Title: The Haunting of Woman Wept Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Coda Part 2, Children of Earth Disclaimers: I should own Torchwood and its characters. I'd do a damn sight better job of caring for them than those pillocks. Notes: A sequel, of sorts, to When Even the Ashes Have Faded Away. Warning: a Thrace warning is in effect.
Title: When Even the Ashes Have Faded Away Characters: Jack, Ianto, Gwen, Rhys, Rhiannon & Johnny Davies, Unidentified Female Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Coda, Children of Earth Notes: For the Series 3 Challenge at
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Title: Weevolution Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Post Series 2, violence, language. Summary: The fragmented remains of Torchwood must deal with more pain, and possible loss, when a wave of violence hits Cardiff. With Jack keeping secrets, can Ianto handle the burden of watching Gwen slowly crack? Notes: For the TARDIS BigBang 2009 Challenge.