Unlikely Salvation

Jul 12, 2008 05:15

Title: Unlikely Salvation
Author: Himismymorrison
Summary: After meeting July back in high school, Ville, Bam, and her become insepritable. After making a pact to always stay friends and intouch after high school, the pact is broken when they go down their own roads following their dreams. After years of not talking they all unknowingly meet back up, and realize the party life that went on in high school was nothing, and that the real party had just begun.
Rating: this chapter r for language and drugs

Disclaimer: I dont own ne body famous. I own July and the plot.
Warning: drug use!!!!

http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/193204.html#cutid3 ch 1-3
http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/193283.html#cutid1 ch 4
http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/193995.html#cutid1 ch 5
http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/194346.html ch 6
http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/194842.html#cutid1 ch 7
http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/195944.html#cutid1 ch 8
http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/196673.html#cutid1 ch 9
http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/199248.html#cutid1 ch 10
http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/199738.html#cutid1 ch 11
http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/200509.html#cutid1 ch 12

http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/200734.html#cutid1 ch 13

http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/201837.html#cutid1 ch 14

She was on the phone with Ville as she got ready for her night with Josh at his party. Ville was still worried about her being their by herself, but he knew she could hold her own. She still wouldn’t tell him about what she was going to do, which he was very interested to see what that was.

“Why did you need that joint paper earlier?” Ville asked referring to the rolling paper he gave her.

“Its for my special joint for tonight” she laughed.

“This is really making me uncomfortable not knowing what you are going to be doing.”

“I am the queen at revenge, as sad and immature that may be. If you try to fuck me over, I’ll fuck you twice as hard. What he was planning to do tonight to is completely fucked up. So we’ll see who gets fucked out of it. There is one thing I need you to do though”

“Anything.” He smiled.

“When I text you tonight, you need to get to Josh’s house within five or so minutes.”

“Ok, no problem”

“That’s not it” she laughed about what else she needed him to do, “I need you to jack off into a condom-”

“What!” he laughed cutting her off.

“No, listen. Jack off into a condom, tie it off so none comes out, and bring it when you come get me” she laughed.

“What the fuck! Why?” he laughed.

“Just trust me. Or if you’re too chicken shit to do it, mix something together, so that it looks like somebody came in the condom. I’ll tell you everything once it goes down, but you have to be there with in ten minutes of when you get the text ok?”

Still laughing he answered, “Yeah, I got ya.”

“With the condom”

“Ok!” he laughed.

Once they hung up she loaded her blackmail ammunition in her large purse and waited down stairs for Josh to arrive. Once he picked her up they went back to his house where there were already a lot of people there, none of whom she cared to associate with.

“Can I get you a drink” He smiled.

“Of course you can” she smiled back, erupting in laughter on the inside.

When he gave her the glass she saw bubbles floating to the top, and laughed to herself. *He could have at least let it dissolve first* she thought.

She saw that Josh set his drink down for a second to grab some snacks, so she quickly switched their drinks. Once he turned back around the bubbles had stopped and Josh slugged down everything in his glass.

“Hey where is the bath room” she asked him.

“Down the hall to the left; don’t be to long” he smiled at her.

“Hey I got some good shit for you, go get your best friend.” she flashed a sexy smile at him.

She walked down the hallway to the bathroom and just as she turned to walk in she saw out of the corner of her eye Josh and his best friend throw an ecstasy pill into their mouths.

“This should be fun” she laughed, and pulled out her special joint along with her phone and called Ville.

“Hello” he answered.

“Ok the shit is about to go down” she giggled meet me out side of his house in about ten minutes.”

“Alright. Bam is with me. Are you sure you are going to be ok?” he asked again dreading the thought of what could happen.

“Yeah I'm fine. Oh! You have the condom”

“Yes” he laughed. “I jacked off just for you”

“Oh thank you so much.” She laughed then hung up, and walked back into the living room.

“There you are” Josh smiled then put his arm around her.

She acted like she was becoming under the influence, because she’s done ecstasy before and knows how it affects the body. Josh, and July, along with his best friend all walk to his bed room and sit down on the bed.

