Unlikely salvation

Jun 20, 2008 23:57

Title: Unlikely Salvation
Author: Himismymorrison
Summary: After meeting July back in high school, Ville, Bam, and her become insepritable. After making a pact to always stay friends and intouch after high school, the pact is broken when they go down their own roads following their dreams. After years of not talking they all unknowingly meet back up, and realize the party life that went on in high school was nothing, and that the real party had just begun.
Rating: the whole story R. but this chapter pg 13
Disclaimer: I dont own ne body famous. I own July and the plot.
Warning: uhh none that I can think of right now... lol


Everybody has a life story. Some people were given everything their entire life, and some people never had anything. At times I was both, and at times I was neither. Nothing was ever given to me; I had to earn it. I wouldn’t say that I had nothing in life, because I had two of the coolest best friends that I guarantee saved my life. Sure they could be the meanest most retarded people I knew, but they still, some how, were the two most important people in my heart. What could I say, they were all I had.

You never really understand things when you’re young. Like why you go through certain trials and tribulations or why certain people are put into your life, but looking back I wouldn’t have changed one thing. I don’t the word regret. I feel like nobody should regret anything. I also believe there are no such thing as accidents. Everything, good and bad, happen for a reason. That is why I’m still here. That’s the only way I can look at it.

Over my life I have achieved friendship, love, and happiness; everything I’ve ever wanted.

This is dedicated to the two people who changed my life.

This is my unlikely salvation.

Chapter One

The alarm sounded and everybody crawled under their desks. The weather out side was very violent and a tornado warning was in effect.

“Agh this is so dumb” Bam groaned.

Bam never took anything seriously. He was practical jokester, that made everybody within twenty feet of him nervous. With dreams of becoming  a professionsl skateboarder, he was always getting into trouble for skating in the hallways, and in the parking lot during lunch. He wasn’t very popular, but the girls liked him. His deep blue eyes could make anybodys” heart melt.

“Why is this dumb, Bam? Apparently it’s really bad for Mrs. Mullins to stop class. Remember all of the fire drills? She didn’t let us leave because it was only drills” Ville spoke as he tried to sneak a peak out side.

“Yeah. I’m still trying to get her fired for that.” Bam whispered.

“Bam and Ville! Hush!” Mrs. Mullins sternly told them.

“What a bitch” Bam mouthed to Ville who covered his mouth to not let sound escape from his laugh.

Ville was…lets say unique. He had a difference about him that was hard to explain. He was an aspiring musician…if that helps. He was very soft spoken, and had a bit of femininity to him. People often teased him about being gay. He was far from it though. Ville was a true romantic; he just didn’t have anybody to romanticize. He was tall with the most beautiful green eyes you could ever imagine.  He had dark messy hair that was on the shorter side.

Ville and Bam had been friends since the eighth grade. They met each other back in jr. high when they were both seeing the same girl. Instead of fighting each other they forgot about the girl and started hanging out. Ville wasn’t a fighter but he’d kick your ass if he had to.

The principle came on the loud speaker and announced all sports practice and detentions were canceled for the day, and the kids were being released early because of the weather.

“Yes” bam threw his fists up victoriously.

“So I guess we don’t have detention” Ville said crawling out from under the desk.

They might as well have added detention to their class schedule, because they were always there. Bam got into a fight with this preppy jock named taylor, because he ratted Bam out for skateboarding in the parking lot, which Bam received another d-hall for. Ville on the other hand was purposely late to two of his classes and got two detentions so Bam would not be alone.

As soon as the bell rang Bam and Ville were the first ones out of the class room. They sprinted down the hallway to their lockers to grab Bam’s skateboard and Ville’s guitar, before headed out side to catch their bus. They were the only juniors who rode the bus. Bam's parents wouldn’t allow him to have a car because he was too immature and Ville’s parents couldn’t afford it.

