
Recolors of Maxis oars and flotation devices, and Exotic Elements chair mesh

Book Worm ~ 21 August 2010
Book Defaults of fantasyrogue's covers

The Gro's ~ 07 September 2010
The Gro Family Downloads

Requested Paintings ~ 29 September 2010
Requested Paintings for cumonroxy

2 Hair Retextures ~ 07 October 2010
2 Hair Retextures

GENERATIONS ~ 18 October 2010
October pixel_trade Challenge

The Family Portrait Collection ~ 20 October 2010
60 Recolors of the Family Portrait Collection Mesh

Enthusiastic Cloud ~ 26 October 2010
6 recolors of RenSims's FemFem, GQ, & Madness eyebrows, 3 Maxis-Match Retextures & Recolors

I Can Sing A Rainbow ~ 10 November 2010
50 Recolors of niloublue's Memories Skintones

The Gro Family House ~ 14 November 2010
The Gro Family House Tour and Download

Rise Rapture! Rise! ~ 06 December 2010
475 Bioshock & Bioshock paintings & posters on various meshes

I Can Sing A Rainbow Nosemask Addition ~ 06 December 2010
50 Recolors of niloublue's Nosemasks

2010 Garden of Shadows Secret Santa ~ 26 December 2010
2010 Garden of Shadows Secret Santa Gifts

project: lj scrapbook 2010

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