Closed RP: Hakkai, Sanzo, Gojyo. Another unhappy birthday. <3

Dec 05, 2006 07:56

((Backdated to November 29th. Probably won't contain much wrongness, but will have swearing and possibly some wangst, so plz don't read if that bothers you~.))

F is for Fire that burns down the whole town/U is for URANIUM...BOMBS!/N is for No survivors when you-- )

hakkai, rp, genjyo sanzo, gojyo sha

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polite_sinner December 12 2006, 07:47:00 UTC
Hakkai could have said a number of things, such as, "Your behavior certainly makes me wonder sometimes," or "I have a crayon-colored picture with your signature on it that says otherwise," but he only nodded. "Oh, of course. I'm very aware that you're both big boys, capable of behaving civilly." He just sometimes wished they would act more their respective ages. "And I certainly hope you wouldn't make a copy of either of us, Gojyo. Ah ha ha, I can't imagine anyone who would actually want to create duplicates of any of us, honestly. Someone not in his right mind, perhaps."

He paused to consider this but soon shrugged it off. Sipping at his coffee, he said mildly, "Please be sure to finish your coffee and eat something. If you're both going to continue drinking, it really shouldn't be on an empty stomach, after all."


A couple hours (and several glasses) later, Hakkai was finishing the last of his mug of beer. The coffee pot, mugs, and food were set aside some time ago after the three of them had finished, though a few untouched sandwiches still remained on the plate. He lifted a bottle and smiled at the two of them (and if either of them were a bit more rosy-cheeked than usual, he pretended not to notice). "Would you like for me to refill your drinks?"


perverted_kappa December 12 2006, 08:19:52 UTC
Though Gojyo had thus far matched Sanzo drink for drink, give or take a half dozen, he'd barely begun to feel the effects of it about three glasses ago. Maybe if he'd gone with something with higher alcohol content than beer... But, then, Hakkai might not have allowed it, given the events of the recent past, when Gojyo and Sanzo had both been drunk.

Which was all well and good. Gojyo certainly didn't want a repeat of any of that happening. At least not at the moment.

"Sure," he said, sliding his mug to Hakkai for a refill. He glanced at Sanzo, trying to gauge how much more it'd take to get him a bit wasted. That's when the real fun could start.


worldly_monk December 12 2006, 08:32:11 UTC
He hadn't intended to get drunk. Then again, he never did, but it seemed to happen anyway. He wasn't really that drunk now. Everything was just a bit...blurry. Sanzo pushed his glass over to Hakkai. "Thanks." He pulled out a cigarette and blinked at it for a moment before he figured out which end to light. He focused a bit more and managed to light it with no problem. The new lighter really was nice.

All things considered, it wasn't that bad of a birthday party. At least no one had suggested any stupid drinking games yet. He still wasn't sure what the hell he was going to do with a cow.


polite_sinner December 12 2006, 11:54:37 UTC
Hakkai easily poured the drinks, exhibiting far more coordination than he had any right to, especially considering all of what he'd had to drink. He probably had just as much as both Gojyo and Sanzo, but as per usual, he was as close to showing any signs of being drunk as he would if he'd had nothing alcoholic to drink at all. He placed the mugs back in front of them, though in Sanzo's case, he left it some distance away so that the monk wouldn't be in danger of accidentally knocking it over. (Hakkai also made it a point to give both of them a bit less than he had been pouring before, but that probably wasn't too obvious.)

"What should we do now, do you think?" he asked lightly, as he ducked behind the bar to dispose of the now empty bottle and to produce a new one. Hakkai positioned the ashtray in front of Sanzo out of habit, managing to catch a bit of ash just as it fell from the priest's cigarettes; it was probably difficult to discern whether or not the action had been intentional, but either way, Hakkai didn't seem to acknowledge it.


perverted_kappa December 13 2006, 07:27:35 UTC
Gojyo set about draining his glass for the nth time, pretending to think about the question.

