Hello, everyone! We’re doing a little something new in the community and I hope you all find it helpful. On the last day of every month, we will be posting a recap of fanfics posted during the previous month. So many posts flow in through here during the weeks and fics get pushed off the front page…and if you’re lazy (like me), you don’t feel like flipping back several pages just to find a fic. Well no worries because we’ll be providing links/descriptions of fics, pictures, videos, or whatever other slashy thing that is posted each month in one convenient location. I’ll also make this post the sticky so that it doesn’t get pushed down the list, either! [=
If anyone has any suggestions, concerns, questions, feel free to leave them below or just send me a PM (make sure your security settings are set to receive and send PMs or I won’t be able to answer your questions).
Also, if there are broken links, misspellings, wrong links, or you think your story belongs in a different category, feel free to point these things out to me. I’ll never know if you don’t tell me! I tried my best to keep everything organized but since this is the first month we’re doing this, I expect there to be a few problems with it.
I’ll try my best to post this at the end of every month…but I am an adult and have other (more boring) responsibilities and may not be available. But I will post it as soon as possible, so don’t fret! Without further adieu, here is July’s Recap underneath the cut:
I just have to say one thing: DAMN! You people post a lot of stories! O.O I didn’t realize how many stories were on this community. Good work everyone!
Just in case you’re wondering, I will edit this post if any other fics are posted AFTER I’ve posted this one. As long as it’s before midnight tonight, anyhow.
Anyway, not only are we doing the Monthly Recap, but our very talented member 9800andseagulls has started a Fanfic Flashback post! It’s where he picks one or two fics from the past and tells you about how great they are. :P He’s only picking high quality fics, so for those of you who love Ianthony and want to get back to the roots of the fandom as a whole, you should definitely keep an eye out for her posts.
If you missed this announcement this past month, where have you been? It was sticky’d on the homepage for the better part of the month! :P I’m just messing with you. Our very own and very lovelyorangefriday has made us a sister community to post the more…uh…interesting Smosh fanfics. It’s the Smosh_Kink Community!!!!! It’s also the best tool to use if you want to read a very specific fic but can’t find anyone who has written said fic. You can post prompts to have your fantasies (however depraved they may be) fulfilled. Or…if you’re up for a challenge, want to write Smosh slash but are out of ideas, or you’re just bored in general, you can fulfill other people’s crazy desires. ;) It’s a whole lot of fun and you’ll see some familiar faces from this community visiting there as well. So head on over, read THE RULES, and join!!!
I posted some reminders last month because of the influx of new members and here they are again, with some added material:
TAGS: First and foremost, I noticed most of you aren't putting tags on your posts. This community has an extensive list of tags for everyone's use and you can view them here. Please remember to add the appropriate tags when posting. If the fanfic is rated PG, add the "pg" tag, if you are posting fanart, use the "fanart" tag, if you are posting a link to a picture or post, use the "link" tag. If you are confused about the rating (is it "R" or is it "NC-17"), you can use THIS SITE. If you are still confused, put both! This helps readers avoid stories with too much sexy-time or gore or whatever type of fanfic may offend them.
Tags help categorize the entries, making stories easier to find and helps keep the community organized.
USE THE STORY TEMPLATE! I've also noticed a few people having trouble with the story summary format. You can find the template in our Posting Guidelines. When posting a story, the title, ratings, warnings, and summary MUST be visible. Please don't accidentally hide them in your LJ cut. Speaking of which, you can use our Posting Guidelines to learn how to do an LJ cut (among other useful LJ tips), so please read the guidelines thoroughly. Here is LJ's explanation of LJ cuts and "spoiler" cuts.
Please hide large bodies of text, pictures, anything else that takes up a large amount of space, under an LJ cut or Spoiler cut. Once again, it helps keep the community organized and pretty. :P
DON’T SPAM THE COMMUNITY: I’m not sure if it has been mentioned but posting several chapters of the same story on the same day is considered spamming. Your story could be subject to deletion!! Please, find another way to post multiple chapters in one day. You can edit the original post and title, announcing the addition of another chapter or you can wait until the end of the day, when you are sure you will be done writing, and post both chapters in the same post at the same time. If this confuses you, feel free to ask me for clarifications and examples. I really don’t want to have to remind the same people over and over not to spam the comm.
NO PERSONAL ENTRIES: This community is for Smosh-related content only. Unless it pertains to Smosh, fanfic, or video/art/pictures of Smosh, then please do not post it. We’ve had to remove several entries due to people not following this rule and I hate deleting posts!!! :P This goes for the “Kalel” centric posts as well. Unless Anthony and Ian are mentioned, the post will be removed. (I feel like a Cyberman: “Delete! Delete!”) (That’s a Doctor Who reference, in case you’re wondering).
~Follow all guidelines and be courteous to one another! We pride ourselves on being a "laid back" community full of folks who are helpful and nurturing to writers, artists, and other contributors. [=
Here are some helpful hints to make your fanfic better and help you grow as a writer.
PROOFREAD before posting! The story looks more professional, it's easier to read (especially for people...like me...who are distracted by too many typos), and it will gain you a bigger audience. If you don't want to edit your work...post it elsewhere...or get someone else to edit it for you. There are plenty of willing folks out there (whole communities devoted to editing) willing to do it.
***The awesome and amazing jackiestolz created a Grammar Post a whiles back. It’s full of help for those of you that have trouble with common spelling mistakes and punctuation. Please use this! It’s a very helpful tool for all you Ianthony shippers and writers alike.***
TAKE YOUR TIME! You don't have to rush a chapter just to post something. Yes...we are eagerly awaiting your chapter. But I'd rather wait and read a quality story than have you stay up two extra hours to put out four paragraphs of...well...crap. Rushing leads to more errors, less development, and incoherent plots. And honestly, I know some people lack an attention span (you younger folks! lol) but many of us do not! I would rather read longer, more intricate chapters ANY DAY. Short, choppy chapters usually don't have ANY substance...making the plot watery, the characters undeveloped, and the story too dialogue heavy. This will also expand your audience! If you don't have the time to make an interesting story, then just use the "short" chapters as a way of practicing your writing...and please reconsider posting short, undeveloped stories on this site. We love you and your story ideas but you will write better if you put more time into your work. Speaking of which...
ACTION/INNER DIALOGUE beefs up the plot, makes the story more interesting, and cuts back on the dialogue, making the story far more interesting by engaging the audience. That's what stories are for...audience engaging. If you don't care about it, then why are you posting!?! :P
Stories can be as straight and forward as a "coming out" story to utterly complicated as a "time traveling space pirate" adventure...either way, make sure you take your time and edit your work! That's the biggest problem I see with fanfic everywhere (not just here!). Please take this advice as it is meant to be: HELPFUL. I'm not trying to scare you from writing and posting, I'm just trying to make better writers because Anthony and Ian deserve great writers for their fanfic. ;)
Three more awesome members have earned author tags! jackiestolz, kerbubbles, and shadowdancer11 have met all qualifications and we want to thank them for their contributions and their loyalty to this community. Thanks guys and congrats!!!
Want to know how you can get your very own author tag? READ this post!
Other Information!
Hey everyone, don't forget to check out August's Monthly Challenge! You could win a Smosh lunchbox and a Smosh slap bracelet!!
If you’re new or need a refresher of ALL the communities rules or tips for posting, read our Posting Guidelines thoroughly. It will save me and you a lot of heartache and time in the future.
As always, if anyone has any suggestions, questions, concerns, or clarifications, you can always PM me or any other mod or leave your comments below.
You guys are awesome and thank you so much for joining and posting!! [=