“I got this bad ass weed” she pulled out her joint. “Shall we smoke before we start the real party.”

“Hell yea” his friend smiled.

She handed the joint to Josh who lit it and took a huge hit, then handed it to his best friend, who also took a large hit. She could tell they already were feeling the ecstasy they took so this should be the icing on the cake.

“Dude I feel so weird.” Josh looked at his friend and smiled about ten seconds after taking that hit.

“Me too” his friend answered.

“I don’t know where I'm at” Josh laughed as well as July.

“You want to do me a favor boys” July smiled at the guys who just looked at her in a complete daze. “Why don’t you two kiss for me. That would really turn me on”

Josh and his friend looked at each other completely messed up then shut their eyes and kissed. Just as their eyes closed July pulled out an instant camera and snapped a photo of the guys kissing.

“Thank you!” she laughed then stood up holding the developing Polaroid in her hand and began looking around his room for anymore embarrassing things. By this time the boys didn’t even know what hit them and couldn’t even stand up if they wanted to. July searched then found a black note book lying on his table. When she opened it, she found exactly what she was looking for.

“What kind of guy keeps a fucking diary.” She spoke out loud, and then a large smile crept on her face when she learned what was in the diary. “The list of girls who were on drugs when I fucked them.” she read. “Wow how perfect is this” she laughed then turned around and faced the guys.

“Well you boys have a great night” she smiled and shoved the journal in her purse, then walked out of the room and down the stairs to where Ville and Bam were waiting out side.

“Thank God” Ville sighed to himself as he saw her appear from the house.

She ran over to him laughing,

“Where is the condom” she rushed.

He pulled the knotted condom out of his pocket and handed it to her. Laughing as she took it, she pulled out a letter and envelope from her purse.

“Check this” she laughed as she showed the boys of the picture of Josh and his friend.

Wide eyed and in total shock Ville asked,

“How the fuck did you manage this.”

“Salvia is one hell of a drug” she laughed.

“You gave them salvia!!!” Bam exclaimed.

“Here,” she gave Ville a piece of paper and a pen, “You have the shittiest hand writing, write, ‘I had such a great time. Cant wait to see you again.’”

“Holy shit dude” Bam ran his fingers through his hair laughing.

July then put the picture, letter, and condom into the envelope and into the mail box.

“I’m sure his parents will love the fine young gentleman he turned out to be” she laughed, then ran with they guys to the car and drove to the park. Once they arrived at the park she showed them Josh’s journal he kept of all the girls he drugged and slept with.

“I wonder what will happen to him come Monday when copies of this are spread out all through the hallways of our school.” She said in a sympathetic but sarcastic way.

“Holy hell, you are fucking Satan.” Bam laughed.

“Does any body want to get fucked up” she laughed.

“Whatcha got” Ville smiled.

She pulled out a bag with some mushrooms in it.

“Psilocybin mushrooms. Good shit” she smiled at Bam remembering the way he described his weed.

“Where did you get it?” Ville asked inspecting the bag.

“A girl at work who I have known for a while.”

“Yeah sure, what the hell” Ville laughed opening the bag.

They each ate a few small ones then laid on the marry-go-round and waited.

“Isn't the psilocybin that makes you hallucinate poisonous?” Ville asked lying with his head in the center of the marry-go-round.

“Nope psilocybin is less toxic than Aspirin. When you eat it, it breaks down into psilocin, which causes hallucinations.” She said as she moved to lay the same direction as Ville.

“Well aren’t we just the drug expert” Bam teased.

“Its good to have knowledge about things” she laughed a bit

“So what does salvia do?” Ville asked.

July laughed remembering the last time she smoked salvia.

“Well before I got adopted by Lester and them, actually I think it was the night before I left, any who me and one of my good friends snuck out of the foster place and went down under the piers in California and smoke some, and mmmaaannn I got fucked up” she started laughing. “I thought I was in a fucking sardine can and couldn’t get out, and she thought we were going to a business meeting.”

