Closed RP: Hakkai, Sanzo, Gojyo. Another unhappy birthday. <3

Dec 05, 2006 07:56

((Backdated to November 29th. Probably won't contain much wrongness, but will have swearing and possibly some wangst, so plz don't read if that bothers you~.))

F is for Fire that burns down the whole town/U is for URANIUM...BOMBS!/N is for No survivors when you-- )

hakkai, rp, genjyo sanzo, gojyo sha

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Comments 80

worldly_monk December 5 2006, 07:52:28 UTC
Sanzo was currently hiding out reading in an unused classroom. He was tired of reading in his room, and he couldn't smoke in the library. There was a book open on the desk in front of him, but at the moment he was just sitting with his feet resting on another chair, smoking and staring out the window.

He knew Hakkai & Gojyo weren't going to let him ignore his birthday. Hopefully whatever they came up with wouldn't be too horrible.


polite_sinner December 5 2006, 08:28:47 UTC
Unfortunately for Sanzo, Hakkai wasn't actually that nice, all bright smiles and cheerful politness aside.

Hakkai had left the decorating to Gojyo, which, if he were honest, he probably would have admitted was the easiest part about this entire thing. The most difficult aspect of throwing a birthday party for Sanzo would probably be getting Sanzo to actually participate in it -- and given their current and extremely awkward track record with birthdays, this would be difficult indeed. At least Gojyo's birthday party had been considerably closer to the mark than Hakkai's; perhaps that meant they were getting better about these things ( ... )


worldly_monk December 5 2006, 08:53:07 UTC
Sanzo glanced over when he heard Hakkai's voice, not surprised that Hakkai had found him. "I'm not. Not exactly. This one is just for entertainment value." He picked up the book, and held it so Hakkai could see the cover: Magical Creatures of China and Japan. "Most of the information is just plain wrong. The author seems to think that all 'youkai' are monstrous creatures that eat children." He set the book back down and closed it, not bothering to mark his place. "There is a whole section about kappas however, including a chapter about their mating practices," he said, with a smirk.

He put out his cigarette in the ashtray he'd brought with him, and looked up at Hakkai again. "Were you looking for me? Or just wandering the halls?"


polite_sinner December 5 2006, 11:12:27 UTC
The kappa joke, of course, hadn't been lost on him, and he laughed conspirationally. With a questioning look first, silently asking for permission, he picked up the book and turned the pages idly. "I don't suppose this text has a section in regards to tracking down elusive Sanzo priests, seeking to avoid celebrating their birthdays, does it? I think that would be quite handy for future reference ( ... )


worldly_monk December 8 2006, 07:15:47 UTC
Sanzo rolled his eyes, but acknowledged the toasts and took a drink. He heard Gojyo say something after that, but couldn't tell what he said. Odds were good it wasn't anything Sanzo really wanted to hear anyway.

"Hakkai's the one that brought up the elephants and giraffes," he protested. "I don't need a herd of cattle. Or a bunch of turtles either for that matter. And I have no idea what to name a cow." He frowned at the door as Gojyo left, then turned to Hakkai. "So what next? I'll tell you right now, I'm not singing karaoke."

The book he'd been reading earlier was sitting on the bar. Sanzo pulled it over, found the chapter on kappa behavior ('...according to various legends, it feeds on their blood, or drains their life force, or pulls out their livers through their anuses...') and left it sitting open. "Where did you get a cow anyway?"


polite_sinner December 8 2006, 08:37:26 UTC
"Now, now, turtles are a sign of longevity and good fortune, aren't they?" Hakkai said mildly, nodding to Gojyo as he left. "And besides, isn't there a Buddhist tradition involving the release of turtles into the wild? It would be relatively convenient for you, then, one would think! You wouldn't have to find or purchase the poor things yourself, in that case ( ... )


perverted_kappa December 8 2006, 14:30:23 UTC
The book had been pre-wrapped by a house-elf, so all that was left for Gojyo to do was to set it on Sanzo's pillow where it'd be hard to miss once the monk returned to his room. Several of the pages with rather interesting positions had been bookmarked in advance, primarily as a joke, as he sincerely doubted Sanzo was ever going to finish what they'd started. When nothing came of their last exchange, Gojyo had decided that it was for the best, since becoming involved with someone he'd have to see again afterward wasn't really his thing, anyway.

Guys weren't his thing either, he had to remember. Nor was attempting to seduce someone over a period of months -- hours, sure; days, maybe; definitely not months. When he thought of it that way, the only explanation for why he'd wasted so much time and energy on Sanzo was because there wasn't anyonething else to do at the school, really. Even if he was interested in learning magic, which he wasn't, there'd been all of maybe three classes held since he'd arrived. And he was convinced Ravenclaw ( ... )


worldly_monk December 8 2006, 15:55:57 UTC
"You want to give me turtles just so I can release them?" Somewhere along the line, the conversation had gone surreal, and Sanzo wasn't sure when that had happened. Gojyo and Hakkai were apparently fixated on giving him animals. He took a quick look at the bottle Hakkai had poured for him, but it wasn't that Galactic-whatsit shit, so he wasn't drunk. Yet.

