[FANART] Our Savior, Our Heroine

Dec 07, 2008 14:34

Title: Our Savior, Our Heroine
Author/artist: Me
Rating: G
Character(s) or pairing(s): America, France, Arthur, and two special guests
Warnings: Angst?
Summary: Inspired by this comic and this comic.

They're two pictures, but there more or less the same thing so I didn't separate them.

So here's the story: The first comic I found while surfing and thought that the girl might be Pocahontas since I can't read Japanese. I saved the pics but lost the link in the end. Then I found the second comic and then, BAM! Inspiration hit. When I was done drawing, I refused to post it without the link to the first comic. You can imagine the hell of a time it took me to find it.

The image of Pocahontas I used here was the same from the Battle For America scanlation to stay true to APH's characters. The Joan of Arc is the same as a submission I did on dA (it's posted there) since I don't know if Hidekas Himaruya-san has ever drawn a Joan of Arc.

When I see their faces,
I remember the tradegy . . .
And I can't help but ask myself,
I always ask myself . . .
What have I done?

Arthur apolagizing, for who and for what reason, I don't know. Maybe it's his fault? (I hope I offend no one by saying that) Sorry for the horrid penmanship. I wanted to wait for the week day to ask my friend--who has far better hand writing, than I--but I wanted to post this now.
I love it when Francis dresses like that, don't you think he looks nice with his hair up and that shirt on?
Lineart for those who want it. Credit if when used.

-england, fan: art, x do not use this tag - uk, -america, -france, fan: art4icons

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