Their bus was always the last to arrive, so this gave them about thirty minutes to do whatever, which mostly consisted of Bam showing off in front of the girls and Ville strumming his guitar. a few girls would approach Ville but he never really paid attention to them. He was on of the guys who thought and felt with his head and heart instead of his dick.

But today they had to wait under the covered section because it was raining.

“This is so dumb. We have all of this shitty weather and they let us go early so we can be out in it.” Bam said before sitting down on his skateboard.

“Well Bammie, Id rather go home than sit in detention.” Ville strummed his guitar.

“Nothing to do at home either, Bam muttered.

“What’s the matter? You haven’t wanted to go home lately.” Ville asked.

Bam answered, “It’s just Ape has been on my case about my grades and shit.”

Ville thought about it, “Well try a little harder and she’ll stop”

“I just don’t like school. Its not for me dude. She wants me to go to college and shit. It’ll just be a waste of money, because I'm just going to flunk out, because I don’t want to be there.

Ville nodded his head understanding Bam's point of view. Ville’s parents wanted him to go to college but they weren’t too hard on him because they knew he wanted to be a musician.

When the bus arrived they ran to the front of the waiting line so they could get the seat all the way in the back. They had to sit together because there were too many students to all get their own seat. Ville pulled out his CD player and gave Bam the other half of the head phones.

“Black Sabbath or The Stooges?” Ville held up the two CDs.

“Iggy” Bam answered.

They began listening to Iggy Pop and they both drifted off into their own little worlds.

About ten minutes after Bam was dropped off the bus stopped to let a young girl off. Ville noticed she went to a house with a moving truck outside. The he noticed there was a rather attractive older girl waiting outside. He guessed it was the child’s older sister. He didn’t get an extremely good look at her because the bus began to move, but her dark hair and nice figure kept his stare until he couldn’t see her. after a few blocks Ville was let off. He could see her house but that was about it. he couldn’t help but wonder who she was or if she would be attending school with him.

Later that night Ville was in his room when he decided to phone Bam and tell him about the mystery girl.

“Hello?” April answered.

“Hey momma” Ville smiled.

Bam and Ville had been friends for so long they called each others parents mom and dad.

“Hey Ville. How are you?” Ape asked in her chipper voice.

“I'm doing ok. Is Bam around?”

“Yeah hun, just one sec.”

After a minute Bam picked up.

“Yellow?” he answered.

Ville laughed. “Hey dude, some chick about our age moved into the vacant house down the street.”

“Did you get a good look? Is she hot?” Bam quickly asked.

“I didn’t get that good of a look. She has a little sister that rides the bus” Ville laid down on his bed.

“Well I got dibs” Bam called.

“What?! You got dibs on the last girl” Ville laughed.

“Yeah but she was a bitch, so I did you a favor.”

Ville thought about it. “Yeah she was wasn’t she.”

Ville couldn’t help but wonder about this new mystery girl. He had been in love before but it always ended up that they were better off friends.

“Well dude, I have a shit load of math homework I have to do, and Jess just got home, so he’s gonna help me.” Bam sighed.

“Ok then. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Ville yawned and stretched.

“Oh wait. What page did Mrs. Mullins assign tonight.

Ville got up and dug through his binder to find the page numbers to Romeo and Juliet. “Tonight its only page 129 to 134”

“ok thanks man.”

“Later.” Ville hung up and plopped down on his bed to begin writing one of his story projects for English. He was assigned to write a poem about Romeo and Juliet. He tapped his pen on the paper numerous times as he thought of a title for his poem. Sighing in annoyance he turned off his light to go to sleep. As he was about to fall asleep a title popped in his head and he began to sing as his eyes began to close.

“Would you die tonight for love? Would you join me in death…”

As July entered the school, she got a nervous feeling in her gut that made her want to go back home. The office was on the right as soon as she walked in and the principle was standing with a smile on his face. This did not make her feel any better; because they are all nice at first then after a week their true colors come out. He gave her a tour of the school and where her classes would be. It would be her luck that her classes would alternate between being upstairs and down stairs.

