Title: MOAR Fanfarts~
Author/Artist: M
Character(s) or Pairing(s): France/England, Hungary, Italy, Romano
Rating: None whatsoever
Warnings: Badly used splatter brushes.
Summary: I can't remember >_>
I should credited and loved for coning fanfarts, I'm a genius *shot*
Previous posts:
For those who are interested in the lineart, just tell me. As for icons, just credit and link me to the icons, I'd love to see~~
I have a pink shirt with those plastic diamond studs that spell this out. People always notice it, beats me why.
Let's all make believe that one fine day, France and England came to the meeting early. What does France do? This, and most likely . . . other . . . happenings . . . ensue . . .
The Jazz Age, highlight of life, music, style, jazz music, and Italian underground organizations. Around this time, America was Italy's bitch. Ending ten years before the war, it's amazing how Italy changed so much since then! Instead of a man in a snappy suit holding a Tommy gun, we now have, "PASTAAAAA~~~!"
Was originally gonna add America in the back between them--but got lazy so there. The quote's in reference to the character Calo from The Godfather, no I've never watched the movie.
I got this idea on Valentines, drew it after, posting it now.
So, anyone here know Al Capone? AKA, Scareface? To enlighten, the dude was a badass gangster back in the day. You cannot not know the mafia if you've never heard the name Scarface. The mofo was known for bootlegging, smuggling, murder, the works.
As I go on, note that the mafia is bad, it is very bad. This is why:
On Febuary 1929, he and his band of merry men massacred his rivals because of . . . probably anything. "I dun liek you~ Bye bye nao~~" And the world was all like, "OMG! He did what now?"
World: O rly?
America: Ya rly!
World: No wai!!!1one!!BBQ
Oh, BTW! Anyone ever wondered what Hungary's side job was?