Past-Part Fills Part 4--closed

Feb 27, 2011 12:28

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Re: Writer!anon's Notes (LJ COMMENT SPACE YOU ARE HATE) anonymous August 31 2010, 07:18:49 UTC
“Okay. So is there a reason all the lovers you just mentioned end up having a terrible fate?”

Dr. Bonnefoy gestured dismissively. “Minor details.”

Oh my god, Francis. Ahahaha. XD ♥

You know, Kiku is kind of an awesome friend, and I really enjoyed their thoughts on love there. His just seemed very in character, you know?

... I should have expected that Valentine to be the dorkiest, gayest, most awesome thing ever. I really should have, so how did that take me by surprise? XD

When he hurried out of the classroom, there were no footsteps in the hall but his own; he felt impossibly glad and angry at the same time. That and the line about not knowing how to face anything? They make me glad I'm not in love myself, anon, and I mean that in the nicest possible way. Love is just too ... complicated, sometimes. OTL

Oh hey, Matthew's finally telling Alfred how he feels about having to make all the calls? *victory dances all over the keyboard :D* “Kiss me, stupid,” said Alfred, and for the first time, he was the one that trapped Matthew against the sofa cushions and stole the words right out of his mouth. And Alfred actually got it right away? *_* Yesssss, they're getting it right! *victorious fist pump* Now it's time for everything to go horribly wrong!

Augh, and they still have to fantasize about falling asleep together? Even innocently? T_T But wait, I-- Oh god yes, sex please? *_* I'm all starry-eyed at the idea-- No, I mean, we're all jonesing for-- (Insert something that's not a retarded pun here or I'll start making jokes about the gravitation of love. OTL)



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