But whatever; she made it through to lunch where she found a perch to sit at and write. She put on her head phones and opened her notebook, then sighed and looked up in annoyance, because writers block was consuming her mind. She noticed two guys in the parking lot with a few girls watching them a few feet away. One was on a skateboard doing a few tricks every now and then and the other was sitting on the hood of a car and strumming a guitar. She twirled her pen with her fingers as if it were a drum stick, and watched the skateboarder. He was pretty good actually, but he seemed like he was showing off. Her eyes now focused on the guitar player. She couldn’t really see all of his features but he had dark hair and a guitar which always made her weak.

July shook her head and looked back down at her journal and began brain storming ideas for her next story. It was going to be about a brother and sister who were extremely close, and she falls in love with her older brother’s best friend. She enjoyed writing love stories. She painted too, but most of them looked as if she were illustrating an Edgar Allen Poe story. Her foster parents didn’t like it too much, but that’s a different chapter.

The bell rang for everybody to go back to class, so she sighed and got up. The time flew by and she found herself going to her last class, which was English. She sat in the back of the class away from everybody else. The smart rich looking kids sat in the front by the teacher's desk. As the tardy bell rang the two guys from the parking lot came running in. The English teacher, Mrs. Mullins shot them a look and told them to sit down. July noticed they were both walking toward her so she quickly looked down at her spiral. She felt a presence hovering over her that made her look up.

“You’re in my seat” the skateboarder said.

“Bam, leave her alone. Just sit in front of me.” The musician suggested.

“No this is my seat” he insisted.

“Its fine” July stood up and attempted to move but Bam stood in her way

“Well are you going to get the hell out of my way” she told him making his friend laugh.

He didn’t move; he just stood with a shocked expression, so she sighed and pushed passed him to move to an empty desk by the window.

“Whats wrong with you man?” she heard the guitarist whisper sternly.

“What? This is my seat.” Bam whispered back.

*Bam? What the hell kind of name is that?* she thought.

She could feel eyes looking at her so she turned slowly around to find the musician looking at the ceiling. It made her laugh, and she turned back around.

“Ok class we have a new student today” the teacher announced.

*Oh dear God* she thought. She had never been so close to lunging out of a window.

“July Houston would you stand up and please introduce yourself”

She slowly rose up and looked at all the eyes that were now glued on her.

“My name is July” She started.

“Like the month?” Bam asked.

“Yeah is that alright?” she raised her eyebrows. “I just moved here from LA-”

“I heard you’re an orphan” a kid asked cutting her off.

As the teacher told him to hush she looked down at her dirty converse shoes and missed her mother dearly.

“Well that’s about it.” she quickly sat down. Ok now she has never been so close to jumping out of a window.

She was able to avoid any more attention for the rest of the day, though sh could still a pair of eyes on her. So when the bell rang she quickly darted out of the class and to her locker. After venturing through the beehive of kids, she found a vacant shade tree and decided to sit under it. She saw that Bam and his friend were in the parking lot frolicking about, but forced her attention to her writing. July had her head phones plugged into her ears to drown out all of the racket, but her mind and writers block began feuding again. After she lost the battle, she decided to start a diary, but for real this time. July would always start one but never keep up with it. As her thoughts flowed, she realized her bus was there. She also noticed that Bam and his friend ran and cut in front of the line to the same bus. July boarded the bus and saw them sitting in the back, so she decided to sit next to Savannah, her younger sister, who was in junior high.


Mean while Bam and Ville sat in the back listening to Black Sabbath.

“Dude!” Ville patted Bam’s arm. “This is the house the girl lives at”

They both pressed their faces against the glass to see who the mystery girl is.

“July!” they both exclaimed as she walked down the drive way with her sister.

“Man screw that” Bam slumped back in his seat, leaving Ville starring out of the window alone

He shoved Bam “Man why did you have to be a bitch to her! now she’s gonna think a dick too.”

Bam shrugged his shoulders and paid attention to the music again, but Ville had his eyes glued to July until he could no longer see her. As the bus stopped, Ville and Bam got off Ville’s house, so Bam didn’t have to go home right away.

