[FANART] Italy Dump

Jul 19, 2009 18:58

Title: Spice! (Veneziano), Spice! (Romanp), Magnet
Author/Artist: Me
Character(s)/Pairing(s): N./S. Italy
Rating: PG
Warnings: Teasingly naked 8DD
Summary: Some fanart I drew after listening to the respective songs. Oh and doodles.

Previous posts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

It's so obvious where I got this idea from =3=

Romano! adjvdnovsn!

ffff!! My art's so gay
ffff!! That's song's so gay
ffff!! I'm so gay for really liking it =A= Honestly! Why are there so many male dubs!? THEY EVEN HAD DIALOG?!?W!@

Might color this in the future =3= When I started lurking through APH stuff--this was around late 2007--I had a hunch that there would be a fair amount of Itacest. I wasn't even into incest of any form around that time, as in AT ALL! Seeing as how there's a rare amount of fanstuffs of them is kinda shocking D: FEED ME PEOPLE!

Das ende (forgot what language that was)

Interested in my art?

-italy north (veneziano), fan: art, -italy south (romano), fan: art4icons

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