At length he said, "I feel like a song. Don't you?" He was the very picture of innocence as he smiled pleasantly at Hakkai and then turned his smile on Sanzo. "Ahh, but it wouldn't be right to go before the birthday boy. Our Sanzo-sama gets the honour of going first," Gojyo said, managing to feign a respectful tone for once despite the way he normally used that particular honorific to mock Sanzo. A little ego stroking would hopefully be just the thing to coax the pissy monk into taking the mic.


worldly_monk December 13 2006, 08:42:43 UTC
Sanzo narrowed his eyes. It would take more than a drink or two (or ten) for him to stop being suspicious of Gojyo. "Hmm, it's my birthday, so shouldn't you be entertaining me?" He tapped his cigarette on the rim of the ashtray that had suddenly appeared in front of him, as if by magic. "Why don't you go first?"


polite_sinner December 13 2006, 23:29:21 UTC
"Now, now, no need to argue." Sipping at his beer, he gave them both a faintly amused look. "Why don't you two sing a song together?" Singing himself just wasn't an option for Hakkai -- and chances were, there just wasn't enough alcohol in the world to get him drunk enough to be convinced otherwise. "Don't be shy, Sanzo! I'm sure you have a perfectly lovely voice."


perverted_kappa December 14 2006, 05:57:57 UTC
Despite the fumbling with his cigarette, apparently Sanzo wasn't quite as tipsy as Gojyo'd thought. Damn. "It's your birthday, so you should be enjoying yourself," Gojyo said, his smile becoming the faintest bit strained. Trust Sanzo to even be obstinate about that, of all things. His own enjoyment. Stupid pissy monk.

At the compromise Hakkai came up with, Gojyo had a hard time not laughing. "We could do that." If Sanzo were closer to drunk. Gojyo had no intention of serenading either of them with the S&M song by himself. "Unless Sanzo's afra~id, of course."


worldly_monk December 14 2006, 06:29:09 UTC
If Sanzo had been sober, such an obvious ploy never would have worked. Luckily for Gojyo, Sanzo wasn't sober. And he never could resist a challenge.

Sanzo made a scornful noise. "Idiot. The only thing I'm afraid of is hearing you try to sing some stupid, emo rock song." He took a good long drink, then set his glass back down on the bar. The hand that was holding the cigarette gestured toward the karaoke machine. "Fine. Let's do it, Gojyo. Pick a song and we'll sing it together."


polite_sinner December 14 2006, 08:54:04 UTC
"It's certainly nice to see you two cooperating with one another," Hakkai said cheerfully, and he applauded encouragingly as Gojyo and Sanzo made their way over to the karaoke setup. He took a seat back on the other side of the bar, watching patiently as Gojyo looked up the number of the song he wanted.

. . . Ah. That strange song about sexy backs. That would explain why he heard Gojyo humming it so much recently.

But it didn't really explain why the monk seemed to know it -- or at least, why he knew enough of the song to be comfortable to sing it well. And he did have a nice voice, as Hakkai had predicted, though he was still surprised to note as much-- ah. That was certainly an interesting thing Sanzo was doing with his tongue, wasn't it? And it did seem that Gojyo (who had a nice enough voice on his own) was making a grand effort not to lose his composure, and he hadn't missed a line yet (though he'd gotten close to missing his cues every once in a while, after trying to collect himself).

All in all, Hakkai was extremely glad that Goku wasn't here to see this. Seeing his father figure -- ah, did Sanzo just stick his pinky up? no, Hakkai was probably just seeing things -- and someone who was like his big brother -- now, that was an interesting thing Gojyo was doing with his hips, wasn't it? -- acting without their usual inhibitions would probably mentally scar bother the boy for years.

Hakkai really should have cut them off after their sixth drinks.

When they finished, Hakkai applauded them as they returned to their seats, giving them his brightest smile. "My, you're both very talented," he said without skipping a beat; he wondered how much Sanzo would remember of this later, and very secretly lamented the fact that he had lacked the foresight to record this entire thing for posterity. "I didn't know you really could sing, Sanzo."


perverted_kappa December 14 2006, 15:58:21 UTC
Gojyo was a little surprised that Sanzo's voice wasn't ear-bleedingly awful, however the real shock was the fact the monk knew all the lyrics to the chosen song and not only performed it, but seemed to enjoy singing it, judging by his uncharacteristically suggestive and occasionally downright lewd actions (which may or may not have been spurred on by Gojyo's own). Eat your heart out, Justin.

