Unlikely Salvation

Jun 23, 2008 22:44

Title: Unlikely Salvation
Author: Himismymorrison
Summary: After meeting July back in high school, Ville, Bam, and her become insepritable. After making a pact to always stay friends and intouch after high school, the pact is broken when they go down their own roads following their dreams. After years of not talking they all unknowingly meet back up, and realize the party life that went on in high school was nothing, and that the real party had just begun.
Rating: this chapter R for language
Disclaimer: I dont own ne body famous. I own July and the plot.
Warning: uhh none that I can think of right now... lol

http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/193204.html#cutid3 (ch 1-3)

http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/193283.html#cutid1 (ch4)

http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/193995.html#cutid1 (ch 5)

July saw her breath disappear in the air as she made her way to the park to meet Ville. The night was dark and clear; the small twinkling lights above made the sky look as if it were wearing nothing but diamonds. She shoved her hands in her hoodie pocket and quickened her pace down the road. As she became closer to the park, she saw a dark object swaying back and forth on a swing. It was tall and lanky with hair that look like Edward Scissorhands.

“Hey” she smiled.

“Well well, you actually came. I was beginning to think you weren’t going to show.” He said standing up.

“Well Mr. Valo, I told you that I would meet you here.” She smiled and sat on the swing beside him.

“So did you have to fight lions and tigers to get out of your house?” he teased.

“Don’t be an ass” she smiled and began to swing back and forth.

“I’m sorry, I just find it odd that you are unable to do things normal kids do.” Ville looked at her with a slight look of compassion. She felt sad all of a sudden, because he was right. She didn’t live a normal life style, and she never did. She looked down and kicked the small pebbles that were stacked up on the ground.

“Did I say something that upset you” Ville lowered his head to see her eyes.

She looked up and flashed a smile.

“No. Just made me think.” She looked ahead at the empty marry-go-round that was slightly turning from the wind, squeaking because it was so old, and making the atmosphere feel eerie.

“About what” Ville’s hands grasped the chain that held the swing up. Placing his hands high enough, he leaned his cheek against his hand and looked at July almost with puppy dog eyes.

“How the hell did I even get here” she sighed.

“Well” he started “You’re here for some kind of reason, or you wouldn’t be here.”

She laughed to herself knowing there was some truth in that. She wanted to spill everything to him, just to get it out there. She wanted to see what he would do.

“I just can’t wait to get out of this place” she smiled.

“And where do you wish to go” he asked.

“I want to go to California” she looked up at the stars

“I though you were from California” he asked puzzled.

“That’s where I was born. I lived there until I was about five. We moved all over the place, New York, Florida, Texas. I lived in Texas for most of my life.”

Ville sat listening, enjoying that she was starting to open up to him.

“How did you end up here?” he asked.

She looked at him then looked at the ground.

“Well to put it simple I went into foster care and I was adopted by the Smiths, which is a fucking joke, and as soon as I can I’m leaving.”

“What do you want to be?” he asked trying to get more information.

“I don’t know. I love to write, act, and sing. I just want to be something that I can make a good living off of, and be happy.”

He smiled, “I think that’s everybody’s dream.”

“Yeah, but I have the determination to chase mine.” She laughed.

“That’s admirable. I’ve always dreamed of becoming a musician, and getting the fuck out of this town.”

“Then why don’t you?” she turned in the swing making the two chains on each side of the swing twist above her.

“What are the odds of that happening.” He laughed.

“They’d be in your favor if you believe in yourself.”

He studied July as she kept turning in her swing. Even though being young, she still had some wisdom and good advice.

“The summer after I graduate I plan to leave.” She sighed.

“Are you going to live with your real parents” he asked knowing the answer would be no, but he hoped she’d elaborate more.

“No, I don’t know where my dad is, and I hope I never see him again.”

“What about your mom?” he asked beginning to spin in circles too.

“She died” she stopped spinning and held her feet on the ground to stay still

“Oh” Ville stopped too. “I'm sorry to hear that.”

July forced a smile, “It was six years ago.”

Ville smiled and gave her a gentle look telling her to go on.

“She had cancer and my dad being an alcoholic and the piece of shit that he is always beat the shit out of her. She was the sweetest person I know. He smoked cigarettes all the time and she always asked him to keep the smoke away from me so I wouldn’t get sick, but she never worried about herself.” She paused. “She died from lung cancer. Never smoked a day in her life, and she dies from fucking lung cancer.”

Ville looked down saddened by what July was saying. He felt for her and realized she didn’t need a boyfriend right now; all she needed was a friend.

“I came home from school one day and cops and the ambulance were there. I already knew what had happened before they told me. They said she died from cancer but don’t think it was cancer alone.”

“You think it was your dad?” Ville asked.

“He didn’t make it any easier for her. Now I’m not saying he killed her, but I always thought if he wasn’t the way he was, she might have lived a little longer.”

Ville just sat and nodded listening to July speak.

