[Fanfarts] Dumpage~

Feb 09, 2009 16:39

 Title: Hmmmm . . . Dumpage?
Author/Artist: M
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Hungary, Lithuania and China, France/England, America/Canada, Germany/Prussia
Rating: PG-ish?
Warnings:  dunno~
Summary: Lizzy's womanly side, Leit and China's similarities, and so on.

Previous post: 1, 2

Forgot to cut, HO EMJEE~~~

Originally, I had more to post, but they took so freakin' long to finish, I thought I'd just post these first then continue with my life.

So, I was listening to Don't Trust Me by 3Oh!3 and this popped into mind. Male!Hungary is epic fail.
I can't remember what I typed in the text. Something like "Help me through this pain, this agony called love" in Hungarian *shrugs*

I hate myself already! My favorite pairing and this is all I can say?! I feel so shamed TT3TT

Something I found similar about the two. I dare a really skilled anon to write this for the KM! XDDD
I really like how the gradient ended up, it gave their heads something akin to halos.

Germany! You have been Kitty Glomped! I wants more of Germany/Prussia love TT_TT *delurks in KM*

Love America's boots, they're so . . . American XDDD I is happy wiz ze detail. Thaaaaaank you reference sheet~
Ever since I read the AU of these two in the KM, I have been in love with it! Anon! Please finish the Maple Syrup kink! I beg of thee!!!
I dunno why the quality keeps ending up crappy >_>
A promise to sayamerenth

For those who are interested in the lineart, just tell me. As for icons, just credit and link me to the icons, I'd love to see~~

-england, -china, fan: art, x do not use this tag - uk, -lithuania, -prussia, -canada, -hungary, fan: art4icons, -america, -france, -germany

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