Too bad no one had brought a camera. After all, who wouldn't love to see giant animated posters of the two of them acting gay doing a duet together?

Gojyo bowed theatrically as Hakkai applauded, and on his way back to the bar, impulsively copped a feel of Sanzo's ass as he passed him. He'd blame the alcohol if anyone commented. "So d'ya think we've brought sexy back, Hakkai?" He struggled to hold back his laughter and rewarded himself for a prank well done with another beer. Whenever Sanzo sobered up, he'd undoubtedly be mortified by what he'd done. At least he'd have Betsy there to comfort him.


worldly_monk December 14 2006, 17:02:56 UTC
Sanzo was surprised at Gojyo's song choice, but he wasn't going to back down from a challenge. He might have gotten a little carried away, but it was undoubtedly Gojyo's fault for doing that thing with his hips, so Sanzo didn't let it bother him. At least Hakkai didn't have a camera. Why Sanzo was familiar with the song would remain a mystery.

The hand on his ass earned Gojyo a sharp look, but Sanzo didn't say anything. He stumbled a bit as he took his seat on the other side of the bar from Hakkai, and caught himself with one hand on his chair, and the other on Gojyo's knee. The stumble might have been accidental, but the hand that trailed up Gojyo's leg as Sanzo sat down was deliberate.

"No reason you would have heard me sing before," he replied to Hakkai. "So, are you going to take a turn? I'm sure Gojyo would be glad to sing a duet with you too." He drained the rest of his drink and reached for his cigarettes.


polite_sinner December 15 2006, 01:00:37 UTC
Hakkai made no obvious sign of whether or not he noticed anything lewd occurring between Sanzo and Gojyo, aside from a noncommittal and just barely audible "Hm" as the two of them sat back down at the bar. "You were certainly both very spirited," he replied easily, wearing his usual pleasant smile. For a moment, he thought about asking Sanzo how he knew the song he just sang, then he imagined that Sanzo kept his knowledge of the lyrics in the same place he kept his ever present paper fan, in which case, Hakkai wasn't entirely sure he wanted to know. But he decided to let the matter rest.

He waved a hand vaguely and shook his head at Sanzo's question. "No, I couldn't possibly follow an act like that!" He laughed sheepishly and drank a little from his mug. "Besides, I'm afraid I'm not quite as gifted as you two are when it comes to music. Unfortunately, singing isn't exactly my strong suit."


perverted_kappa December 15 2006, 14:05:23 UTC
Gojyo had the conflicting urges to both take Sanzo's errant hand and guide it upward so that they might continue where they'd left off several weeks ago, and also to smack it away, hopefully embarrassing Sanzo in the process. It was probably for the best that the decision was made for him when Mr. Gay Sanzo moved his hand of his own accord.

"C'mon, you don't even wanna try? You can't be any worse than Baldy." He reached for his own cigarettes and lit one. "Or are you saying you prefer to be a groupie?" he asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking. He knew all too well that Hakkai couldn't be goaded into doing things as Sanzo could be sometimes, but regardless, Gojyo couldn't help poking fun at him a little.


worldly_monk December 16 2006, 06:53:22 UTC
"I'm not bald." Sanzo blew smoke in Gojyo's direction, then propped one elbow on the bar and leaned his head on his hand. "You don't sing at all?" he asked Hakkai. He was trying to picture Hakkai as a groupie, and the mental image made him snicker a little.

His glass was empty, but judging from the way his vision was blurring, he probably didn't need any more alcohol. "Is there any coffee left?"


polite_sinner December 16 2006, 07:28:31 UTC
"Well, given those options, then. . . ah, should I start looking into designing some t-shirts for you two, do you think?" He gave a soft chuckle and shook his head again. "Not really," he replied, giving Sanzo a shy smile. "Or not very often, at the very least. I think it might be better that way, to be honest -- your ears would thank me."

He reached over and picked up the half-full coffee pot, pouring a mug for Sanzo and placing it in front of him. "Here you are. I might have to go track down a house-elf for some more coffee later," Hakkai said absently. "Ah, is there anything else you'd like to do, Sanzo? Perhaps you two should go sing another song?"


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