“hey mom” the boys called as they walked inside.

“Hey boys” Anita hollered from the kitchen.

They threw their bags on the floor in the living room then followed their noses into the kitchen.

“Whatcha cookin?” Bam asked as he perched on the counter.

“Grilled shrimp pasta. Its my night to feed you right?” she teased.

Bam inhaled the wonderful smell. “Yes ma’am it is”

“Ok well you boys do your home work and it will be ready in a little bit.” She turned her attention back to cooking.

The boys retreated to the living room where Ville tutored Bam in algebra then Bam helped Ville with history. Once Kari got home it was time to eat.

The food Anita cooked was fabulous, as always. Everybody was too busy eating to began dinner conversation so once Anita finished her place she began the chat.

“So is there anything new going on at school.” She asked.

“There is a new girl named July that bam was an ass to, so now she’s going to think I’m a prick as well.”

Anita laughed “oh really?”

“I was not an ass” Bam defended himself. “she was just in my seat”
          "you could have sat infront of me" Ville laughed 
          “Dude whatever” Bam took a bite of shrimp.

“What does she look like” Ville’s mother asked.

“She cute.” Bam said.

“Shes fucking hot.” Ville exclaimed.

“Ville, don’t talk like that at the table” his mom corrected him.

“Sorry. Shes really pretty though. She has straight dark brown hair. Pretty hazel eyes. She was really quiet today though.”

Kari laughed. “That’s just what you need.”

“Yeah if Bam didn’t mess it up.” Ville teased

After dinner the boys went up stairs to Ville’s room to play video games, but Ville started to play his guitar.

“So you seriously like that Summer girl.” Bam tossed the controller down after losing.

“July” Ville laughed.

“Summer, July, same season.”

Ville rolled his eyes. “To answer your question, I don’t know her, so I don’t know.”

Bam nodded his head. “Well I’ll apologize to her if you want me to.”

Ville shrugged his shoulders. “If you want to.”

Bam yawned and stretched. Ville sighed then laughed to himself knowing what would happen next.

“Well im staying here” Bam told him as he drug Ville’s covers and pillow off of his bed on to the floor.

“Yes Bam” Ville went to the closet and grabbed an extra blanket and pillow.

As the lights went out and the boys stirred to get comfortable on the floor and in bed, Ville’s mind drifted from music, to lyrics, to porn, back to lyrics then to July. He wanted to get to know her better. He wondered what her lifestyle, and views were like; and what her home life was like. Little did he know, he would find that out, and it would be more than what he asked for.

            The next day at school Ville and Bam sat inside to eat lunch with their friends. It was a Friday which meant the school was serving hamburgers, and everybody loved them. Bam spotted July in line then nudged Ville and nodded her way.

“Who’s that?” Bam's friend Ryan asked as he turned back and took a bite of his burger.

“July” Ville simply answered.

“And that is?” Ryan asked.

“A girl in our English class. She’s new.” Ville answered taking a sip of his tea.

He noticed she didn’t buy an entire lunch, just the wrapped up hamburger, and placed it in the pocket of her hoodie then walked right past them and out side.

Ville quickly stood up to throw his trash away before heading outside. They guys laughed and gave him a hard time about chasing after a girl but he didn’t care. Once he was out side he strolled to the Coke machine casually looking around to try to locate where she was sitting. After he got a drink and spotted her, he walked over to the shade tree where she was sitting and writing in her journal. He wasn’t really all that nervous, because he didn’t have anything to lose. As he approached her and saw her beauty, all that changed and butterflies filled his stomach.

“Um July?” He smiled.

“Can I help you?” she asked not looking up.

“Yeah we have English class together. My friend was the jerk that made you get out of his seat.” He placed his hands in his pockets.

“What do you want” she kept looking down and writing.

“Well” he cleared his throat “I just wanted to apologize about that.”

She nodded her head. “Ok thanks”

“May I sit down?” he asked.

