Unlikely Salvation

Jul 09, 2008 04:10

Title: Unlikely Salvation
Author: Himismymorrison
Summary: After meeting July back in high school, Ville, Bam, and her become insepritable. After making a pact to always stay friends and intouch after high school, the pact is broken when they go down their own roads following their dreams. After years of not talking they all unknowingly meet back up, and realize the party life that went on in high school was nothing, and that the real party had just begun.
Rating: this chapter r

Disclaimer: I dont own ne body famous. I own July and the plot.
Warning: uhh none that I can think of right now... lol

http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/193204.html#cutid3 (ch 1-3)

http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/193283.html#cutid1 (ch4)

http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/193995.html#cutid1 (ch 5)

http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/194346.html (ch 6)

http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/194842.html#cutid1 (ch 7)

http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/195944.html#cutid1 (ch 8)

http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/196673.html#cutid1 (ch 9)

http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/199248.html#cutid1 (Ch 10)

Still giggling, all three of them climbed into Ville’s car and began to drive home. They were listening to one of July’s favorite bands, Sublime, and enjoying their high. July’s feet were propped out of the passenger window and tapping along with the beat. Each one would begin giggling for no apparent reason.

“So dudes, are we really going to go to California?” Bam asked with slight squinty eyes.

“I have no clue how but yeah” July giggled.

“Yeah I want to see what’s so great about California that you have to go back to” Ville teased causing him to get hit by July.

“Aw man your leaving” Bam asked still stoned.

“After my senior year. That’s where I want to go to school.”

“Well that’s good. We’ll still keep in touch. I'm going to become a skateboarder and this guy” He grabbed Ville’s shoulders, “He’s going to be a musician. What do you want to do?”

“I want to write. Songs, books, journalism or anything.”

Ville laughed, “She’ll be our publicist”

“Holy shit” July exclaimed as they drove passed a cop sitting on the side of the road.

“Holy shit, Holy fucking hell” Bam said sitting straight up in the seat.

“We are going to get arrested” Ville laughed.

“Its not funny” July slapped him in his chest. “Are you doing the fucking speed limit”

“Yes darling calm down.”

“You calm the fuck down” Bam said freaking out.

“Just act natural.” July said glancing in the passenger rear view window

“Yeah, act naturally fucking blitzed. Holy fuck dude we are so busted.” Bam fidgeted in his seat.

“Bam shut the fuck up” Ville laughed.

“We wouldn’t be getting followed if July didn’t have her feet out of the window”

“Yeah and my feet are about to be down your throat if you don’t shut the hell up” she tried not to laugh.

The cop came up right behind them and followed them for a few miles then pulled in a gas station off to the right.

Everybody let out a sigh of relief at the same time followed by laughter.

“Bam when this car gets stopped I’m going to kick your ass” she laughed.

Ville hit the breaks,

“Ok fight!” he laughed

She playfully hit him,

“Come on, we need to get home.”

Once they got back to Westchester it was 11:30, and school was the next day, so they called it a night. They pulled up in July’s drive way to drop her off, but when Bam got out to get in the front seat July pulled him to the ground and began playfully fighting him, both still high as hell.

“What did I tell you” July laughed as she tried to pin him down.

He laughed and pushed her off and tried to do the same, but was unsuccessful; she had him in a head lock with her legs around his waist.

“Ok!” Bam gasped tapping the ground.

After catching their breath, they helped each other up and hugged.

“Alright girl” Bam laughed.

“I’ll see you tomorrow” She smiled at Bam then walked around to the driver side.

Ville and July stood not breaking the eye contact for what seemed like forever.

“Walk me to the door?” she asked.

He smiled and began walking her to her house.

“I had fun” she laughed. “I cant remember the last time I had that much fun actually”

“I’m glad” he looked at her then smiled.

Once they reached the door she could see Bam leaning against the car out of the corner of her eye.

“Well I better go” she coyly smiled.

With Ville trying his hardest not to just drag her up stairs and make love to her, he placed both hands on the back of his head and replied with a sly grin,

“Yeah I think that’s best”

She looked deep into his eyes and licked her lips, then looked at his. She then rose up on her tip toes and moved toward his lips slowly. His heart began to pound harder than ever. As he leaned forward to kiss her she moved her mouth to his ear and whispered.

“If you ever wake me up that early again I’ll kill you” then playfully bit his earlobe, and giggled a bit.

Playing along with her game he smiled devilishly.

“You better get your little ass in side before I take you up stairs and fuck the shit out of you.” He blurted.

She lifted both eyebrows and smiled, “Good night”

Then she opened the door and disappeared inside.

Smiling and shaking his head he walked back to the car and playfully punched Bam in the arm, who returned the hit.

“What was that for” Bam laughed then got in the car.

“Damn she’s so…” he couldn’t even finish his sentence. He bit his lip and laughed to himself; he loved the chase.

Bam thought then asked, “She’s what?”

Shaking his head and laughing Ville answered, “Nothing, never mind.”

They drove back to Ville’s house where they both were going to stay that night.

They pushed each other up the stairs to Ville’s room fighting each other, because who ever pounced on the bed first got to sleep in it. Ville kicked Bam in the back of the knees causing him to fall and lose the bed that night.

“You bastard” he laughed as Ville threw himself on the bed.

Once they were settled down and the lights were out they talked about meaningless bullshit until Bam began to snore. A smile crept across Ville’s face as July popped into his head. Dirty thoughts quickly came after. He thought about what she looked like naked and how she would act while having sex. He pictured he was sliding himself in and out of her while she moaned for him to do it harder as she left scratches on his back. He could see her breasts bounce up and down with every hard thrust. He sighed realizing he now had a problem. He got up out of bed and made his way to the bath room to release the tension that built up inside of him. Thinking of July the entire time, it didn’t take him too long to get the job done. After washing his hands he made his way back to his room and saw that Bam had climbed into his bed.

“Little bitch” he laughed then lay down on the floor where Bam was supposed to sleep that night. The last thing he thought about before being consumed by sleep was the three of them going to California. He couldn’t wait.

ok i couldnt sleep so i decided to write another chapter it is now 415 in the morning...im tired lol plz comment i would like to know how many readers i have...long comments are greatly loved!!! =P thanks good night lol...or morning whatever...

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