[Fanart] American Valentines

Feb 14, 2009 01:13

Title: MOAR Fanfarts~
Author/Artist: M
Character(s) or Pairing(s): America/Canada
Rating: None whatsoever
Warnings: Blah
Summary: Valentines for all

Previous posts: 1, 2, 3

Thank you Lord, I came just in time, MILAGRA! I started everything yesterday and ended at 1:19 just so I could reach Singles-Awareness Day~~~

This was drawn in my Philosophy class. I had nothing to do~~~~ Finished today~~

Story about this: I was having lunch and was playing songs on my friend's phone. I came upon Vanilla Sky's version of A Thousand Miles and the first thought that came to mind? "This song is so American--OH SHIT!" And BOOM! I hope saying that doesn't insult anyone. When I say American, it was either Route 66, bikers, cowboys, and Texas that would come to mind. Or, October Road, Dawson's Creek, and teen flicks. It was the latter.

I can just see it. A summer afternoon with the boys in the front lawn playing catch. . . I WANT! I can just see it so clearly I can almost taste it! XDD

Gah~ Anon! Please finish the Maple syrup kink! You're killing me!

For those who are interested in the lineart, just tell me. As for icons, just credit and link me to the icons, I'd love to see~~

I was going to bail on this, but an MAD made me finish

image Click to view

I adore how Al and Matt's relationship was portrayed here. 

fan: art, -america, -canada, fan: videos, fan: art4icons

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