Unlikely Salvation

Jul 11, 2008 04:21

Title: Unlikely Salvation
Author: Himismymorrison
Summary: After meeting July back in high school, Ville, Bam, and her become insepritable. After making a pact to always stay friends and intouch after high school, the pact is broken when they go down their own roads following their dreams. After years of not talking they all unknowingly meet back up, and realize the party life that went on in high school was nothing, and that the real party had just begun.
Rating: this chapter pg13

Disclaimer: I dont own ne body famous. I own July and the plot.
Warning: uhh none that I can think of right now... lol

http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/193204.html#cutid3 ch 1-3
http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/193283.html#cutid1 ch 4
http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/193995.html#cutid1 ch 5
http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/194346.html ch 6
http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/194842.html#cutid1 ch 7
http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/195944.html#cutid1 ch 8
http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/196673.html#cutid1 ch 9
http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/199248.html#cutid1 ch 10
http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/199738.html#cutid1 ch 11
http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/200509.html#cutid1 ch 12

http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/200734.html#cutid1 ch 13

The next day in school the boys skipped their fifth period class to watch July in her rehearsal for a theatre class she was taking. Bam and Ville slipped in the back of the auditorium and sat in the dark rows of chairs with no light shining on them. Her and her class were remaking the hit musical Chicago.

“Which one is she?” Bam asked. “We are sitting so far back I cant see.”

“She isn't on yet.” Ville told him.

July soon pranced out delivering her lines as Velma Kelly.

Vile laughed, “There she is.”

They watched and laughed as the cast would perform, then forget their lines and have to start over. As soon as the teacher told them to change out of character the boys escaped unseen from the auditorium and walked into the bathroom. Hearing the bathroom door open Ville and Bam each ran into a stall, for fear that they would get caught for skipping class. They quickly realized who walked in.

“Yeah I’m taking that July girl out again Saturday night.” Josh boasted to one of his friends.

His friend laughed, “Are you going to fuck her.”

“That’s the plan” Josh laughed, “I got some drugs, I’m going to slip to her. She wont even know what happened.”

Bam froze and closed his eyes praying Ville didn’t hurl out of the stall at Josh.

“She’ll be one more on my list” Josh high-fived his friend.

Ville slowly walked out of the stall and to the sink. Bam heard the stall door unlock, so he did the same.

“What’s up dude” Josh smiled at Ville who snapped. He grabbed Josh by the shirt with both hands and slammed him against the cement wall. Bam swung and hit Josh’s friend in the jaw as he tried to run after Ville.

“If you hurt her, I will kill you my fucking self. Do you hear me?” Ville fumed.

Josh didn’t say anything; only starred in shock at Ville, who slammed him into the wall again when he didn’t answer.

“Do you fucking hear me.” Ville yelled.

Josh nodded his head, then Ville let him go, throwing him on the ground, where Bam kicked him,

“We’ll both fucking kill you” he told Josh then followed Ville outside.

Still fuming Ville stormed down the hallway not even noticing he passed July. Before she could even say anything Bam grabbed her by her hand and drug her along.

“What the hell’s going on” she asked trying to keep up.

Bam didn’t say anything, only held on to her hand and kept walking. As soon as they got to Ville’s locker he opened it, but July slammed it shut.

“Ville!” she shouted. “What the fuck!”

The sight of her snapped him out of his satanic rampage, and made him smile.

“I'm sorry; I'm just really angry.” He tried to touch her arm but she pulled away.

“What the fuck for?” she crossed her arms and leaned against his locker.

Ville sighed and told her what had happened. At first she didn’t believe him, but after seeing the look on Bam's face she knew they weren’t lying.

“You cant go to that party” Bam said almost sounding like a beg.

July thought about it and began grinning, “Oh yes I can.”

The boys looked at each other then looked at July,

“And what are you going to do” Ville cocked his eyebrow up a bit worried about what kind of revenge July was concocting up.

July just shook her head, “Pay back is a son of a bitch.”

Once the last bell for the day rang, the three pushed their way to their lockers and prepared to go to Ville’s house. As they went out side Ville spotted his dad waiting in the car for him.

“Hey look, we don’t have to ride the bus” Ville smiled.

They all walked to the car where Kari was at.

“Hey kids” he smiled.

“I don’t think you have met July” Ville introduced the two.

“Oh so this is the girl you’ve been talking about” Kari smiled shaking July’s hand.

“Dad” Ville said in a warning tone. Kari was notorious for embarrassing Ville.

“Its nice to meet you sir” July laughed.

The three climbed into the car and headed to Ville’s house. Once they arrived July and Anita hit it off swell. Ville had to go into the kitchen numerous times to get July to come upstairs with him and Bam.

“Did you come over here to hang out with me or my mom” he teased.

“Now that I have met her; I came to see her” she laughed.

“Oh Ville stop it” Anita swatted at his arm. “You better run along before he gets his feelings hurt.”

“Yes ma’am” July laughed.

“You are more than welcome to come here anytime child” Anita smiled.

“Thank you”

“Yes thank you, now can we please go up stairs” Ville rushed.

“Yes, yes” July laughed.

They spent a couple of hours finishing home work then sat and played video games until Bam had to go home, leaving just the two of them. Ville lay on his bed strumming his guitar while July sat on the end gazing at him.

“You’re really going to be somebody someday” she smiled.

Her comment caught him off guard and made him hit the wrong note on his guitar causing it to make a thud sound. He laughed,

“Why do you say that?”

“I don’t know” she smiled and tilted her head to the side, “You just will”

He placed his guitar down, then pulled her up by him.

“And you’re going to be right there with me” he smiled.

She laughed, “I’ll be the journalist asking you all the questions”

July quickly jumped up and grabbed his TV remote control and held it to her mouth like a microphone.

“So Mr. Valo, what do you think of your new found fame” she asked then pointed the remote control to Ville.

Deepening his voice he answered, “Well I can pay my own rent and bills, so that’s nice”

She laughed and rolled her eyes, “What are the lady’s like? They must be following you every where.”

“Yeah they are, but I have a wife…and a Love Child”

They both cracked up laughing,

“You are so dumb” she giggled placing the remote down then looked out of the window, “Its getting late I better go home”

“Ok I’ll drive you” he told her then got up from his bed and followed her down stairs. After telling his parents bye she and Ville walked to the car and drove to July’s house. Once the pulled into her drive way he turned the it off, making July smile, because she knew he didn’t want them to part.

“Well thank you for the ride home” she smiled.

“Come here” he whispered.

She smiled and took her seatbelt off and scooted closer to him.

He put his arm around her and she rested her head on his shoulder. He softly tightened his grip on her and rested his hand on her thigh. They sat in silence, listening to each other breathe for minutes before July spoke,

“I really need to get going” she knew what would happen if she stayed.

He cupped her jaw with his hand and rubbed his thumb across her bottom lip, then softly slid his hand to her neck as he tilted his forehead to where it was touching hers. She closed her eyes and longed for his kiss. He slowly slid his hand down until he began tenderly massaging her breast. He gently grazed his cheek against hers and moved his lips to her neck. Snapping out of the hypnotizing moment July jumped.

“I have to go” She giggled.

“I'm sorry. Just got caught up.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow” she smiled and opened her car door.

“I’ll flash you” he smiled.

“What an ass” she laughed before shutting the door and walking up to the house.

He waited until she made it inside to leave, mainly because he was too busy looking at her ass to start the car. He backed out of the drive way and began to drive home thinking of what happened. He smiled proudly and laughed out loud,

“I got to second base.”

woot for ville! got a feel lol ok comment comment. tell me what ya think!

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