Title: Fic Fanart/Doodle Dump
Author/Artist: Me
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Prussia, America, Lithuania, Sealand, Latvia, China, Spain, Philippine-tan(OC)
Rating: PG?
Warnings: Shota, Uke men, kissing?
Summary: A repost of earlier since LJ decided to be a fag and totally screw up with my LJ-cut. Oh yes, I'm a bright rain of sunshine! Basically art and fanfic fanart. Yours might be here!
Previous Posts:
8 Kid!Prussia for
Re_Born fanfic because she said *hinthintnudgenudgewinkwink* I apologize for the gay background. I imagine Birdie to be Pink. PINK DAMMIT! PINK! It's a manly color XDD Also, no feet, I fail at feet.
Yearning to Breath Free, (other chapters in her LJ) one of the best fics I have read yet and I even found the perfect song! I listen to it every time I read it! Breakable by Ingrid Michaelson. For those who want wallpaper, here's a
large version, and a
ginormous version.
I admit! This pairing is my guilty pleasure! I like it and I never even liked incest! Which makes me wonder, people! Where is all the Itacest?! feed me!
For an anthology, but I goofed and forgot to give it.
Again, anthology, forgot, I like obliviously uke men. Yummy =3=
Due to popular demand, here's Philippine-tan with America! Not done, I'll finish whenever though XD His name is Jun De La Cruz BTW
This one's for me since I like Spain/Philippines for its drama. 300 years people! 300 years!
And doujin previews of an America/Canada and Spain/Philippines doujin I'm making.
Interested in my art?