Past-Part Fills Part 4--closed

Feb 27, 2011 12:28

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General Relativity - Canada/Teacher!America AU anonymous August 31 2010, 02:50:40 UTC
General Relativity

Based on this request: Alfred as Mr. Jones, the bizarre new teacher at World Academy who's maybe a little too enthusiastic with his space and physics lessons, but somehow still manages to make people learn. Student A's blossoming crush and ensuing pursuit of a relationship with the oblivious teacher (preferably successful, and with some kinky student-topping-teacher sexytiems in the classroom).

Parts I-X:

Parts XI-XVI:


Continued below, at last nearing the still-lengthy end stretch. ♥


Re: Writer!anon's Notes (LJ COMMENT SPACE YOU ARE HATE) anonymous August 31 2010, 06:20:39 UTC
Sex please. Aw yss.

Writer!anon, I don't think you could disappoint us unless you suddenly killed everyone off with a giant rock or some sort of freak disease or ended/abandoned it at this chapter and never came back because I think I would cry.

I sympathize so much with Matthew, the other person becomomg an intricate part of you, even when they're not there. Gaaaah. But these two together are so much love. Speaking of which, more love back to Dr. Bonnefoy! Don't scare us like that! (A chocolate truffle muffin? Really? Does that have any business being called a muffin and not just a cupcake without icing?)

... kind of wishing I was one of the stars on Alfred's ceiling right about now. (I still have stars on my ceiling and I'm in my mid-20s. How nerdy am I?)

Man, these updates every two weeks has left me jonesing for Mr. Jones.



Re: Writer!anon's Notes (LJ COMMENT SPACE YOU ARE HATE) anonymous August 31 2010, 07:18:49 UTC
“Okay. So is there a reason all the lovers you just mentioned end up having a terrible fate?”

Dr. Bonnefoy gestured dismissively. “Minor details.”

Oh my god, Francis. Ahahaha. XD ♥

You know, Kiku is kind of an awesome friend, and I really enjoyed their thoughts on love there. His just seemed very in character, you know?

... I should have expected that Valentine to be the dorkiest, gayest, most awesome thing ever. I really should have, so how did that take me by surprise? XD

When he hurried out of the classroom, there were no footsteps in the hall but his own; he felt impossibly glad and angry at the same time. That and the line about not knowing how to face anything? They make me glad I'm not in love myself, anon, and I mean that in the nicest possible way. Love is just too ... complicated, sometimes. OTL

Oh hey, Matthew's finally telling Alfred how he feels about having to make all the calls? *victory dances all over the keyboard :D* “Kiss me, stupid,” said Alfred, and for the first time, he was the one that ( ... )


Re: Writer!anon's Notes (LJ COMMENT SPACE YOU ARE HATE) anonymous August 31 2010, 07:47:01 UTC
Can't wait to see Matthew act out all his fantasies.
After all those chapters, he deserves it, right? Please?


Re: Writer!anon's Notes (LJ COMMENT SPACE YOU ARE HATE) anonymous August 31 2010, 09:30:51 UTC
SEX IS ON THE AGENDA writer!anon you have to have sex with lots of matthew's drama and thoughts and more descriptions of mr. jones' hot body and LOTS OF SEXY SEX
eugh I can't wait to see how this fic turns out, i have this awful, awful premonition that even though it's lovely and i hyperventilate with AWW ADORBALES whenever i think about them and this fic, SOMETHING BAD WILL HAPPEN AM I RIGHT?
in any case.
i love you and i'd love sex.


Re: Writer!anon's Notes (LJ COMMENT SPACE YOU ARE HATE) anonymous August 31 2010, 09:50:02 UTC
I-I love the way you describe Alfred's body. Like. Always. Because it SHOULDN'T BE SEXY but it is and it's like, just, you can tell how in love Matt is, it's just soooo adorable. I like the freckles. >3< Oh freckles.

As for sex...ummm O_o; I've never actually read something where I didn't even want the sex. But something about just the way it is, is so damn sweet...I don't even. I mean, with your writing prowess you could probably pull off the sex and make it emotional and beautiful er something. But...HOW THE HELL-I GOT INTO IT FOR THE SEX AND NOW I DUN EVEN WANT IT?!?!

Just sleeping in the same bed was so cute...gahhhhh *melts* And the whispering to each other....I thought my inner romantic was DEAD.


