(no subject)

Jul 09, 2008 18:59

Title: Mysteries run deep. - pt2

Author: Drumheaven

Rating: Atm pg 13

Characters: Ville/OC

Disclaimer: I have seen Ville live once and thats about it I do not own anyone in this story except the people I make up.

"Bethany get up out of bed now. I know your not sick anymore" Her mother belowed at her from downstairs. Beth just groaned and turned over covering her head with a pillow. She hadn't slept at all since she had gotten home after coming home the night before. She heard her mother stomp up the stairs and down the hallway to her room. Beth silently thanked herself for remembering to lock her door before she went to bed. Her mther started to pound on the door.

"BETHANY! get up now. You will be late for work." her mother yelled before one final hit on the door. The vibrations from the caused the poster behind Beth's door to fall on the ground. She finally sat up and looked down at it to see the H.I.M. poster staring back up at her. Ville caught her eye again and the memories of the night before had started to flood back to her. Why did she have to meet him there, of all places while she looked like someone she wasn't. Beth slowly got out of bed and picked the poster up off the ground. She placed it back against the door and stuck it back up.

"Why you Ville?" She asked the poster. She looked at it for a moment like she was waiting for a reply. Beth finally turned around and grabbed some random clothes and went in for a shower. Her mind couldn't get away from the way he looked the night before. She kept asking herself why didn't she recognise him, why did she go with him, why didn't she tell him her name.

Back at the hotel Ville was standing in the shower letting the warm water run over his slim body as he thought of her. He rubbed his hands over his face as if trying to get the image of her out of his mind. He hadn't slept a wink that night as he tried to work out what kind of name she would have. He found that he couldn't even make one up for her. There was a pounding at his hotel room door bringing him out of his thoughts. He turned the water off and wrapped a towel low around his waist. He went over and opened the door to find Mige standing there.

"Ville are you still not ready? We have a photo shoot in half an hour." He asked as he stood there crossing his arms.

"Sorry Mige, Just on a slow day today I guess." He said as he walked over to his suit case and got some clothes out.

"Look you have 5 minutes Ville before we leave ok. Just continue your thinking after the shoot today ok." Mige said as he closed the door to Ville's room. Ville smiled as he remembered who he was thinking about but his smile soon turned to a frown as he remembered he still didnt know her name. Ville quickly got dressed and headed downstairs to find the rest of the band already on the mini bus. He just gave them a small smile as they all rolled their eyes. Ville was being his mysterious closed off self again. They were in for a long day.

Beth ran downstairs tripping on the last one as she saw she was running late again. She ran into the kitchen and stole a piece of toast off her mother.

"Aren't you staying for breakfast" Her mother asked.

"Can't late" She said with the toast hanging out of her mouth as she tried to pull her boots on.

"Oh Ok. Well have fun at the shoot today, do you know who it's going to be this time?" Her mother asked.

"All I know is it's some band. Sorry ma got to go" Beth said as she raced over to her mother and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "Bye ma"

"You should really know by now to get up early for work, your almost 21 now" Her mother yelled to her as she was replied with a slamming of a door. She just shook her head at her daughter. Beth got into her beat up 2nd hand car and started to drive to the shoot. She started to think about who it really was she was working with. Beth randomly started laughing as she pulled up to a stop light. She thought to herself how it would be funny if it was H.I.M. at the shoot. She quickly shook her head as she started to drive again. The heavens above weren't that cruel to have H.I.M. at the shoot she didn't think.

Please leave sum comments i would love tknow what you think. (p.s. can anyone tell me how to link the chapters plz

ville valo

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