He glanced at Gojyo when he sat back down, then looked over at the cow again and shrugged. "'Stupid Cow' works for me. Hakkai would probably name her 'Brown Cow', and you would probably give her some girl's name," Sanzo replied. "Since you're both so concerned about my diet, did you bring anything for people to eat?" He wasn't sure when he had eaten last. Coffee for breakfast probably.


polite_sinner December 12 2006, 07:47:00 UTC
Hakkai could have said a number of things, such as, "Your behavior certainly makes me wonder sometimes," or "I have a crayon-colored picture with your signature on it that says otherwise," but he only nodded. "Oh, of course. I'm very aware that you're both big boys, capable of behaving civilly." He just sometimes wished they would act more their respective ages. "And I certainly hope you wouldn't make a copy of either of us, Gojyo. Ah ha ha, I can't imagine anyone who would actually want to create duplicates of any of us, honestly. Someone not in his right mind, perhaps ( ... )


perverted_kappa December 12 2006, 08:19:52 UTC
Though Gojyo had thus far matched Sanzo drink for drink, give or take a half dozen, he'd barely begun to feel the effects of it about three glasses ago. Maybe if he'd gone with something with higher alcohol content than beer... But, then, Hakkai might not have allowed it, given the events of the recent past, when Gojyo and Sanzo had both been drunk.

Which was all well and good. Gojyo certainly didn't want a repeat of any of that happening. At least not at the moment.

"Sure," he said, sliding his mug to Hakkai for a refill. He glanced at Sanzo, trying to gauge how much more it'd take to get him a bit wasted. That's when the real fun could start.


worldly_monk December 12 2006, 08:32:11 UTC
He hadn't intended to get drunk. Then again, he never did, but it seemed to happen anyway. He wasn't really that drunk now. Everything was just a bit...blurry. Sanzo pushed his glass over to Hakkai. "Thanks." He pulled out a cigarette and blinked at it for a moment before he figured out which end to light. He focused a bit more and managed to light it with no problem. The new lighter really was nice.

All things considered, it wasn't that bad of a birthday party. At least no one had suggested any stupid drinking games yet. He still wasn't sure what the hell he was going to do with a cow.


polite_sinner December 12 2006, 11:54:37 UTC
Hakkai easily poured the drinks, exhibiting far more coordination than he had any right to, especially considering all of what he'd had to drink. He probably had just as much as both Gojyo and Sanzo, but as per usual, he was as close to showing any signs of being drunk as he would if he'd had nothing alcoholic to drink at all. He placed the mugs back in front of them, though in Sanzo's case, he left it some distance away so that the monk wouldn't be in danger of accidentally knocking it over. (Hakkai also made it a point to give both of them a bit less than he had been pouring before, but that probably wasn't too obvious ( ... )


worldly_monk December 16 2006, 11:12:06 UTC
"Hmph. I'm not sure these 'customs' really exist. I think the two of you are making this up." Sanzo took the knife anyway. "No beanies. Sweaters would be useful. It gets pretty damn cold in this castle sometimes." He cut three pieces of cake and passed the plates around. "You can skip the initials though. They'd be the same for both of us anyway."

He licked a few stray bits of icing off his fingers, then took a bite of the cake. "This is good," he told Hakkai. "Did Gojyo actually help this time? Or did he just get flour all over the kitchen again, while you did all the work?"

Hakkai had, as usual, guessed correctly on the flavor too. Sanzo's taste in food tended to be on the bland mild side. "I've never actually had a birthday cake before," he remarked, obviously thinking out loud again.


polite_sinner December 16 2006, 14:56:39 UTC
((OoC: Repost for nit-picky things.))"Well, I could just put 'S' for Sanzo, and 'G' for Gojyo, if it would make a difference to either of you? It would be useful, I think, for if either of you are in a rush and somehow got your sweaters mixed-up--" Hakkai might have faltered then, briefly considering just what the two of them could possibly be doing together that would warrant their clothes being confused, but if that was the case, it was soon forgotten and his sunny disposition was back in an instant. "I suppose different colors would easily help with that problem, as well ( ... )


perverted_kappa December 17 2006, 06:08:09 UTC
Gojyo had been the one to suggest a cake in the first place, and he was regretting doing that much for Sanzo. Not that he expected Sanzo to even pretend to be grateful, at least not to him, but the complete bastard act was getting old. And talking as if he wasn't sitting right there was always a sure way to annoy Gojyo.

He took a plate and nearly missed what Hakkai had inadvertently implied, distracted as he was with his irritation. "Heh. You don't have to worry about any mix-ups." He gave Sanzo a look before turning away, and started eating his cake. It was pretty good, and he was glad Hakkai'd been willing to do all most the work. The cake he and Sanzo had baked hadn't turned out quite as well, not surprisingly ( ... )


worldly_monk December 17 2006, 12:10:12 UTC
Sanzo was feeling surprisingly mellow. He'd had just enough to drink to put everything into soft focus, including his memories. The only other times he remembered celebrating his birthday had been with Koumyou Sanzo. The monks at Kinzan hadn't known or cared what day Koumyou had chosen for his birthday. Koumyou had always remembered ( ... )


After the party... worldly_monk December 23 2006, 07:44:22 UTC
The present had been sitting on his pillow when Sanzo had stumbled back to his room after his birthday party. Too drunk and tired to care, he had dropped it on the desk, unopened, and fallen asleep.

It was the first thing he saw when he woke up the next morning. Betsy the toy cow was sitting next to it, which brought back vague memories of the birthday party. (Oh fuck. Had he really sung karaoke last night?) Sanzo buried his head under his pillow with a groan. A few minutes later, he reluctantly tossed the pillow aside and got up. He thought about opening the gift, but decided coffee and something to get rid of his hangover headache were a higher priority. It wasn't until later that afternoon that he finally got around to unwrapping it. He rolled his eyes when he saw the book's title. From Gojyo, of course. He was tempted to just toss it in the trash, but curiosity got the better of him ( ... )


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