Re: Writer!anon's Notes (LJ COMMENT SPACE YOU ARE HATE) anonymous August 31 2010, 11:58:51 UTC
Okay, um, I've never commented before because I didn't want to waste space with my incoherent babbling...but I can't help it anymore..

When I first started to read this story, I thought it'd be something quick and pointless. But you, oh you, anon, have turned it into something better than some novels I've read. If this were a book, I'd be waiting in front of the book store at 4am a week before its release date; just so I could say I owned one of the first copies. Then I'd go on the internet like a dork and find out where you would be book signing. And I'd go there; no matter how far away; no matter how long. Just so I can ask you how your mind works in person, because this story is brilliant and beautiful and oh goodness, so full of real emotion; it's gorgeous.

Sorry for the long, gushing, waste of precious space comment, but I couldn't help it. Also, sex would be good...but part of me really just wants to see them fall asleep together...


Re: Writer!anon's Notes (LJ COMMENT SPACE YOU ARE HATE) anonymous August 31 2010, 14:19:45 UTC
Alfred laughed against the hollow of his throat.

“Stay tonight,” he said.



The stickers above them were something he could get used to. "Okay."

... SERIOUSLY AUTHOR!ANON I DON'T CARE HOW MUCH TIME IT TAKES YOU TO UPDATE IF YOU GIVE US SUCH BEAUTY. <3 I'm also very curious about the way you'll write sex, so I'll sign up for that, too. It's purely esthetic appreciation, I swear!


Thank you. anonymous August 31 2010, 15:03:39 UTC


Re: Writer!anon's Notes (LJ COMMENT SPACE YOU ARE HATE) anonymous September 1 2010, 01:33:40 UTC

This is AWESOME! ♥

I feel it is about to take a turn for the heartbreaking, but awesome nonetheless D:D


Re: Writer!anon's Notes (LJ COMMENT SPACE YOU ARE HATE) anonymous September 1 2010, 02:24:22 UTC
Eeep, I still feel so nervous--you're doing a FANTASTIC job with the foreshadowing and building of impending doom, btw O__O!!!!!
But the two of them are still so so lovely, oh my.

THIS LINE: They curled around each other, Alfred in nothing but his pajama pants and a towel that caught the worst of the droplets that cascaded down his neck, and Matthew in stasis. Absolutely gorgeous. Absolutely brilliant. I re-read that line like five times ( ... )


AND NOW FOR MORE SEX anonymous September 1 2010, 04:18:09 UTC
Millionth-ing the love for sex here.

Also, for all of those anons who've never seen this anon write sex: PLEASE, DIRECT YOURSELF IN THIS DIRECTION.

part 1, part 2, and part 3.



Re: Writer!anon's Notes (LJ COMMENT SPACE YOU ARE HATE) anonymous September 1 2010, 06:46:39 UTC
Some smex would make a lot of people happy, I think. (And not just Mattie and Alfred...) SO YES, DEFINITELY.

This is my first time commenting, EVER. I love the way you write, so please, don't stop!


Re: Writer!anon's Notes (LJ COMMENT SPACE YOU ARE HATE) anonymous September 1 2010, 16:31:33 UTC
Long time reader, first time commenting, blah blah blah.

I don't actually know what to say, other than what everyone else has already mentioned. I don't usually read things that are popular, so it took a while for me to start reading this.

I saw multiple fanart pieces for this, and though it turned me off of ever reading it, after the third or fourth I was pretty much like "Fine fine I'll read it already! But it better not suck."

Of course, it didn't. That's why I'm here.

Thank-you so much for writing this, and I look forward to reading more.

I only wish I knew what to say in comments....

- 4


RANDOM ANON IS BACK! anonymous September 3 2010, 04:27:47 UTC



Re: Writer!anon's Notes (LJ COMMENT SPACE YOU ARE HATE) anonymous September 5 2010, 00:32:54 UTC
Nicely written as always, anon! Your Alfred Jones is as lovable as always.

I, er, have what may be an unpopular opinion, but I'd like to share it. Don't get me wrong, this is an extremely well-written story and I know you want to go with the relationship... But I actually vote against the sex at this point... I dunno, I really, really liked the fic when it was Matthew's incredible UST, before the relationship angst.


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