“The last thing she told me was, ‘Don’t lose your faith. You are going to see a lot of things that are bad in your life. You will go through times where you feel very lost and alone but always know that life wont put you through something that you won’t be able to make it out of. Keep your faith and beliefs close to your heart and don’t compromise them.’”

July’s voice began to crack, “She kissed my forehead, and told me she loved me with all of her heart. Then I went off to school and that was the last time I saw her.”

Ville saw a tear roll down July’s cheek, and felt so helpless.

“In a way it was like she knew it was her time.” July wiped her nose and looked up at Ville and smiled, “I look like her ya know?”

Ville smiled, “Well then she must have been very beautiful”

July blushed and looked down, “No body has ever called me beautiful before”

“So after your mom passed away you went into foster care?” Ville asked.

“No” she sighed. “I lived with my dad until his drinking and drug use got out of hand. He was always selling from our house. I always thought that I was going to get rapped or killed at night. He’d smack me a few times but I wouldn’t say its anything to bitch about. When I was thirteen my dad got arrested for possession and intention to sell heroin, so the state came and took me.”

Ville sat with his eyes glued on July, watching her intensely.

“So then what? What was that like?” he asked

July let out a laugh, “Well it was kind of comforting.”

“How so”

“Well that was at the bottom of the ladder. You couldn’t fall lower than that. I was getting into fights left and right. I ended up in juvenile hall for a few months. Then I got adopted by a family named the Greandows. The ‘father figure’ was too touchy feely for me. Never did anything but he was always looking at me and anytime he could hug or touch me he did, so I went back into foster care and then got adopted by the Smiths. Lester is a dick and Rachael is never here. I over heard Lester and the lady from child service talking about how they needed an older child because Rachael was getting suicidal and depressed and shit. So they needed somebody older to stay there while Lester was away.”

“Are you serious” Ville laughed in disbelief

“Yeah isn't that some bullshit.” She laughed.

Ville looked down at his watch and yawned which made July yawn too.

“Well darling, its getting late. I think we should probably go home before you get yelled at.” He grinned.

“Yeah probably.” She stood up and they begin walking back toward their houses.

They walked at a slow pace enjoying the silence and each others company. It was nice that they could have silence and it not be an uncomfortable one. Ville felt different about her than he did when he first met her. He felt sorry for her and wished there was something that he could do to help her.

“You hide it well.” He spoke up.

“Hide what well?” she asked

“I would have never guessed you went through that.”

“Yeah I don’t talk about it much. I think that was the first time I actually talked about it a very long time. I don’t want peoples sympathy, or charity. I don’t want people to feel sorry for me or treat me any different. And I dont want people to think I'm talking about it to bring attention to myself. I'm not one of those Mary-Sue emo bitches. I hate that shit. 'Oh my life is so dreadful my parents took away my video games so I'm going to make little knicks on my wrist to attract attention' Just cut your fucking hand off and get it over with. Just like when people say 'Oh I tried to commit suicide' well ya didnt want to die that bad or you would have tried harder."
            Ville bursted into laughter, "Yeah I dont like that shit either."
            "It's just I have never had a normal life and that’s all that I want. Everybody that I get close to, or when I feel like I’m on solid ground it always falls apart. My best friend in was stabbed in a fight at the foster care facility, my mom died, my dad can go to hell. All I want is something real” she looked up and smiled.

Ville smiled back then put his arm around her. “Well if there is anything you need or want to talk about let me know and I’ll be here for you. That’s about as real as it can get.”

She smiled, “Thanks”

They walked in front of her house and said their good nights to each other then parted ways. She climbed up the fence onto the roof then shimmied around to her bed room window. Once in, she changed into her boxers and a tank top, then checked on Savannah to make sure she was ok and still sleeping. Making her way to the bathroom she heard a woman’s voice down stairs. She went to the balcony and saw a blonde woman wearing one of Lester’s shirts and digging through the refrigerator. A little annoyed July jogged down the stairs and confronted the female.

“What the fuck are you doing” July said standing behind her.

The woman jumped and turned around.

“Oh I didn’t know any body was awake. I’m Julie.” The woman smiled.

“I didn’t ask who you were; I asked what the fuck are you doing here.”

“Lester invited me over.” Julie said.

“I’ll be sure to let his wife know.” July told her then went back up stairs leaving her standing with her mouth wide open.

July walked into Savannah’s room and picked her up to take her back to her room. Once in July’s room she locked the two locks on her door then pulled back the covers on her bed and placed Savannah under them. After tucking Savannah into bed she made a pallet on the floor so that she could have a place to sleep. She thought of Ville, California, her mom, and her best friend. It wasn’t too long until she finally fell asleep.

Ville couldn’t help but smile the whole way to his house. He got her to open up to him finally, and he knew that was a huge step. There was only one question that was weighing on his mind about her. After she graduated, was she really going to leave?

comments comments comments lol idk i just love long comments...but any will do...(the person who gets the FC gets a cookie!!! and its a good cookie!!! lol) *HUGGS AND KISSES*
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