you put your arms around me

Jan 03, 2010 17:50

On the day before I must return to that dreadful place called school, I bring you a picspam!
Alright, I did this mostly because I wanted to see how it was to watch/work with BluRay caps. The file was a fucking bitch to download but it's so clear, sharp, and GUH IT'S REALLY BEAUTIFUL. I'm totally going to try to watch stuff in BluRay more.

I'd say slight spoilers for the whole movie so tread carefully. It's a fairly big picspam as well.

Whip It: Aw, this was such a fun movie! It follows that teen discovering herself with a new family and boyfriend storyline but with tough derby girls! Amazing soundtrack as well.
It's nothing really amazing but it's enjoyable with a stellar cast that will make you smile. Everyone is just so cute! Ellen Page, Kristen Wiig, Drew Barrymore, everyone. I quite like Barrymore as a director too. That underwater undressing scene was so aesthetically pretty. Totally ridiculous but hey, pretty! Blisster/Oliver are adorable even if he was a jerk in the end./div>

All in all, a good movie/picspam to start off my 2010. :D

post: pictorial evidence, movie: whip it

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