you are the daydream in my eyes

Apr 19, 2009 00:24

Not an actual post and I probably won't get around to making one of those for at least a few weeks. But for now, another picspam!

*warning: image heavy & spoilers*

So, I don't actually watch CSI anymore. Well, not any of the new episodes really, but I always watch the reruns on Spike. However, when I heard that this was going to be a Hodges/Wendy episode AND it was going to take place at a Sci-Fi convention, I had to tune in. And I'm glad I did because I haven't enjoyed an episode like that in a very long time. Plus, I love it when they focus on the lab rats. (See Lab Rats from Season 7 and You Kill Me from Season 8, especially the later. Clue style crime lab board game!) Anyway, onto the pretty pictures...

Wendy: Hey, also I was thinking that maybe it would be fun to have a little Astro Quest mini-marathon?
Hodges: Ooh.
Wendy: Like maybe Yesterday's Tomorrow parts one, two, and three?
Hodges: You mean the time travel trilogy from season four?
Wendy: Yes.
Hodges: That's great, yeah. Count me in.
Wendy: Good.
Hodges: Hey, I'll also spring for pizza if it's not too much of a crowd.
Wendy: Well, two is not much of a crowd really, so.
Hodges: You mean...just you and me?
Wendy: Yeah. You, me, the Blu-Ray DVD box set, and the brand new plasma tv.
Hodges: Over at your place?
Wendy: Yeah, that's where I keep my tv.
Hodges: Okay, sounds good.
Wendy: Yeah, it will be.

Wendy leaves. Commence fantasy sequence.

Astro Quest!Archie: You ever actually seen one? I mean, have you ever actually seen one? In the flesh?
Astro Quest!Hodges:A Tigillian(?) Concubine.
Astro Quest!Archie: Feral. Carnal. Voracious. I'd say she's worth the change in shift.
Astro Quest!Wendy: You're on fire. Hodges, you're on fire!

Back to reality. Hodges' work station is ablaze, as is he. Wendy to the rescue!

Wendy: What happened?
Hodges: I was checking the unknown solubility of acetone when I guess I caught on fire. My mind wandered.
Wendy: That's been happening a lot lately, Hodges. What's going on with you?
Hodges: There's nothing going on! This is a crime lab, not some Tigillian casbah.
Wendy: Excuse me?
Hodges: You, me, a DVD. I don't think that's going to help us catch a killer.
Wendy: Are you actually trying to blame all of this on me?
Hodges: Not in so many words.
Wendy: Okay, you know what? I asked you to come over and watch a DVD, that's it. So if you're having some fantasies about me dressed up in a tin-foil bikini, dancing around in a casbah in a strange alien planet, well...good.
Hodges: Good?
Wendy: Yes, good. Because it means you're not as oblivious as everyone around here thinks you are. The fact is, if you can't handle the way those fantasies make you feel, don't turn around and blame me when you screw up.
Hodges: Don't worry, it's not gonna happen again.
Wendy: Well, that's not the only thing that's not gonna happen.
Hodges: Fine.
Wendy: Fine.


Wendy translates what Hodges said to her in Astro Quest's Vellikon language at the convention.

Translation: We were made for each other.

Wendy looks over at Hodges. Commence next fantasy sequence.

Astro Quest!Hodges: *Speaking into* Anytime you're ready, Ecklie.
Astro Quest!Wendy: You will leave me now?
Astro Quest!Hodges: The lab needs me.
Astro Quest!Wendy: You have needs of your own. As do I.
Astro Quest!Hodges: Maybe someday our needs will coincide.
Astro Quest!Wendy: I hope so. Till then...

They go to kiss, but Astro Quest!Hodges dematerializes. Astro Quest!Wendy is left all alone.

Astro Quest!Wendy: Someday.


I spent hours cleaning up these caps, so please don't use them for icons and other graphics. The actual caps are here.

lj: picspam, tv: csi

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