A Quick Note About Author Tags

Jul 16, 2012 18:37

First, when you send me PMs, please set your security settings so that I can message you back or I'll have to make posts like this. :P. Several members have tried to ask me things/comment on comm related activities but I couldn't send them a message!

Anyway, a while back we mods made author tags to help tidy up the community and as a big, fat Thank You to long time Ianthony members for their contributions. Since then we have been evaluating all of the "regular" contributors for quality of their posts, making certain they follow the comm rules, etc. So if you have not received an author tag, you will have to be patient. We can't give everyone tags...that would be WAY too many tags, plus we need to be certain the poster is active for an acceptable amount of time. [=

Speaking of which, new tags are just around the corner, so if you've been posting for months and wondering if you will get one, make sure you keep an eye on the tags next week!! [=

Hope I've addressed any concerns but for any other questions or concerns, ask them here or feel free to (modify your security settings to send/receive PMs) message me.

author: mutual_death, mod post, announcement, talk

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