unlikely salvation

Jul 02, 2008 04:42

Title: Unlikely Salvation
Author: Himismymorrison
Summary: After meeting July back in high school, Ville, Bam, and her become insepritable. After making a pact to always stay friends and intouch after high school, the pact is broken when they go down their own roads following their dreams. After years of not talking they all unknowingly meet back up, and realize the party life that went on in high school was nothing, and that the real party had just begun.
Rating: this chapter pg 13
Disclaimer: I dont own ne body famous. I own July and the plot.
Warning: uhh none that I can think of right now... lol

http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/193204.html#cutid3 (ch 1-3)

http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/193283.html#cutid1 (ch4)

http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/193995.html#cutid1 (ch 5)

http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/194346.html (ch 6)

http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/194842.html#cutid1 (ch 7)

http://community.livejournal.com/himfanfics/195944.html#cutid1 (ch 8)

July moaned as her phone began to ring waking her from her dreams. Attempting to grab it she knocked it to the floor, causing it to bounce out of reach.

“Are you serious” she mumbled to herself as she got out of bed.

“Um hello” she heard somebody saying on the other end of the line.

“Hello” she groggily answered.

“Darling what are you doing still sleeping.” She heard Ville’s voice ask.

“Do you have any idea what time it is.” She scowled looking at her watch.

“I know its early but we are going to breakfast.” He quickly said.

“Its four thirty in the morning on a freaking Sunday morning. Are you out of your mind?” July said laying back in bed.

“Yeah but if we are not early then the buffet food will get cold and nasty. Plus there is some where I want to take you.”

“I could kill you right now” she pulled the covers over her head.

“I’ll be there in 10 minutes. Get dressed” Ville said then hung up.

“Well bye to you too” she said then tossed her phone on the floor. She laid in bed for another minute or so then flung the covers back and got up. She made her way to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. She looked in the mirror and placed her hands on her cheeks and pulled them down showing the red part in the bottom of her eye socket.

“AGH” she groaned.

She brushed her teeth then washed face with a cold wash cloth. After moseying back to her room she threw on a large pair of cargo pants and a big long sleeve shirt. She threw her hair in a messy pony tail then sat cross legged on the bed waiting for Ville to show up. When she saw a car coming down the road she trotted down stairs and walked out side. The sun wasn’t quite ready to wake up yet, so it was still dark out side. The lights pulled into her drive way and she walked toward them and got in the car.

Ville was quite amused by how adorable she looked still half asleep.

“I'm going to kill you as soon as I wake up.” She told him smiling.

He laughed, “We’ll see”

“Who’s car is this” she asked remembering he didn’t have his own car.

“My dads” he answered as he made a left turn at the stop light.

He took her to a small breakfast shop called Morning Wake.

“Ever been here?” he asked

She shook her head, “No I don’t think so.”

“It’s a small little place, but it’s really good”

Ville parked the car and both of them made their way inside. The hostess greeted them and placed them at a small booth in the back corner. About two minutes later the waitress approached the table and took their drink orders and told them to help themselves at the buffet. Once they piled their plates full they headed back to their table where two hot coffees waited for them. After chowing down their first plate July went back to get seconds. Ville smiled at her amused on how she wasn’t embarrassed to eat in front of him.

“Ah I’m stuffed.” She patted her now full belly.

“Ok good we have to get on the road.” He told her then stood up and stretched.

“Where are we going?” she asked then stood up as well.

“You’ll see” he smiled then left some cash on the table.

They both got back into the car and began driving down to the high way headed east.

“What is the prettiest thing you have ever seen” Ville randomly asked.

“Um.” She thought about it, “My mom”

Ville could help but smile at her answer. He didn’t know what it was that made him get weak when she talked about her past. Maybe it was determination or courage; he couldn’t pin point it exactly, but he knew there was something there. Realizing that wasn’t exactly the answer he was looking for he rephrased the question.

“What about scenery. Was there any pretty places you ran away too when you were pissed and needed to relax.”

She laughed to herself then thought.

“Well I do remember when I was younger my mom would always take me to the Santa Monica Pier in California. I always thought that was gorgeous; the sunsets were amazing. Bam would like it. Have you watched that movie Lords of Dogtown?”

“Yes Bam has it”

“Santa Monica beach was where the skateboarders surfed in the 70’s. I think that’s pretty cool”

Ville smiled and hoped she would like where he was taking her.

They drove and drove until there was no more road, only the Atlantic. It was getting brighter and the sun was just about to peek over the horizon. Ville parked the car in a small parking lot for viewing the ocean and quickly hopped out.

“Come on” he grabbed her hand and took her to a steep hill. “Go first.”

“What! Why?”

“So If you fall I’ll catch you”

“So we can both tumble to the bottom.” She laughed and began climbing.

Once to the top they sat on the edge and waited for the sun to show. The seagulls cried out and flew above the two, while the sound of the waves crashing along the shore echoed about. The smell of salt was in the air as small gusts blew around them. The sun slowly began to rise and covered the ocean with a shimmer of orange and red.

Ville looked over and saw July’s eyes were a bit watery. He didn’t know if he should say anything so he just put his arm around her and pulled her to him. He wished he could bring her mom back, because it killed him knowing that pretty much everything reminded July of her.

“It’s really pretty” July smiled.

“I wasn’t quite sure how you would like it, after telling me about your mom and California. I used to come here all of the time when I was stressed or mad.”

July laughed to herself,

“I’m glad you brought me here. I almost forgot what the coast was like.” She looked up into his captivating green eyes.

“Thank you”

As he pulled her into a hug he realized how innocent and vulnerable she seemed. He thought about the girl who he had in his arms. How could somebody be so vulnerable and innocent but at the same time so strong and courageous? He knew she was a wreck and that their romance would probably come to an end after high school. He knew ahead of time that this would probably be the worst heart ache he has ever felt but he still wanted to be with her. But at that moment, as the sun rose over the ocean, and as he held her in his arms none of the pain ahead mattered. Not the future, nor the past, but only that moment of both of them together. He would be able to hang on to that moment, long after she was gone, and always have that small flame in his heart she lighted that nobody could ever extinguish.

sorry it took so long. this chapter just popped into my head as i was watching lords of dogtown lol. so hope you like. sorry its short. comments comments comments. they make my world go around lol.

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