Everybody started laughing.

“Are you serious” Bam laughed.

“Dude, she’s smacking me telling me to be quiet because we are going to some meeting, and I'm trying to get out of this can I'm stuck in. So every time she hit me I’d fall back in. The high only lasts for about five to seven minutes and some times you remember your trip others you don’t.”

“So that’s what you gave Josh” Ville laughed.

“Yup, my special joint.” July sighed.

The three lay laughing on the marry-go-round enjoying their hallucinations and their time together. July enjoyed the company of Ville and Bam. She never had any brothers or close guy friends. Hell she’s never really had any close friends at all. So the friendship that the three shared was very dear to her. After they came down from their trip about three and a half hours later they got up and drove to Bam’s house to drop him off then drove back to Ville’s. Both of his parents were still up and were delighted to see July again, so Ville and Kari chatted while Anita and July went to the kitchen. After a hour or so passed, July decided to stay the night in the guest bed room that Anita offered to her.

“Here child” Anita led July to Ville’s room and dug through his cloths drawers, “Here’s a big shirt with some weird band on it” she held the shirt inspecting it.

July laughed, “Its Iggy Pop and the Stooges”

“I don’t even know half of the bands he listens to,” she laughed then moved to the closet. “And here are some of his sweat pants you can wear. I have a feeling he wont mind.” She winked.

“I have that same feeling.” July smiled.

“I hope I don’t embarrass you sweetie when I tease him about sex and things”

July laughed, “No ma’am not at all. I think its hilarious actually”

“I'm glad he found somebody who’s down to earth and not a whore.” She sighed.

July laughed then looked down and thought about why they weren’t officially together.

“Child, what it is” Anita asked.

July sighed and sat on Ville’s bed and basically poured out her life story to his mom and told her about why she didn’t want to fall in love with Ville. Anita, being the loving and caring woman she is, respected her for her choice and thought it was very noble to not want to break her son’s heart.

“You are a darling, and I know your heart is in the right place.” She smiled and brushed July’s cheek. “I do hope you two end up together. He’s so happy when he talks about you.”

July smiled, “I know he is; I’m just so scared to break his heart.”

Anita patted her leg, “As much as I love my boys, you have to do what’s right for you first before you can worry about anybody else, and if it’s meant to be fate will bring you two back together. I’ll let you get changed, and if there’s anything you need or want to talk about you just come to me ok child?”

“I will” July hugged her.

She was so happy that her and Anita shared that moment. The feeling was indescribable actually; she had never felt so welcomed and loved since before her mom passed away. Afterwards July went in the spare bed room and changed into Ville’s cloths which were big on her. She inspected herself in the mirror and laughed. She looked like a little kid wearing his cloths. It was a little hot, so she rolled up the sweat pants into capri pants. Moseying down stairs, Ville did a double take of her when she walked into the living room. His heart practically jumped into his throat when he saw her wearing his cloths Anita soon walked in afterward and told Ville,

“Make sure if you have sex, you have protected sex.”

“MOM!” Ville exclaimed turning the brightest shade of red.

“I do want grand kids but you are too young to produce any now” she finished.

“Well any sex I was going to have is ruined now” Ville stated causing him to get hit in the arm by July, making Kari erupt into laughter.

“Well kids we are going to bed. Don’t stay up too late” Anita yawned then hugged both of them.

“Remember what I said” she whispered to July, who smiled and replied in a whisper,

“Yes ma’am.”

Ville’s parents disappeared into their room leaving Ville and July in the living room by themselves. There was a bit of an awkward silence after the comment Anita made, but that didn’t last too long.

“So, I know this sounds bad after what my mom said, but do you want to go hang out in my room” he laughed a bit.

“Sure why not,” she laughed.

The two retreated up to the bed room where the last thing you heard was the click of the bedroom door locking.

comments comments!! lol thank you to my hardcore fans lol (you know who you are lol) and everybody else that has been leaving me comments. you are my inspiration. so tell me what you like dislike or think might happen...your thoughts are important to me and my writing! love ya lots!!

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