“Nothings stopping you.” She was still concentrating on her writing.

He turned around and saw Bam and Ryan watching by the school doors, and motioned for them to go away. After they refused to leave he turned back around and sat down in front of July.

“So what are you writing?” he politely asked.

“Stuff” she answered. “You’re the guitar guy that sits out here with Bam or whatever his name is right?” she still didn’t look up.

A little surprised she noticed him he answered hoping it would impress her.

“Yeah I’m in a band.”

“I'm not sleeping with you, if that’s why you came out here” she bluntly said.

Ville’s eyes widened and he laughed.

“I don’t want to sleep with you either.”

“Well now that that’s settled.” She looked up and froze. His beautiful deep green eyes had a hold of her and her heart raced. “Its nice to meet you” she finally forced herself to say.

“My name is Ville” he held his hand out, and she shook it.

“July” she laughed.

“That’s a unique name” he smiled.

She blushed. “Yeah my mom gave it to me.”

“Where are you from” he leaned against the huge tree she was sitting by.

“California. I just moved here with my foster parents and little sister.” She closed her journal and placed it on her lap, then brushed a strand of hair our of her face.

“Yeah I live right down the road from you. We ride the same bus.” Ville pulled his knees to his chest.

“Your friend is coming over” she nodded in the direction Bam was walking.

Ville groaned and stood up and walked to him.

“dude what are you doing?” he whispered as Bam kept walking toward July.

Bam didn’t answer until he got to July.

“Hey dude I'm sorry about yesterday” Bam apologized.

She nodded and stood up. “Its ok.”

They all three began to walk to the school building because the bell was about to ring to go back to class. Bam asked him pretty much the same questions Ville did as they made their way inside.

“Well I have to go to theatre now” she turned to the boys.

“Do you want me to walk you?” Ville asked.

“No thanks. I'm a big girl” she smiled.

“Well ok then. See you in English.” Ville waved.

“Ok bye.” She turned and walked away.

Ville turned his head to the side and watched her hips move back and forth as she walked.

“dude come on.” Bam laughed pulling his arm.

As they got to Bam's locker Ville leaned against the one next to it and placed his head on the locker door.

“She’s so pretty and mysterious. I wonder why she moved here.” Ville sighed.

Bam rolled his eyes and shut his locker.

“Ask her.”

They began to walk down the hall to chemistry.

“She said she lives with foster parents, so something must have happened”

After chemistry was over Ville found himself sitting in Algebra watching the second hand on the clock tick in a circle, and waiting for the bell to ring so he could go to English class. As soon as it did he raced out and down the hall. As he turned the corner he ran right into July knocking all of her books to the ground.

“I'm so sorry!!” he said wide eyed.

“You jerk!” she laughed.

He picked up all of her books and they began walking to English.

“What are you in such a hurry for” she asked.

“Um, if I get another detention for being late they will put me in ISS” he lied.

“What’s ISS?” she asked.

“In school suspension.” Bam chimmed in behind them. “And what are you talking about. I’ve had more detentions than you and I still have some left.

July smiled realizing Ville lied about why he was in a hurry to get to English class. After Bam walked in she took her books from Ville and whispered with a grin,

“Only one more d-hall? Right.”

He looked down and blushed.


The both walked in and Bam gave her his seat so they could all sit together in the back. It was a substitute teacher today so everybody knew they weren’t going to be doing anything. All the jocks at the front of the class kept looking back at July and laughing. Ville and Bam could tell that it was making her feel uncomfortable.

“What the fuck are you looking at?” Bam blurted.

“Bam!” the teacher exclaimed. “Your getting a d-hall!”

“Tell those dumb asses to turn around” Ville said.

“Your getting a detention too.” The teacher said. “You know cussing is against the rules.”

July sat and thought for a second,

“Fuck” she randomly blurted.

“That’s one for you too Miss Houston.” The teacher said angrily.

Ville, Bam and July all looked at each other and grinned, and knew this was the beginning on a bond that would last forever.
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